Check out this bathroom for the girls...plenty of room for blowdryers, makeup, bubblebaths, and amazin' games of chase on that marble! In this pic, Koobie is sittin' on the well, throne...with Poppy, Maggie, me (giggle!), and Asta in the tubbie....Patches is enjoyin' the cool floor and Duffy is slippin' all over the place peekin' at us girls in the tub. (My those foxy boys learn early, don't they!) Clover and Lorenza are already dressed and waitin' for the rest of us to hurry up!

Before we left for our tour, we thought we might quench our thirst in the BAR! Harry is here in his Mummy costume...Riley seems to be checkin' Sunny out again, Petey and I are havin' a tete a tete that kept gettin' interrupted by that Dyos...cramps my social style, that one... Babystan is havin' a snuggle with his lovepup, Cassidy...and Koobie and Scruffy seem to be enjoyin' a private joke in the corner. Duffy, thank Dog, is passed out on the counter...FINALLY, the Puppy Smoothies have kicked in!

One of these amazing Double Deckers!!! How fun is this??!!

Scruffy and Koobie are hangin' out here with Babystan...behind them are Balboa and Ben the Rotti...Toffee's pantin' over Eric again...Sunny, Dexter and Asta are bringing up the front. Keiko, Gussie, Joe Stains (what's with the robe?), Gooberstan, Scooter, me and that crazy Fuzzbrat, the Duffster are hangin' out on the right. Check out the poster of the Wheelies in the back..."ERIC FREE ZONE"...what is that about? Hmm...Wheelies United seems to be everywhere these days....

Eric almost passed out....there was an amazin' circus there!!!!! Lions, tigers, elephants and wheelies!!! Myrna's hangin' out with the elephant, Blue's wheelie is checkin' out the natural foliage, three confusin' Koobies are hangin' out in disguise... In the tree Gilbert is wondering why Jake's and Just Harry's Wheelies are standin' on his head....Jackson's Wheelie Seymour is lookin' for me...we have a date after the tour...Um...BTW....the tree is a one of the very rare Pickle Trees. There aren't many places in the world where you can go and Pick A Dilly!!!!!
'Nuff said...

Mango had a bad run-in with the phone booth the other day...he was tryin' to call Momma and the booth sorta sank. He tried to make the call again today...we decided to climb in with him...you know...how many dogs can fit in...well, you get the pic. The blender seems to be empty. Eric looks very nervous...Faya is lookin' after Dyos, thank Dog...she doesn't seem to be havin' any more luck that I do with him. I hope Asta can get out of this damaged booth. Stan's expression seems to say it all about this weekend. Um...I think I see one of those Bobbies comin' this way...ah...he's runnin'...come on dogs....GET THE BLENDER!!!
Looks like quite the vacation. I should have gone to London, since I speak perfect English. We speak English at home. We're actually from Western Canada originally, so me and mom speak way better English than French. I speak much better French than my mom does and most of my doggie pals are French. I picked it up right away, and because mom is now so used to talking to dogs en Française, she does it without even thinking about. She's not as good with people. Every time she tells someone to sit, they look at her like she's crazy.
London will never to the same!
I say, it just gets better and better!!! About time for a pawtini lacie girl!! Then, on to find a male that can DANCE!!
Come Asta, join us!!
Question...did London Bridge fall down before or after Mango crossed it?
Your pal,
We had a pawesome party and the tour sure was great too!
I don't know why the girls took so much time to get ready!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Im not suwe I want to go back to my tiny NYC bafwoom aftew the luxoowy at Clawidges..Thank you Ewic fow putting us up thewe..I thought I was done fow in that phone boof, but I have tewwiew luck and clevewness and I managed to get out..Oh Lacie I love those buses and the shopping, and theose pickles in Pick a dilly wewe divine.I'm not suwe I want to go home....let's go gwab some boys and dance some mowe..Eric pwomised me a fox twot
see ya
smoochie kisses
I normally hate water but this English tub just felt so darn relaxing! Sorry to hold you up, girlz!
Love ya lots,
Lacie my lovely...oooooh can't yap for laughing, your pictures are doglightful!!!!. Wasn't that a wag when we swapped masks? Ha,haaa!!!And I was amazed at the sights at Picalilli Circus. I'm thinking I may go there at Christmas wearing my spottie neck ruffle and jump through some hoops..to earn some extra money.Always been my ambition to run away and join the circus you know. And the pickled gherkins, onions and beetroots were scrumptious even if those wheelies had um...watered that tree.Oh yeah, Wheelies United.On the BUS. I'm going to get 'em .You seem well aquainted with them, do you have their address? London Transport Police want to know.Something to do with fines for fare dodging - you can send care of me? And the Phone Police areafter Mango for damages to one of our most iconic boxes. there are hardly any left, now one less..mm need to lie low for a while me thinks.
Smoothies were moreish but those niptinis in pawticular have made me a bit woozy..Toffee seems to think I want to show her my crown jewels but as I've been wearing them for most of the time on my head I'm a bit 'fused what she's talking about. Can you xplain that to me ?
Wags of loving and huggin' Eric x x x x x x x
Oh Lacie...you and Eric and Asta know how to throw a great pawty. I hope babyStan gave you the pictures of the gents bathroom at Claridges....I think you will find them amooosing
you need to create some sort of travel cart for the blender, get that thing motorized. I need the robe, its cold and damp over there, it keeps my old joints nice and warm!!
WEll I may just book this room at Claridges for another week!! THis is FABULOUS!! I just don't know how we are going to get all these shopping bags by PL2...and uhhmmm we put it all on her charge card.....Love A+A
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