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Hello every Dog, Kitty and Hammie!!
Asta, Eric and I are happy to announce the plans for this year's Halloween Extravaganza!!!!!
Eric is friends with the Queen's Corgis! We have the Tower of London reserved for Halloween night along with TONS of other activites! Double Decker bus tours, the Changin' of the Guard, shopping, Gentlemen's Clubs for the boyz, did I say shopping??
It's gonna be a blast! And for our more SENSITIVE friends, of course we will have activities and sleeping quarters that aren't scary!!
HOPE YOU ALL CAN COME...Book ur flight early for Aire Ruby so we can get our snaps into the paper!!!
Scary barks!
The reservations are already starting to come in. Mango was so worried there wouldn't be room for him he got his reservation in first - hee hee hee!
Make sure you come and visit my blog to guess my halloweenie costume!!! W00t!
Lots of licks, Ruby
I will head over and make my reservation right now. I already have told Asta who I want to be.
Hey! Did Asta Tell you that Teka is thinking about being Anne Boleyn?
"Wif 'er 'ead, toooked, underneath 'er armmmmm,
She Walked the London Tower!"
I have a feeling if we don't behave ourselves, Lacie will be biting off a lot of heads, Gussie!
Your palloweenie,
Count me in! I'll go tell Ruby now, too!
We wouldn't miss it! We're off to Ruby's blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, friends!
I want to go too!
Kisses and hugs
Me can't wait to see your costume!
Oh yeah Pawty time..
~ Girl girl
Woohoo! We are SOOOOOO there!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh! We are already booked and sooo excited!!! ARe you dressing up as a sexy nursie Lacie?? Oh but that is you EVERY day!!
I would love to have some flirting tips to woo Eric! Thank you for the offer that is pawtastic of you!
Riley and I are looking forward to the pawty!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! cheerio!
Oh, I AIN'T gonna miss it!!!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Stanny hasn't even seen the invitation yet..his giwl is so busy..I'm ssooming he's coming, and I'll dwess him..he's aways handsome, hehehe
Hope you kept evewyone in contwol today while Mumsie went to wowk
I got my costoome..and it fits pawfectly..not suwe that's a good thing, hehe..THANK YOU!!!
smoochi ekisses
Gee guys....
Love yer sparklin' party scene....it tickles yer cockles fer sure....
We'd love ta come ta yer Halloween party but we're goin' ta a real party up at the cottage and won't be home fer yer flight ta the UK... besides with the market like it is we're not spendin' anythin' extra.....but ya all have a great time winin' and dinin' across the pond. And try not ta get inta trouble.....
Dewey Dewster here....
LACIE!!! Get away from thatcandle THIS INSTANT! Don'y you know your fox frocksie could go up in flames any minute? And besdes - why aren't you nursing me, can't you see I'm bleeeeeeding all over my dandy shirt......and in danger of fa i n t i
Thanks for the reminder, we're heading over there now to book our reservations.
Desert Pups
WOO HOO!!! Love Agatha
Oh what day is that??I think I have to take back my library book so I may not be able to make it..Love ARch
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