After a quick shower...I grab a round brush and get to work. NO...this pic is NOT photshopped. Mumsie took this snap. It woulda been a heck of a lot easier IF SHE'D JUST HOLD THE FURDRYER FOR ME!!!!!
Ooo la la...got some height on this jump......wheeeeeeeeeee!

Ya think Stan could come over and hold me up or something...but no...every day it's jump, jump, jump...I'll tell ya...my vettie sez I have one firm musclebutt!!!

How's this...fur dryed and styled...nosecara and lipstick on....READY TO TAKE ON THE DAY!
Many thanks to Eric for workin' with the Queen's corgis and making the Tower Rental possible. He even got us an audience with the Queen herself and one of the famous corgis.

Ya think Stan could come over and hold me up or something...but no...every day it's jump, jump, jump...I'll tell ya...my vettie sez I have one firm musclebutt!!!

How's this...fur dryed and styled...nosecara and lipstick on....READY TO TAKE ON THE DAY!

The corgi said she had heard of my reputation all the way in England...um...I gave her a little snap (ok, big snap!) and these Bobby's in big hats came and escorted us off the Royal Grounds...Alas...sorry Eric...I tried to behave. We'll be posting the itinerary shortly of the party. Get ready for Aire Ruby and the fun!! Check Asta's and Eric's bloggies for further details!!!!!
Styled Barks,
My BFF ..you awe the most stylish giwlI know!!!!
You'we the only one I know who blows hew haiw dwy and styles it daily! no wondew you look so FaB!!!!
Is that new nose scawa??
What's the colow?quite attwactive..I'll have to twy it.
I've been going Oh Natoowal..since I've had to spend all my time twining cewtain fuzzmops. I wefoose to not look my best in London though!!
smoochie kisses
Good grief girl!! Now that's jumping! No wonder you always look so put together!!!
We are so very excited Lacie girl!!! Why I told Mom just a while ago, I want a fresh bath, any little trims to look my very best!!!(I have a confession. But don't tell anyone Lacie. Promise? OK. Everyone knows Scooter has been relentless in finding a GF. I hadn't given it much thought, but not one boy has even shown any interest in me! And mom says I am a classic beauty. I don't even know if I'd like a boyfriend, but sheesh. It would be nice if a guy NOTICED me!) Now don't tell anyone I told you that!!!
I'll have a great time, BF or no. Just hurts the ego a bit!!
Nosecara??? hmmm. Maybe I should try that.
I wonder if it's all that jumping that puts that special bounce into your curls?
(Mommy nearly snorted hot chocolate out her nose looking at those photos -- they are pretty darn cute!)
I'm trying to download the photo of what REALLY happened at the Museum of Modern Art, but I can't save the file. Like my partner in crime, it seems to be corrupted!
Your pal,
ok, nosecara black sniff. Yep I know the 4 b's. But they aren't interested in havin a gf. They had a post about it one time I think. I sorta flirted with a dog or 2, but I don't think I know how. (Me??? Simper???? That might not work....)
Golly Lacie you certainly work hard every morning to look so glamorous. We assume that is your own personal bathroom!
Molly and Taffy
Lacie, you really work hard to look that great everyday! Ya know...if your legs were a little longer, it would help. Oh, yeah, then you would be an Airedale instead of a Lakie! Can't wait to see you at the pawty! Bring lots of smoothie mix!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
We should all be as put-together as you are, LacieGirl! You're a hoot!
See you at the pawty!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great photos, Munsie!!
Lacie, you sure are in excellent shape with all those jumping exercises that you do in the mornings.
What energy! It is all paying off because you look terrific! I like your make-up, too.
You did get my reservations for the pawty, right?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Woof Lacie,
Nice curls, we think you even put the Queen to shame. Of course she has someone to do it for her and you still look better. See you at the halloween party.
Desert Pups
Oh Lacie!
