Okay...so I said I wasn't wearin' that horrid cheerleader outfit Mumsie picked out. So how's this one? Lookin' into my crystal ball, I'm figurin' I'm grounded for at least a day. Perhaps if you doggies could tell Mumsie that would be cruel...that I'm only tryin' to express myself....it might help.

Ya gotta admit...this IS SO NOT ME.

Joes Stains snapped this of us....on our way into to do a little gamblin'. Babystan LOVES to gamble....he um...lost. Scruffy lost, too.
La la la la la la la.....I didn't.
Whoa! pant pant
Bussie Kissies
great to hear that u got some wins in the casino..
Yup..I think Butcho is right there...that's a Cowboy's cheerleader thingy. But don't worry, we don't think anyone else will know, and the colors are OK.
pee ess...muzzer says she has an old one in the closet..it has a skirt, a heavy turtleneck sweater, cuffed socks and a pair of "saddle shoes" AND she says it is worse than either of your Mom's choices.
Tell your Mom sorry about the Casino, and the food!! You look GREAT in that cheering outfit!
Hey Lacie, lookin' good! Hope you're not grounded for TOO long! J x
Hey Lacie!
Hee hee... nice outfit!! We bet the boys are not paying much attention to the game. We hope you don't get grounded, you're just trying to express yourself, right?
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Scruffy, Lacie & Stan!
My mama wants to send you something - a sample of the yummy dog treats we're making (it's doggie jerky!) - if you want some, just drop me an email with your address (my email is bogarthandsomedevildog@yahoo.com) and I'll get ya some right out!
that's some cheerleader costume. you look - hot. woof!
Hi, friends!
Sure we all had great time this weekend!
Those casinos are not good!
Kisses and hugs
Oh me thinks you will definitely be grounded! Maybe you can take my place in crate prison???
Cassidy x
Hi guys, Mom says she will take more pictures of the wheeled Airedale as soon as she gets her new camera. Her name is Pockets2 and the non wheeled one is Peaches. Our dad isn't from the Burgh, but he lived in Shadyside, Ohio for awhile. He's a HUGE Steelers fan!
Great cheerleading outfit. You will be lucky to only be grounded for a day!
so how long are you grounded for? We liked you in the outfit.
That's a very 'hot' outfit! :)
Momo & Pinot
See Lacie, The boyz oved it!! Even if you'we gwounded fow a day, you gotta admit the weaction you got was wowth it, hehehe( I think wed is a gweat colow fow you)
Scwuffie and baby Stan, did you get into twouble fow losing all youw money and the stuff you pawned??
I suwe hope ot..it was such a fabulous weekend
I'm going to go look fow Lacie now
smoochie kisses
Lacy, gal, so you actually did put on that outfit (I had some hazy memory of it, but thought it was just the hot dogs talkin'). Yikes! Its a little, er, disturbing, seeing you decked out like that.
Woah Lacie, how many boys have you managed to stop in their tracks so far? You look deliciously PHAT (pretty, hawt & tempting) in that cheerleading outfit!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Maybe Mumsie's mad because your cheerleading outfit was a Dallas Cowboys one and not a Pittsburgh Steeler one. You picked the wrong team, Lacie.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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