Well...one of Mumsie's nicknames for Babystan is "Horsehead." I have to admit this pix I snapped it taking his nickname to new heights...or perhaps lows as they are on the mule trip to the BOTTOM of the Grand Canyon. No, I did NOT think of this myself. I had NO idea that Scruffy was gonna ride Babystan all that way, plus make him carry a cowboy, too!!! But what a fab idea! Look at the way he's tossin' his Dale/Mule head. Probably flies. I sprayed him with a can of fly spray. He's really gonna stink on the planeride home now. Muzzer said she'll toss both of em in the pool. I think it's gonna be a necessity now. Had to be a long hike for both him and his riders. Scruffy is walkin' in a whole new way tonight. SADDLE SORE!

I thought I'd share some pix from the mud bath Scruff and me took today. Look at that bright Arizona sun. Haven't seen that in the Burgh since last summer.
Oh, these above two photos are too DEPRESSIN' for words. These are the outfits Mumsie said I could choose from for the cheerleadin' that we girlies are gonna do this weekend.
News Flash. NO. Like NOT. I wefuse to wear that childish outfit. I am almost 1 year old. Not happening.
Wasn't that mud bath just divine???
I could do this evewy weekend....
honestly Lacie..one would think thewe wewe noothew giwls awound the way those boys wewe hovewing awound you fow a dance, hehehe..didyou use some special magic enticing spway??? you gotta tell me..my feet awe sowe..but what fun...
do you think we could sneep in tomowwow????
smoochie kisses,
Those photos are just phantastic!!! We are lovin' the 'Zona zunshine too. Ahhhh.
wags from the whippets
Stan's face doesn't look like a horse or a mule at all! He's a got a very cute fuzzy face...Wow, I haven't had a mud bath for a very loooong time! Must join you guys some day.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
But you would look so cute in a cheerleader's outfit!!
Great pics Lacie. The muddy face really suits you. As for poor Stan, what a thing to do to a dale lol. Poor guy must have been exhausted hauling a cowboy down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
Bet your looking forward to your first birthday.
Hugs & tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Lacie - Do NOT let your Mom put you in any dumb outfits. Once they start, they never stop! Fortunately, they don't make doggie clothes in my size or who knows what I might be subjected to?
Mango Man
Lacie...thanks for the dance, I hope you are OK after our busy weekend.
Great pics!! The mud bath looks so fun! We just want to jump into the picture!!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey, I love mud too! Drives my Mom crazy 'cause we Bedlingtons are shown so nice and clean and fluffy -- ha! Just see how dirty I can be, and I'm happy to be dirty!
It's sunny here today, too, but not near warm enough to go swimmin'....
Mmmm, mud baths rock! J x
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