OK...so what if it's February...I'm ready for spring....like it???? My new hat, I mean? Now that you're concentrating on how cute I am, I need to apologize...My sweet Archie, Agatha and Asta...(all A's) sent us bootiful pressies....lotsa stuffies and bones....for Valentine's Day...my Barkday, Scruffy's Barkday....(next week, but that Agatha is so efficient.....) Anyway, we took the bestest pix....and MUMSIE LOST THEM. Like they are gone. I'm thinkin' she erased the memory stick. I mean in the camera. Mumsie's memory stick was erased a LONG time ago....she's gotta be close to 200 years old now. Mybe that's why she screws up the puter, camera, her cell phone etc etc. (She was in Verizon today and had to ASK the man workin' there how to capitalize on her cell phone...who types in caps in a text msg. anyway.....???) But, we are very sorry for Mumsie's inefficiancy with regard to our pressies.....Thank you all for your generosity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got another pressie from Koobuss!!!!!!!!! I gave the boyz permission to open it....Scruffy snuck this cute sheepie out of the box first and well, destuffed it. I gathered ALL the stuffin' up and will sew the poor guy back together.......those foxy wires....what is it with them??? So destructive.

Lookie at Babystan....back on his feet.....pullin' all these stuffies outta the box!

There was a pic before this showin' him gnashin' his large Dale jaws on the box....Stan likes to make sure all cardboard is broken down before it goes into our recycle bin.

As you can see he gets a little too enthusiastic for the project. There's cardboard everywhere!!! He loved it!

Isn't my new Stuffie Easter Bonnet Bunny Hat just the latest????????????? (I heard that they are all the rage in Paris this spring!) It makes me happiest just to slip it on and think bout the warm weather that's just round the corner......THANK YOU KOOBIE FOR ALL THE PRESSIES!!!!!!!!! I waaaaaas gonna let Scruffy write this post but his tummy's been a tad upset and I didn't figure he could describe my new bonnet correctly.
Babystan seems to be completely recovered from his surgery. Keepin' that big boy quiet is harder to do than I thought. No stairs for 7-10 days, my Lakie posterior....what am I supposed to do...carry him up?????
I will let Scruffy post next. I guess.
OMD...you look bootiful in your bonnet! You are such a fashion superstar!!! Oh and I'm so sorry for missing your barkday. I feel so bad...I blame my Mom and her silly (and annoying) work schedule. I sure hope you can forgive me!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh boy, maybe your mom is almost as old as muzzer! We have "difficulties" here too...Hard to believe this woman used to be a whiz at what were then known as computers! Anyway....glad Stan is feelin better, sorry about Scruffy's tummy and happy barkday to all, and we are sorry we missed them, or they missed us, or somethin!
ps...Teka LOVES, LUUVS the hat.
She says it looks delicious
Hi, Lacie!
You look great with that hat!
Sure it was nice to get all those presents!
I hope Scruffy feels better soon! Glad to hear that Stan is doing well!
Kisses and hugs
My Lacie,
You look sensational in your new hat! I didn't even know it was a hat. Silly me. Maybe my mom can find one for me to wear this Easter.
Stan did an excellent job of shredding the box. In his spare time he can be a cardboard shredder.
And last, but certainly not least, I hope my dear Scruffy is feeling better soon. I think he needs some cheering up during these last dreary weeks of winter. We have to find something fun to do.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
omdog you look so cute in that last picture I fell over! go stan with breaking down the cardboard, it looks like fun, except I have to admit I am scared of boxes :|
Hey Lacie,
It's me, Koobuss, again.
I showed grandpa your picture. He said, "Look at the hare on her head!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
When your hat's not on, did your "hare cut". HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! As they say, "Hare today, gone tomorrow." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
You hared enough. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You have definitely stawted a twend!!! That is the best looking Eastew bonnet I've evew seen and I just have to have one!!!!!
I'm so glad you all liked youw pwessies too bad none of them last at anybodies house(mine disappeaw into the hospital in a flash...Don't twy to cawwy babyStan, cause then you'll be in the hospital with a bwocken back.
smoochie kisses
You belong on the catwalk with that hat Lacie......sensational!!!
Glad to hear Babystan is up and about. Looks like he had heaps fun totalling that box.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
You look so cute Lacie. Koobie sure is nice to send all the pawsome gifts. Good to hear that BabyStan is better now
~ Girl girl
You look just adorable in your Easter bonnet, Lacie!
Mitch does the same thing to cardboard! He doesn't eat it - he just shreads it and makes a big mess!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my stars! Your bonnet is so, er, you!
My momma had her cellphone for over a year and didn't even know she could text message until somebody sent her one (and she says I'm a big dummy).
Bingo Lacie ! VĂ©ronique just felt in love with you and your easter bonnet....
Kisses, Faya
Lacie, you look completely and utterly adorable!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hi Lacie
Your Easter bonnet is gorgeous, you look adorable in it. Great news that Baby Stan is feeling so much better.
Molly and Taffy
You look bootiful in your new Easter bonnet! I bet your recycling company really appreciates BabyStan breaking down all the cardboard. They might not appreciate all the Aire-slobber though.
Poppy & Penny
Wow, great box of goodies! I'd LOVE to shred that box up too. Let's have a box shredding pawty next time! That Easter bunny hat looks sooooo cute on you Lacie!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Lacie, that Easter bonnet is the most adorable little hat I have ever seen! You look so beautiful and fashionable, too.
Fun fun fun pressies!!! Glad Babystan is feeling fine again, too.
wags from the whippets
Well you must go right out and buy the latest Vogue magazine.They are showing your hat as the LATEST wear for spring!! You trend setter!! Get rid of your shredder now that you have Babystan!! Hope poor Scruffy feels better(read Chapter 16 of your nursing book,Caring for the male wire fox terrier that has eaten too much stuffing from a from a stuffie)ANd I agree with Asta...do NOT cary Stan up the stairs of you will have to follow chapter 3 in your nursing book...the little lakie with back injuries from carrying too much weight) Love and smoochies Agatha
Dearest Lacie,Do NOT carry babystan or you will end up like me........a poor little wirey boy with a sore back. Oh no I mean not a wiry boy, oh dear I mean ,I get so flubbered talking to you.......Love Archie
Love the pink bunny hat. My Mom collects bunny things and has a "bunny bathroom" downstairs for guests. It's chock full of rabbit stuff. Maybe she could wear a bunny hat in there...
Hope your brothers feel better soon!
William Tell
Laaaaacieeeeeeeee... you look so utterly, incredibly, insanely adorable in that bonnet!!
hahahah..... u looks so funny with that outfit....
can't stop laughing here.....wuahahah
Oh Lacie, J1 was crying with laughter at your bonnet. As for me, I think it looks pretty swell! J x
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