Do you think you could give me some stylin' lessons in addition to the flirting lessons!! Oh and do you think that you could give me and my mom some pawsonal training tips - we both want a muskly butt like yours!! I bet the Queen's corgi was just jelly of your booty!
See you at the pawty!
woof u
Lacie Lass...you might consider basketball camp with that jumping ability!
My friend Eduardo the puggle wants to come to the Holly Ween Pawtie too. I told him to drop you a comment. OK?
Hi, Lacie!
Sorry but my mom can't stop laughing looking at your pictures!
I wish I had long hair to look as stylish as you!
Kisses and hugs
You do take care with your appearance. It is no wonder you are sought after by the guys. We also know how smart you are and you can think rings around most of them. I think it is amazing that you have been able to incorporate your daily styling and aerobics.
Hi Lacie,
OMdoG... you have one impressive jump.. and *ahem* muscle bum bum. Now I know what kind of workout you do to achieve that result!
Dont go hurting yourself Lacie...it looks kinda tricky and honestly you don't need all that blowdrying when you've got fur that falls as naturally as yours. Now you've got my sissies thinking they can go jumping all over the bathroom and you know how tiny ours is....sigh.
That's so pawsome way to get style Lacie heee
~ Girl girl
Lacie, you always amaze me. Now I see why your bottom is so, ahem, ample. Must be from all that jumpin.
Well, it was worth the effort. You look stunning.
Wow, I should think your butt is very toned. With nice legs!
I wish I had some long furs to style like that. I'm a wash & go kinda gal...
GIRLFRIEND!!! You may(and I mean MAY) just be able to jump higher than me!! I for one REFUSE to use the dryer(my curls get curlier without it) but Archie loves it( so metro) He actually flls asleep........Love the lipstick...Agatha
Lacie,You look beautifull ...and WHOA can you jump I think higher tha my sister but PLEASE don't tell her I said that or I will be toast) Can't WAIT for the party( sort of, well not really I am petrified but I have started on your smoothie regimen so I should be fine) Love your Arch
Scruffman - Here's the plan. I'll tell Baylee to meet me in the pumpkin patch, but it will really be YOU! Get it? Then I will woo MJ with a couple of cocktails and when she is getting sleepy we can switch places. I just hope that you know who doesn't reveal our ploy.
Have you been practicing your Mango speaches? Don't forget to call yourself The Mango Man like in the fourth person grammars.
P.S. Momma says she can coordinate with your mom "behind the scenes" whatever that means.
Wanted to let you know that I have a gang with me and we are heading your way to join in on all of the Halloween fun. Asta invited all of us, Asta is my sissie. Really looking forward to all of the fun!!!!!!
omdog that styling technique had us howling with laughter. Seriously though, someone should be able to help you out with that!!
Hi Lacie!
Wow, your styling skills are great! I must ask Mom to check out your tips on how to blowdry your fur so well...she's not doing a good job for my beard. heh!
The party sounds so much fun, I can't wait! Hope you have a great day!
P/S: Is it okay if I added you to my friends' list? I would LOVE to! *wink*
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I'm Opus, Prince Not-so-charming. Thank you so much for inviting me to your party. I am so happy to be here and can't wait to make some new friends!
Hi, Lacie...
You look beautiful...And, sooo smart...You get your excercise while drying your hair...
See you at the pawty...
Abby xxxooo
Lacie giwl
That was Aggie who got the kiss on the hand..I was wushing thwought the aiwepowt in my sunglasses twying to avoid attention..you know how those puppewaci can be..Um sowwy about the fuuzbwats.they awe a pawful...As fow the jean's being tight, um you might have ahad a few less bags of chips on the plane, heheheyou know how salt bloats you
gotta wun
smoochie kisses
Go look at Eric's Bloggie..we suwe look good..hope you don't mind that we have the same dwess..I don't think anyone will notice
smoochie kisses
youw BFF
Thanks for the styling tips, Not to many would give them up!!
With wagging tail,
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