However, he was foolin' around on the chairlift and um...fell off of it from a rather astounding height. The surgeon said he was lucky there was so much snow under him or it coulda been worse! He also said Scruffy's blood alchohol level was elevated and found a certain flask in his pocket...empty.
Other injury reports:
Stanley: mild concussion from his use of the "no-look, no-ski" technique...treated in ER and released. The ER doc said that he needs to be awakened every 2 hours tonight to check his pupils and his mental status. (Am I allowed to giggle here...Stan's mental status???) Anyway, Asta AND Ruby are going to stay with him tonight. Hmm.
Lenny: high ankle sprain (didn't know dawgs had ankles...but have you ever seen the length of Lenny's legs??? They're high alright!) He's on crutches for 6-8 weeks with a lot of therapy needed. He needed the extra tall crutches dispensed. Cost more $$.
Mitch: Injured Dale Snoot. He seems to have hit a tree sideways and smacked his nose on it. Ouchie.....! Treatment is a large ice bag applied to the affected area for 20 minutes 4 times a day. Never apply ice directly to the skin.
Butchy: Fell off red sled; has a possible rotator cuff tear in his right shoulder. Discharged with arm in sling....needs to see surgeon when gets home after swelling goes down. Will require physical therapy several times/week.
Dewey: seems to have fallen off side of mountain. Scruffy swears he didn't push him as he was already admitted to the ER prior to Dewey's fall from er grace. He has extensive lacerations that required stitches, multiple abrasions, some fur loss, and for some reason inablility to void. Like pee. So he's going home with a foley catheter. Has to see a urologist promptly when returning to Pittsburgh. Mumsie knows some good ones.
GirlGirl: Sustained fall from chairlift into deep snow. NONE of the terriers could find her. Thankfully, Amber-Mae was able to locate her before she froze! Unhurt, but presented in ER with hypothermia. Needed warming blankets, heated IV fluids etc etc. to get her temp. up to normal. Got a free tooth trimming while there.
The question of pet insurance was brought up for this group.
Asta Marie (having a degree in gambling and business) set up a table outside of Mt. Hairy's ER and conveniently sold insurance to ALLDOGS and hammies needin' it on the way in.
So there ya have it...what a weekend.
I'm nursing tonight. Archie, Dewey, Butchy and Scruffy all laid out in a row by the fire in Mt. Hairy Lodge. They've already requested poker chips and cards.
Thanks to KOOBIE for being the hostess with the mostest! We had the best weekend ever!!!!!
Cripes, accidents are bound to happen on ski weekends but so many....we must be an unlucky lot!!
Hope everyone that got hurt is doing ok.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
We are having great fun in spite of all those accidents!
I guess we need more practice with our skiing skills!
Kisses and hugs
Oh boy,
I knew something like this was going to happen as soon as I saw all the guys go up the mountain together. Boys will be boys, except for GirGirl.
At least all the injured received excellent care at Mount Hairy Hospital. You just can't say enough about the facilities here.
Thank You for the very thorough report. It sounds as though everyone will be fine, if they follow doctor's orders. (Yeah, right!)
Good job!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Boy, that Asta Marie is sure on the ball.
Good thing we have such excellent nursing care available!!! Lacie to the rescue!
wags from the uninjured whippets
So many injuries! But at least they'll be ok soon!
And yes, we had a pawsome weekend at the pawty too!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Oïe, Aïe, ouch....
Kisses, Faya
Blimey us terriers (and hamsterriers) certainly seem accident prone, don't we? Was fun though, wasn't it! J x
My nose is swollen and I look like Bozo but I wouldn't trade this weekend for anything! We sure did have a blast!
Yer friend,
Hi there!
What a week-end!
You're really getting lots of practice for your nursing skills.
Ski school maybe needed before next trip. I was amazed I was up right, when ski-ing on Asta's photo!
Just in case my new blog image, the blue door, shown when I now make 'Comments' doesn't raise your curiosity, I'd better let you know formally, I'm back blogging as I missed you all. Have a fresh home!
Best wishes, pats & pets
Yikes! Mt. Hairy sounds like a dangerous place. You call that fun? Sigh, terriers...
Yikes, that's a lotta bad accidents. But it sounds like everybody is on the mend now.
I am so so glad I spent most of my time in the lodge and the casino, its so much safer there!!! We hope all dogs are healing well!
Thank goodness for that pet insurance...I'm not sure my mom will let me go to the next party if it as much fun as this one was!
Your friend, Limping Lenny
Well Arch is THRILLED he has so many companions now.....POKER EVERYONE....PL2 was a titch annoyed when she saw him on skis but I explained that he wasn't really skiing it just looked like he was.Love A+A Ah,did you happen to find the flask in all the melee????
Oh my! Mom is quite happy that I didn't go after seeing the injury report. I hope everyone heals really fast!!
Your pal,
ooopss...hope all the patient will be discharge from the hospital soon...
So injuries get you extended party time?
Bussie Kissies
Scruffy ,Lacie,babyStan..I hope evewyone is making full wecovewies..Stanley is fine, we monitowed him, and the west seem to be milking the injoowies just so they can stay and play pokew, heheh..what a fun time we all had!
smoochie kisses
Good thing AmberMae found me. My teefies look pawsome now after the free tooth trimming.
~ Girl girl
It's a good thing that injuries equal extra treats! You're doing a great job of nursing, Lacie! They'll all be back on their paws in no time!
Poppy & Penny
I'm glad to have located GG in time. Good thing my nose was functioning then! Phew!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi guys!
Yes, we had a great time with you at the pawty!!
Hope everyone's boo boos heal quickly!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Ouch! What a lot of injuries for such a fun trip. We're glad everyone survived.
jans funny farm
Despite all those minor accidents, I am sure you had a wonderful time! I had to stop myself from laughing when you said that the doc had to check on Stan's 'mental status' every 2 hours.. Hehehehe...
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