Oh, and NEWSFLASH....I think she might be sweet on a certain Wire Fox Terrier from Boston. He sent her a Valentine and she blushed to the roots of her red hair...er fur. She talks bout him ALL the time. How handsome he is, how brave and heroic...um what else.....pretty soon she's gonna be routing for all Boston teams....and she sez her tummy feels funny; bouncy like, when he limps er walks into a room. Now I'm not naming names here. Cause she'd kill me. And ya don't wanna see Lac when she's in a tither.

If you click on this photo, you will see the Mountain Dew can that I absconded from the fridge pack in the garage. MMMMMMMMM!!! The other dogs chased me 'round the yard. I bit a hole in it and was rather stunned when it sorta 'ploded all inside my mouth. After a few minutes, it just came out in a drizzle. So I bit off the end of the can...crushed it in my huge Dale jaws...and dumped it into the snow!
Using my large Dale nose, I mixed it to the pawfect DEW SLUSHIE!!!!! Yes...I know it looks like Scruff lifted his leg there...but NO...it's Dew....all three of us enjoyed eatin' it. Then we completely spazzed out from caffeine overload. Can you imagine three terriers wired on Mountain Dew??? WOOOOT!

Pee Ess Mumsie asked me to tell you guys that our Scruffy's Barkday is NOT until March. It's the other cute little Scruffy whose Barkday is in a couple of days!!! How did they get so many Scruffys in the world??????
Hey Stan,
You're so lucky that Scruffy & Lacie let you post now and again. I hardly ever get the chance to post. Noah is a puter hog!!!!! I had to sculk around just to write this.
Hi, Babystan!
Glad to see you blogging!
My mom says that those Dews taste funny!
Kisses and hugs
i bet they are delicious n yummy to eat...is somply refreshing...since it kinda hot here in malaysia...
Stan it is nice to have news from you ! I love the picture of you in the chair.... you look like the king !
Kisses, Faya
Hey Stanley! Wow, you have very shiny pearly whites! What are Dews?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Mmmmm! A Mountain Dew slushie sounds very delicious!
Glad they let you post, Stan! You're good with cans just like I am! Isn't it fun to sink your tooth through the aluminum till you feel a squirt?!
Yer friend,
Whoa...a Dew slushie...too cool!! And the caffeine high must have been a sight to see!! Well sorry Scruffy we were a bit early then!!!And Lacie Archie has a question,Uh Lacie, do you know anyone else in Boston besides me?? (this is what it is like having him for a brother......SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) Great post Baby Stan!! Love and kisses Agatha and Archie who is blushing blushing blushing
We think Lacie and um..that dog from Boston will make a perfect pair! We would like to try that Mountain Dew slushie, but we don't have any snow to mix it with. Stan, we love your large Dale mouf! It looks just like ours!
Poppy & Penny
Oh I love Dew but there really hasn't been any in the house since Dad left. A Dew slushie would be good good good.
BabySTan!!! Yeah ! yu got to post..how cool is that! You look fabulous in that chaiw and i love youw laugh(such bootiful teefies) I love youw dew slushie...wish I could have been thewe to shawe some..
I know who loves Lacie..nya,nya,nya,nya, hehehehe
Isn't young love gwand!!!
I want a Valentine too
smoochie kisses
Mom won't even get any Dew so I won't find out what a Dew slushie is.. she says we don't need the caffeine either!
(I don't let anyone else blog either -- let them get their own!)
Oh BabyStan,
I'm not so sure it is a good idea to take over Lacie's job as alpha dog. She's not going to like that. Scruffy tells me that she can be pretty tough. You better watch yourself. I heard that she grabbed Scruffy by the you-know-what. Don't let that happen to you. It could be very embarrassing.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hi Stan,
Ooohh a Dew slushie, I'll have to try one of those. We have enough snow to make hundreads if not thousands of slushies around here. So glad Scruffy and Lacie let you post.
Your pal,
omdog doin the dew, I would hate to see Tanner on that dew stuff. sounds like you really are taking over, but don't get too comfortable and keep an eye looking over your shoulder...
You sure look happy on that chair BabyStan. I think you have a cute nose
~ Girl girl
Hi hi Babystan! Me is glad you getted the chair. Me has taken over Harry's under stairs hidey hole!
Not long now til the pawty. My leggy be fine now, so me be ready to have fun in the snow (with or without Mountain Dew!)
Cassidy x
Baby Stan
You are soooooo cute, you sure had fun with that Dew can, yellow snow.
Please ask Mumsie if Seymour can come to the Valetines Pawty I want to meet him, what happed to his/her pups, they reminded me of meself. Hee,hee
Westminster tonight
pee ess Keeper actually put up pics
Oh our dogs! If we added caffeeine to our diet, watch out!!! The End of the World! Once Sam I Am ate a coffee bean and woo-HOOOO craziness ensued!
wags from the whippets
I like your version of yellow snow!
Yes, looks like you took over Lacie's chair, she'll have to get a new one. :)
Are you sure that yellow snow was Mountain Dew?!
WOW!! Look at you grow!! :o)
Did you guys (and gal) watch Westminster yesterday?? See all the cool terriers??
HM wants to get one of each as my fur siblings! BOL! I think either one of you would be pawesome!
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