That bird is like watching me......hmmm.........

I snatched the bird up, but she flew in the sink. Not that Mumsie doesn't find Goobermud sacred.....but I was chewin' the bird and gettin' sacred Goobermud all over the sofa.
So Mumsie gave her a bath....and wasted all of that sacred mud!
(Lacie: I coulda used it for a mud face pack...I'm sure that's how Stella keeps her youthful complexion.........)

Here's Miss Bubbles....Daddy came home from work and said there must be a reason WHY in the (bad word) we had a pink flamingo in our dishdrainer. Mumsie said it was a long story...he said he didn't even want the short story and went and hid behind the newspaper. But the Miss Bubbles was watchin' him....just waitin' to attack. She didn't but she's just waitin' for the right time!

LOOKIE at all of the stuff they sent....this was celebrating my arrival to Scruffy and Lacie's Place. (Course now it's Stan's Place, but who's to quibble.....)
We are some spoiled rotten Terriers!

Yeppers...I look like my mentor...my Hero.....the one whose name I stole....(well, Bruvver stole it...Mumsie wanted to name me Dale....how unoriginal.) Miss Bubbles is fab....I gave here some Goober butt nibbles....there were directions in the package from Stan, himself. How to Nibble on a Flamingo....
We have the bestest friends.....I never dreamed of coming to a home that welcomed a new Dale with such Joy! To all who welcomed me...plus Stan and Stella....you and ur Girl are the best.....AND tell ur Girl to hurry up with that thesis......
We have the bestest friends.....I never dreamed of coming to a home that welcomed a new Dale with such Joy! To all who welcomed me...plus Stan and Stella....you and ur Girl are the best.....AND tell ur Girl to hurry up with that thesis......
We love ya and miss you, Guys!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Babystan!
Sure you got a big box full of presents from Stand and Stella! They are so nice!
I hope you enjoy all your toys!
Looks like Miss Flamingo is checking every movement in your house!
Kisses and hugs
Lovely pressies from Stan and Stella. The flamingo is great, and you seem to know instinctively how to chew on her. We hope you have a good time, and that you all share nicely.
Nice pressies from Stan (he is the best to choose pressies) and Stella ! I am sure you will enjoy living with Miss Flamingo !
Kisses, Faya
What fun for you!!! If I were the dad in your house, I would fear the flamingo!
wags from the whippets
nibble nibble nibble...
such a big box of pressie from stan n stella...
that pink flamingo looks lovely..
Wow, Miss Bubbles look happy in new home! You getted BIG parcel with lots of great stuff!
Me is looking forward to Valentine pawty BabyStan. Leggy be much better so me can have fun, whee!
Cassidy x
Wow, what a huge box of goodies! Even Scruffy can fit in it! Stanley even gave you one of his flamingo, sooo kewl!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Miss Flamingo looks very happy at your house already, guys! We think it's a match made in Heaven! We loved her getting a bath! hehehehe
Stanley and Stella send the most fun boxes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Scruffy, Lacie and Stan! I cannot believe you do not have any catfriends yet. I am happy to meet you and I hope we can be friends. You all seem very nice.
I must say that I laughed out loud when I saw that pink flamingo in your drying rack!
Wow, that's some cool presies, I esp. like that pink bird!
Mommy asks pls where did you get those cute WFT stuffies that you sent to Agatha and Archie. We want to buy some too!
thanks guys,
Hello Scruffy, Lacie and Stan!!
first of all....
Lacie, happy barkday!!! (One more day to go but we couldn't wait!)
No wonder Pink Flamingo looks VERY familiar to us. She's a pressie from Gooberstan & Gooberstella. :) Miss Pink Flamingo took a bath already? That's a nice welcome treatment. :)
Enjoy your pressie!!
Momo & Pinot
HI Babystan
What pawsome presents Goobie and Stella gave you and I love the pink bird.
Would you please wish Lacie A VERY HAPPY BARKDAY from us. We hope she has a very fun day with lots of cake and presents.
Love from Hammer
WOW! nice pressies! You are some lucky pups!!
btw: nice bum Lacie! Aroooo! ;o)
Yep, Ms Flamingo made herself right at home, even nesting in the dish drain. She appears to be a fun gal, too. What a nice gift!
~William Tell
Man, Look at all those toys!
I don't think I have ever seen a flamingo before. Lucky dogs!
hey kiddos, that pink flamingo looks familiar to us 'cuz it's just like the one that our mom THREW AWAY. yep, we had one, we chewed it, we ran around the yard with it, we abused it, and what did she do - she pitched it. how could she? it's obvious that she doesn't understand how important pink flamingos are to us dogs. you guys are lucky. your mom washed yours. our mom killed ours.
The flamingo in the dish rack is priceless and PL2 can't stop laughing at him(well really at all the antics!!!) Stan the baby man you are one oucky little dude!!!(and yes we have death grips at times too way to go) Love and smoochies A+A
Oh BabyStan,
What terrific presents you got there! It was so nice of GooberStan and GoobetteStella to send them to you. Do you plan to share any of them with my Scruffy and his adorable sister Lacie? After all, they love you. Hehe. Scruffy may have to use his death grip if you don't.
Ms. Flamingo looked right at home on the pot on your drainboard. Do you think that she thought it was an egg? Sometimes pink birds get confused.
And, Happy Birthday, Lacie, you little doll baby!!
Love ya,
Extra Koobuss Kisses,
What a fantastic box full of great things from Stanley and Stella, we thought the flamingo looking out of the window was so funny.
Happy birthday Lacie
Molly and Taffy
OMG Babystan, what a great surprise. That's the best package ever. Actually looking at you is just like looking at the original Goob!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
hm I dont think its weird to see a bird in the dish drain! stan and stella sure are COOL!!!!
Hey Babystan, what pawsome gifts! How long will the flamingo last, I wonder?
Wow! What a great box o' gifts. I have a death grip too. The key I think is to bite down hard enough that your human can't pry your jaws open - and while they're trying, swallow the whole thing!! Is that what you do?
Your friend, Lenny
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