Hi Everybody...I wanted you to know that Noah is feeling much better since his Peeps started him on some new medication and are restricting his activity a bit. Asta and I have been here for a little while now givin' him massages and applyin' applications of my new product "Lakie Liniment"...it's got a soothin' mud base, smells like dead frogs and works fab on stiff and sore joints....Noah loves it. I've told him he needs to get in his basket earlier at night or he'll be as stiff as stone when he wakes up.....sometimes I have to give him a little snap to get his attention.

See....that's what I mean. On this particular night, Noah stayed up waaaaaay to late playin' gin rummy with Asta...and look how stiff he was the next morning.
It took a good long soak in the tub to get him back to normal!
Plans are going well for the Halloween Pawty in London....this is one pawty you aren't gonna want to miss...book ur flight NOW!!!!!
Scary barks!
Woo are one funny pup!
Good job Florence Nightingale!!
I am sure Noah is feeling much better now that you took care of him!
You are the best!
Kisses and hugs
A little nip? Lacie my love, you look like a vampirerrier! More smooches, less "nibbles."
Your pal,
(On behalf of a petrified Noah!)
I's looks ta me like Lacie is about ta take Noah's head off...those fangs are lethal fer sure...'n Lacie doesn't seem worried about 'er patient at all....seems like she's about ta drink his blood.....ew, a vampire posin' as a nurse....we know how... let's use the word "UNPREDICTABLE" she can be.....Noah....WATCH YER UNMENTIONABLES........
Dewey Dewster here.....
Lacie Girl
I jut know that Noah loooves his tweatmentsand massagesfwom us..this is youw pwojet..I'm jst along to help..he did say when Idid my Hawaiian dance on his back it felt weally good...wif ououw skills, we could wule the wowld, heheh
smoochi ekisses
Oh my head...that game of cards was a mistake....but thanks to the Lakie mud treatment I'm back to my ol' self.
Noah xx
Hi Lacie,
You are one fantastic nursie! Other than physical healing, do you also work on emotional healing? I think I may need some help in that dept ever since Hershey came into my life.
You two are doing such a great job of nursing Noah! He looks like he's feeling better everyday!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh my, poor Noah! Thank dog you were able to melt it off him.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
If anyone can make Noah feel better it's you, Lacie-girl and the medicine too, of course!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You have a very unique style of nursing....
Jeez, Lacie, looking at your technique for applying soothing ointments, I think I won't ever get sick.
P.S. Mango asked me to tell Scruffman he can use the photos from today's bloggy if that helps him get ready (whatever that means).
I am so excited for the party in London!!! I haven't decided what I should be yet...
Love, Herc
Lacie linament?????Is that FDA approved???? Love Agatha
Lacie you had better bring your linament with you to the London Party becasue I will surely need it..I may turn to a stone when I see GHOSTS........plop...............
geesh he fainted.....Aggie finishing for Archie
Has the FDA approved that potion you have. We could get a marketing campaign going and make it bigger than Ben-Gay. You better be careful with making him go to bed. Patients rights and all.
Good job (we guess-yours is a unique brand of nursing!!)
Oh yeah, we are going to the party!!! We've made our reservations on aire ruby. We can hardly wait!!
Hugs & Hi 5s
Sunny & Scooter
I think you should wait until duffy doesn't pee in his pants befowe you want to date him...just saying, heheh
smoochie kisses
OOh Gilbert
(Myrna collapses in a heap of happiness)
BTW I saw that Gilbert heawd fwom Fiona that Myrna wanted to wait until his beawd was longew..She nevew said anything of the sowt...poow Myrna..is this gweat love always going to come up against snags
She's still out
love and smoochie kisses
I'm glad Noah is better now with your care. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi, Lacie...
I can't wait til the Howl-O-Ween Pawty...My Mom ordered my costume...I hope it comes in time...
See you there...
Abby xxxooo
The Liniment and the teeth are surely just what Noah needs to get better!
Hi, Lacie...
I'm glad you & Asta are taking care of Noah...He should be good as new in no time...
Abby xxxooo
Coo Lacie the linament sounds doglightful, do you have a patent out on it? I think eye of newt might be a good addition to it?
I'm very glad Noah is feline better, though I wagging woried that he is.... um... stoned...even if he does look handsome...He's not be er..smoking those illegal substances again has he???
Wiry wags, Eric x
Hee! Lacie is a take-charge kind of nurse, isn't she!!! Noah better take his medicine if he knows what's good for him.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
We are back from the blogging wilderness. We are now checking out what all our pals have been up to.
We will definitelygo to the Halloween party.
Great news on your sister Leila, whee! And she sounds the same size as me!
Harry & Cassidy xxx
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