Oh Dog....are we havin' the best time yet! Lacie and I went for a run with Babystan down the bunny slope. I looked everywhere, but didn't see any rabbits. Darn...I probably coulda caught one on these newly waxed skis!!! Lacie got cold...at least she SAID she got cold...so she went into the lodge to hang out with a certain terrier from Boston....not a Boston terrier. A terrier from Boston. There is a difference. Babystan took a couple more runs...he's been trying to keep Cassidy from hurtin' her leggie again on the slopes. That dog is hard to rein in....no wonder Harry is in such good shape and looks and acts like half his age. I decided to head over to the more advanced area.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......P O W D E R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um...it's easy to catch a tip in powder too...And I took my helmut off....so I could look cooler. This is a very disturbing turn of events. The Scruffman is OUTTA CONTROL!
Scruffy, are you ok. I saw you wizzing past and thought you might be out of control. Hope you didn't hurt yourself.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Oh my...is Scruf OK? We don't want any more terriers on crutches! And someone better sit on Cassidy, her mom will be mad at all of us if she gets hurt
gussie's muzzer
I sure hope there is no brain damage?! Maybe you should join me over by the fire and rest your melon?
OMD!! Scruffy, are you ok?
We hope you're fine! But apart from that, looks like you're having fun!!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oh No!! Scruffy!!
Please be careful, my dear. You are my sweet Valentine. Please don't get hurt at my pawty and break my heart. I love you.
Koobuss Kisses,
Yikes! And we thought we wee out of control zooomie freaks!
wags from the whippets
Oh No Scruffy
Awe you OK????
That looks like a vewy bad spilll..I'm coming I aweady called the emewgency ski patwol..they'll be hewe in a minute..
I think this will take mowe than the wawm watews of the whiwlpool
Yikes Scruffy, I hope you've got no brusies. I feel a bit guilty that poor BabyStan bit off more than he could chew offering to escort that wayward sister of mine!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Thank goodness the snow is powder and feels like a gigantic pillow! We've giggled so much that our sides hurt!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my, what a bad fall! I hope you're alright...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Be careful Scruffy! I never knew you were such a daredevil!
wowweee, you sure look like you are having some fun. we hope that the ScruffMan is okay and you didn't land on your head. hee hee!
WE TOLD YOU NEVER TO GO WITHOUT YOUR HELMET!!!!!! Oh boy, we all may be in some serious trouble here........Maybe you can say it flew off...Love A+A
My goodness are you OK? Why I need to come over and hold your paw...that looks like a speeding bullet not a skiing WFT....that is the way you get hurt...didn't your Mumsie tell you that ? Slow down boy !!!!
Ya know.....I am feeling pretty let down right now....I think, I think.....my girl Lacie....has gone sweet on another Wire.....surely that cannot be....I heard someone from Boston was trying to take my place.....I must tell ya...I don't like to lose...no siree...might have to body slam the guy...where is he????
Dewey Dewster here....
Lacie and Archie sitting under a tree. K I S S I N G! Hehehe! J x
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