Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tom, Bacon and Silliness.....

OK, what do ya think of this pic?? Lacie here. Due to the BORINGNESS of Scruffy's last post, I sent him off to have a sandwich. Yeesch.
Yeppers...our pear/bacon tree is flourishing. I had gotten a cutting from Asta in Noo Youurk...she had gotten it from Sir Chance lot a long time ago. Hers never grew...perhaps from lack of water? Hmm.... So for those of you interested, I'm offering cuttings of our bacon tree FREE for you to take. Help yourselves!!!!!!!!!

There's also a Bacon Bush for those with space limitations. This has the added feature of repelling those pesky deer that are all over our yardie.'s official. Bambi doesn't like bacon.

Now...I'm sure you've noticed my striking resemblance to Katie Holmes.

That little half grin? Even Tom (yes, yes...I know he is a complete of him jumpin' on Oprah's sofa!) can't tell the difference between us....

As Scruffy not so eloquently put it....
Lakie kissies,


Deetz said...

lol....Katie is gorgeous and so are you...and now I think I will go have some bacon

Ruby Bleu said...

Lacie,you are WAY prettier than Katie Holmes and TC is not just a doofus he's a freak!!! Anyhowl...all that bacon is making me all drooly.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Abby said...

Hi, Lacie...

That bacon looks delish...

Oh, and you are much prettier that Katie...

Abby xxxooo

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We will defintely take a bacon tree cutting!!
Also, we think you are prettier than that Katie Holmes. Besides, she is married to a crazy man....
pee ees hay lacie. hi. did u efer cum tu reed that ledder i riteded u on the blog? also, sunny sez remind yu that u all haf a butterfly award we giveded tu u a couple of dayz ago. ok anok
hi 5s

Koobuss said...

A bacon tree or a bacon bush!! I wish we had one of those. Grandpa and I love bacon!! (My mom can't eat it though, something about cholesterol, whatever that is.)

Yes, Lacie, you and Katie Holmes look alike, but you are better looking. You have the exact same smile, only your ears and nose are much cuter than hers.

Koobuss Kisses,

Gus said...

Lacie look stunning in that red dress. Hope you have a good weekend.

gussie boy

Duke said...

Whoa! I never realized you had cleavage before, Lacie!
We'd love a cutting off your bacon tree! Thank you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Since woo put it like THAT, yes, I khan SOOOO see the resemblance!

NOW, do I get bakhon?


Joe Stains said...

I NEED THAT BACON TREE!!!!!!!!!! Tom Cruise is definitely a Doofus...are you sure he didn't have several blender drinks before you slipped in to take Katie's place???