It's my 1st Barkday so I get to post...('Course I post an average of 3:1; outnumbering Scruffy and Babystan. But that's what happens if you're the alpha female.)
Thanks to all who sent well wishies!!!!! It is a true gift of your friendship that I will never take for granted! I love you all!
Mumsie and I had an important talk this week. Right after she grounded me. She said she hopes when I grow up I will be a caring compassionate female who tries to make good decisions and who learns from her mistakes. That we will occasionaly NOT make the right choice, but if we learn something from it that it can be a PAWSITIVE thing.
I've thought 'bout the cheerleading outfit I picked for the game. I knew I'd get in trouble. But I wanted to wear it cuz....well...um...to be popular with the boyz. But, now I realize that it's not me. And I need to respect myself, first. So I learned something.
I guess this is part of growin' up, but Mumsie sez we will learn all our lives. I can't wait! I'll miss being a pup a little, I guess...it was a pretty innocent time. But, I'm ready now to start lookin' at things from other animal's perspecives a bit now...ya know walk in the other dog's, kitties or hammies paws. See what I can do to be a voice for kindness and compassion.....
That's what we talked about.......
I'm the fiwst Yipeee!
Happy birfday my sweet fwiend!!
Come see what's on my bloggie..it was something we did befowe you tuwned all pill-o- sopikal..I hope you nevew stop having fun and being slightly cwazy, but this is a new beginning..and you know what..you can still be a puppy if you want...I don't aways act so gwonup eithew..
I love you! and hope you have a fantabulous day!
wemembew..the boyz will like you even if you don't show all
smoochie kisses
Happy Barkday Lacie!! I'm Kaiser, it's nice to meet you and your siblings!!!
Come see me sometime cutie!!!
Slobberz, Kaiser
Happy, happy barkday, Lacie! If you are anything like most terriers, you will continue to be sort of puppy-like for many, many years to come. Even Penny, who is almost 9, still acts like a puppy sometimes. Life is more fun that way!
Poppy & Penny
Happy Birthday to you, Lacie! Hope you have a great one!
Wow...you already sound like you're growing up.
Happy Barkday!
Happy Barkday Lacie...that was a very special talk you and your mom had. Muzzer says I am sometimes an old stick in the mud,(it's one of the ways I take after dad) but even I can have a puppy moment now and then.
kissies for your barkday
Happy, Happy 1st Barkday, Lacie!! Looks like you got lots of wonderful pressies!
Peace + Paws,
The Zoo Crew
MySweet little BFF
I'm so glad to be youw fwiend! Ihope you had the best birfday evew!!!
Archie is twuly a heawtthwob and I can undewstand youw feelings..I think you should declawe youw love fow him! I think it's weal if youw tummy tingles evewy time you see him(Mommi says it still happens evewythime Daddi walks in the doow)
I wish I had Stanley all to myself, but Ruby was thewe fiwst, but, I can't seem to love anyone quite as much,,I love so many boyz, but they just toy with me..so if you've found the weal thing..tweasuwe it..that's my advice!
love you
smoochie kisses
Hey Lacie, Happy Birthday pal! Hope you're all having a great day with lots of cake and presents and stuff. J x
Happy BIRFDAY toooo youuuuuuu!!!
Oh, I just LOVE birfdays. I hope you and your family have a really great day and that you get lots of goodies, pressies and TREATS!!! Yup. Today is YOUR day. And don't let anyone forget it even for one minute.
Love, Mary-Margaret
There are some big dale kisses on their way to you Lacie so keep a look out for them ok. Hope your very 1st barkday is the best ever.
Have a great day matie.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi, Lacie!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a great day celebrating with your family!
Sure you had a deep talk with your mom!
Kisses and hugs
Your Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LACIE!!!!! That was a pretty serious talk you and your Mommy had, but it is true...I'm two now and I would agree with her. I've learned a lot in my two years...like not to eat the bag the hotdogs come in, just eat the hotdogs...or, if I counter surf, make sure I don't pull the plate off-then its too obvious...Life's little lessons are so valuable!
Love, Hercules
Hey there Lacie!
Happy 1st Barkday!!
Glad you had a talk with you mommy...that's always a good thing to sit and talk. But don't worry, we all make mistakes sometimes, like your mommy said.
Hope you have a great day with lots of belly rubs and treats!
*Hands over a pawful of treats*
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy Barkday Lacie! Hope it was full of more treats then you could enjoy.
Love Licks & waggin TX tails
Lacie, I am very proud to be your catfriend. It sounds like you are learning lots of very important lessons now that you are getting all grown up!
That is very nice, Lacie, and I wish you all the best. Being an adult can be hard at times, but it is still a lot of fun. Besides, as they say, "You can't be a puppy forever, but you can always be immature." (Don't take that seriously, Lacie!!)
You have a lot of responsibility there Lacie. As the only girl, you are outnumbered by your bruvvers, so you have to be extra tuff. Scruffy, and from what I've seen of BabyStan, both need somebody to keep them in line. And that is YOU, Lacie! Nobody can do it better!
Love ya!!
Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!
See you next week at Mount Hairy Lodge!!
Extra Koobuss Kisses,
Hey Lacie,
It's me, Koobuss, again.
I think that Dewey has a crush on you. He's really cute. Also, have you seen his new Lakie baby bruvver, Toby yet? He is adorable. I'm going to introduce him on my blog soon. I'm sure all the girls will love him.
(Darn it. Just after you've reformed.....)
Koobuss Kisses again,
Its always good to learn something! Happy Birthday to you Lacie!!!
Oh Lacie, Happy Barkday to you! Lacie, you will grow up to be a a mature lady soon. I turned mature when I turned two last year. Your time will come soon!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Lacie, watch out, I think you are now officially a teenager which is when doggies get into their worstest troubles.
Go easy on the guys, OK? You gals can be soooooo bossy.
Happy birthday Lacie!
Too bad you got in trouble for your outfit!
I really liked it!
Happy birthday, Lacie!
We all make crazy mistakes as we're growing up! No harm done! We hope you get lots of treats and pressies for your special day!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Dearest Lacie,Well what a birfday talk,quite heavy but we are glad you got the gist.Even though you are 1 now you will always be a puppy at heart!!!! Uhm Lacie, Archie wants to ask you something but he is a little shy so I will...DID YOU GET HIS VALENTINE!!(how was that Arch?) Love A+A(geez Agatha why not put it on the loud speaker)
Dearest Lacie,Well what a birfday talk,quite heavy but we are glad you got the gist.Even though you are 1 now you will always be a puppy at heart!!!! Uhm Lacie, Archie wants to ask you something but he is a little shy so I will...DID YOU GET HIS VALENTINE!!(how was that Arch?) Love A+A(geez Agatha why not put it on the loud speaker)
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Lacie
Happy birthday to you
Hope you've had a pawfect day!
Lots of love
Harry and Cassidy xxx
happy belated barkday to u lacie..
may al ur wish be granted...
Lacie..we thought your birthday was today the 10th!
We are soooooooooooo sorry if we are late.
Lots of birthday wishes and big nose pokes from us.
The thugletsx
Happy happy birthday, Lacie!!!!
Sorry I am a little behind and I missed your actual day.
Your friend, Lenny
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