He suggested that we go to the Museum of Modern Art...um cuz I'm "a real piece of work." Yeppers...that was an exact quote...
I really tried not to snap...but here we are in this bootiful museum with all these 'spensive things around and Petey brings out his CASE of tennis balls...and with this one hooge ball....
He started chasin' that big ball ALL OVER THE MUSEUM!
The guards came and everything. Of course, I had to give him a little SNAP. Just to get him back in line, ya know....
Cultured Barks,
He might LIKE that again!
I said you were a WORK of ART!
(Whether that's a Renoir boating party beauty or Edvard Munch's The Scream is still up for discussion!)
Hopefully once Mommy reads the Photoshop book, I'll have some photos up as well!
Your pal,
P.S. Thanks for shaking the branches of the bacon tree and bringing me a few "fall leaves!"
Lacie: Notice that Petey didn't mention the tennis balls. I you want to love Petey, Asta says you gotta REALLY luv his tennis balls.
Teka Toy.
sheesh, men
Lacie giwl
How uttewly embawwasing..did the guawds fwogmawch you two out of thewe..They'we vewy pawticoolaw about that stuff..no tennis playing in the mooseum it is a gweat place though and so much woom it's vewy tempting to play chasey and ball in all that space
smoochie kisses
Ha Ha Ha piece of work...I mean how could he?? That is one GIANT tennis ball!!!!! Love A+A
Hi, Lacie!
Sure you two had a nice date... until the SNAP!
Ha! I wish I was there to see it!
Poor Petey!
Kisses and hugs
Boys will be Boys!
I hope that Petey makes it up to you!
with wagging tail,
Oh no poor Petey is obsessed with the tennis balls. Wish I could have seen the SNAP....hmmm been on the receiving end of that....whoops sorry Lac!
Good for you, LacieGirl! We gotta keep those men in line! What was Petey thinking?! hehehehehe
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ya know, we all need a good snap now and then. We do it quite often...to each other AND to the hoomans! We hope you, at least, had a good time at the mooseum before the guards showed up!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi, Lacie...
Oh My...Did they escort you out??
Boys...You just can't take them anywhere...
Abby xxxooo
oh geez, sounds like quite a date. Petey can get better. Boys need lots of training before they are suitable for marriage. It took Mom 8 years to get Dad fully trained!
You had a great date! Playing ball in a museum looks like fun.
Love, Levi
What a great place for a date!
Bet he had a blast chasing his ball around! You know, we dogs never learn from our mistakes. That snap might have worked for a few minutes but then again he might forget about it & start again in a while...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
hay lacie. itz me scooter. it seemz like petey iz a slo lerner, hu?? hahahahahaha scooter joke!
ok anok
Hi 5s
It proves that you can't take males anywhere. What in the world was he thinking. Acting like that is no way to get that bacon tree. Good thing you are a well rounded female who knows how to take care of herself in times of stress.
Hi Lacie,
You are indeed a 'real piece of work' yourself! **blush**
I must say that my friend Petey's got great taste in girls (and them having a bacon tree is a real added bonus as well)...
Woah, nice tennis ball!
Oh goodness that must have caused quite a stir in the museum!! Do you think you will ever be allowed back in again?
We can't start to guess what would happen if he misbehaves at The Tower of London!!!! You are coming as a couple?????
Molly and Taffy
I think the male of the species is easy to figure out. All they think about is ball games.
Koobuss Kisses,
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