Now ya might be wondering why you're lookin' a pic of our bare wall. Well...this is the pic Mumsie didn't get.
She was showerin' this mornin'. (We try to get her to do that daily.) Lacie was flingin' herself at the shower door as usual....every day...same old, same old. Attack the door. Bark hysterically. Lacie is nuthin' if not predictable.
This mornin' she was in a total frenzy...and she had eaten an unholy amount of overripe pears from under our tree. The total picture is a l a x a t i v e effect....think Arch and Fig Newtons.
So she um...decorated the towel. And for some miracle, didn't jump in it.
But when Mumsie got outta the shower, she gasped. STUCK TO THE WALL was...um...you guessed it....POOP!
She ran and got the camera, but in her haste bumped it off "Auto." Camera refused to snap. So she ran back downstairs to get inferior camera...runs back up...AND ALL THE POOP WAS GONE. BUT...there was a very satiated looking fox terrier lickin' his lips. EWWWWWWWWWW.

She is easily dragged around using this simple solution.

Ahh....an industrial sized Lakeland Muzzle.....
oh hahahaha that's a great story. hahahahaha
Oh boy...you are in T-R-O-U-B-L-E...lacie is gonna get you!
Good Luck - Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh yuck. I guess that pears taste as good coming out as going in.
Scruffy! Ewwwww I feel a bit sicky...did Lacie MAKE you eat it?Hmm.....guess it will give the dog meat burgh ers a novel touch of nouvelle cuisine. Sort of a pear chutney.
Wags, Eric x
Oh my, if it isn't one thing, it is another with that girl. She is getting to rival Teka!
ps..teka gets tummy sick and eats her own....eeeuw
Poop eaters?? Hmmmmm... I am not sure it is tasty!
Lacie will not like those pictures you posted! I tell you!
Kisses and hugs
Yeah well Lacie told me she didn't poop on the wall...are you sure you're not telling a furphy????
Can you tell Lacie that her offer to come over on Monday night is greatly appreciated.
OMdoG... I can't even begin to imagine your mom's reaction when she found out!! Hmm.. I guess it still smelt/ tasted like pears huh? Guess Lacie would know the answer to that one!
OOh. and if I were you, I will keep a 2m distance from Lacie. She might seek revenge..
Oooooo that is gross. Watch out for Lacie kissie. Get some toothpaste in her mouth please!
Okay, I'll admit an occasional liking for one of those Tootsie Rolls in Mica's sandbox, but pear poop! Ugh, no kisses for you Scruffy. And I'm afraid that last Lacie restraining device does little to protect one from her most dangerous part.
That said, Lacie (gulp!) do you want to go to my next movie premiere with me? (Since Asta's my co-star, I figure she can keep an eye on Lacie and make sure she doesn't bite the hands of autograph seekers...)
Your pal,
All that fruit and jumpin' around just goes right through you. Grammie says that she is glad that she is not the only one who has to keep the camera on auto. Doesn't help though as she takes pictures of her toes. I am not telling the guys around here about your business. They might come up with an idea.
Scruffy and babyStan
I'm ashamed of you boys taking advantage of youw poow innocent sissie like that, just cause you want to make money to pay off youw gambling debts....and spweading wumows about hew..tsk,tsk...Scruffy, honestly..eating poo???
I'm appaled
smoochie kisses
Hmmm... I really don't know what to say about this post but all I can do right now is laugh! HAHAHAHA!!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Poor Mumsie sure has more than her share of poop around there! You boyz better be nice to Lacie...she's probably plotting her revenge right now!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
ooooo she poo'd on the wall.....SHE xploded again!!! snicker snicker
hoo hoo hee hee haa haa we won't be able to read this blog any more because we ARE ROLLING on the floor with laughter and PL2 is right with us.....ha ha hee hee PEAR POOP oh boy.. acutally it sounds like a bit of a delicacy....ha ha what if Musie hadn't seen it on the towel AND DRIED HERSELF WITH IT!!! wait a minute we are crying and can't see what we are writing...ho boy this is ripe HA HA AH THIS IS RIPE GET IT?????oh we have to go.....A+A+PL2
Of cpouwse Mywna dwied hew haiw..that's why she sat by the haiwdwyew, and no she didn't get hew stwaw wet..she looks gweat!
You should come and have a salon tweatment hewe wif me..is youw haiw long enuff to comb like Lowelei??
that's cool...it's wainy and booowing hewe too..and it's supposed to stay that way fow the foweseeable footoowe
smoochie kisses
You've got mom rolling on the floor! She does this a lot when she visits your blog!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think if I ever got close to Lacie it would only be if she was in that bovine restraint. She scares me!!!
So Scruffy helped with the housework? What a good chap.
hey, Scruf, next time give me a call and share, ok????
wags from Swede William the gour-caca-met whippet
So what's wrong with poop-eating? (oops I didn't say that, Mom might read this) We clean up after the bunnies in the back yard every day!
Hello nut house...
Never a dull moment in the terrier world....think ya should rename yer blog Mumsie and The
Terrible Terrier
MisAdventures.....good thing ya arent near any porcupines....all hell would break loose.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Yesterday I left a comment for you but I didn't see it now. One of your brother ate that too?
I love your sparkling kitchen floor, you guys need nonskid socks to wear to prevent slippery.
I came back today to give you a compliment. I saw you went on your date, you had your pink bikini on.
Whoooh! Hot! hot! hot!
Ah my bad. I left my comment on the previous post, not on this one. If you have not read it, it was on the previous one.
You boys just don't know when to stop do ya??? Lacie is going to take a bite out of both of your butts when she finds out about this!!!
Scruffy.....did you brush your teeff after you ate the poopy? Did the poopy taste like pears???
Poor Scruffy! Don't they feed you in your house? You have to eat pear poop!
It is ever so funny though!
We are just wondering what you lot are going to get up to next!
Molly and Taffy xx
Whew, wiping our eyes, laffing too hard. Pear poo. Gee, you might hav wanted to "preserve"that! hahahahah
You boys are pobably gonna die before it's all over. Lacie is not gonna like thse pics. No she won't!!
Lacie, you did WHAT????
Scruffy, you did WHAT????
It's a good thing that I didn't know this before our date, Scruffy. I would not have let you kiss me. I'm really into hygiene and all that stuff.
Koobuss Kisses, I think.
What in the heck is going on over there? poo flinging, poo eating??? cow restraints??? someone is going to get it.
Woof Pups
Poo fight, Poo fight. Wait, that's supposed to be food fight isn't it?
Desert Pups
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