Obviously, this is NOT Babystan. This is who Babystan wants to be! Male dog, female dog, boar, tree, rock, stuffie....it doesn't matter...if it's available....it's fair game. I find it really irritating.

So I called our vettie and scheduled Stan's appointment for his "raisinectomy"...at this point it's more like a prunectomy or somethin'......SO....this Friday is the big day....I'm sure Mumsie will take the camera to document Stan's misery...er hospital stay. She's gonna see if they will let her or Bruvver back to be with the big lughead when he awakens...that dog is gonna HOWL. He is gonna drive the staff crazy with his singin'. Scruff's been givin' him plenty of advice 'bout how to sit...like to one side or the other....sounds uncomfortable. I plan to have his bed made up with fresh sheets and a large ice pack available.
High pitched barks.....(grin!)
Paws crossed for Babystan! I am sure everything is going to be ok!
Kisses and hugs
I second what Lorenza has to say. I'm sure Stan will be ok. He's one tough boy!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
what a big day, we will be thinking of his prunes and sending good vibes the whole day!
Stan, don't be bothered about your upcoming visit to the vet. Grandpa Angus had that done to him, but he was still a huge hump meister. He even Aire-humped. Har har har.
We'll be thinking about you, Stan! Mitch didn't have to wear the lampshade after his raisinectomy so be a good boy and you might be spared too, okay?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aw, my poor Baby Stan. Me hopes you be OK after and no hurty. Make sure you get well looked after and lots of fussing and treats.
Cassidy x
Ahhh, MAN!
Can none of us dales keep our balls? (Well, I guess Bogart still has his, so that's *something*).
Extra goober smooches flying to BabyStan in preparation for the raisin snipping. Be sure to take some for yourself, Lacie Girl. (By the way, how is Archie?)
Goober love & smooches,
Oh Stan ! I will be thinking of you but I am sure you will be fine...
Kisses, Faya
Oh my, that picture is sooo funny! Is he a big humper? I can't stand males who want to hum me, really. I'm not joking! Just as long they keep their distance then I'm fine.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Good luck Babystan! Do not worry, you don't really need those parts anyway.
Don't worry, BabyStan, you'll be fine! I don't know if it will stop your urge to hump, but it might slow it down a little. I, Poppy like to hump everything in sight and I never had any raisins!
Poppy & Penny
Baby Stan,good luck!! Be a good boy after( not like Archie who was a nudnik) AND DON"T LICK THE STITCHES!!!!! Lacie darling read Chapter 4 of you nursing manual(care of the male dale patient after raisinectomy) It will give you a few good tips.Uh Lacie,will you tell Scruffy that I send my love, I mean I say hello??Love Agatha PS How are you????Tell Mumsie that PL2 is ka-chinging it up pretty good and it looks like she is too!!
Lacie,I know you will be a great nurse to baby Stan because you were a FABULOUS nurse to me at the Lodge(excpet the one time where you accidently pushed me off the chair into the waiter who tripped and spilled all the drinks onto the ski instructors head)I can't wait till the next party to see you!!!(blush blush)hope you are feeling ok too!! love your Archie( is that too forward?)
Babystan will be just fine. I've been raisin-less for 6 years & it hasn't cramped my style one bit.
We'll be sending good vibes to him, though.
Oh Stan, we will welcome you to the not-so-intact club. Make sure you milk all the sympathy for all it's worth!
Your friend, Lenny
woofies Scruffy, Lacie and babyStan...doz dis mean we cant call ya BabyStan anymore...me hopies surgery goes pawsome and u not haff to ware dat ole cone...
b safe,
Cripes poor Babystan. It was bad enough when I had a little bit of skin removed from my belly. Never having had a raisonectomy I can't really comment but it sounds bl***y awful.
I hope none of you stawved! and I hope big Bwuvvew can go hold baby Stan's paws when he wakes up..I'll be cwossing my paws and thinking good thoughts all day long!
Lacie be nice to the little lug..OK?
Pee ess. I didn't use mousse, I used spit combined with city diwt..it wowks gweat!
smoochie kisses
I'm hoping BabyStan is ok.
Hope it's no ouchie
~ Girl girl
Poor Babystan. I feel for you pal. It's been a while since I kissed my raisins goodbye, but I still miss 'em! J x
My wheels r cquassed yuse waisinecomy goeses fine.
You sore is hansomest
We're crossing our paws so that Babystan will be ok!!
We're sure he will!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
It seems that all we doggies have to go through this--male, female, whatever. Consider it a right of passage, BabyStan. I hear it is much harder on us girls.
Good luck, sweeie!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
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