And this quilt? The fun part here was when Mumsie picked it up, the pee rolled off and fell all over the comforter, blanket and carpet. I STAINED FOUR SURFACES WITH A SINGLE SQUAT. Remarkable!!!

Check this out! Here are Scruffy and Koobus on their way to the Penn State/Oregon State game yesterday in State College. Last week, Koobie drove her little kar and made Scruffy karsick...so he opted for a slower vehicle this week. This attractive tractor! He sat while Koobie pedaled...took them quite a while.

They stopped by the side of the road for a picnic.......at least Scruffy took off his bonnet for this pic!

Maybe I'll go to the game next week...speakin' of games...we need to go and check out the black and gold....GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!
Wow that is a stain to be proud of. Not sure if Mumsie would agree though.
ps. D says thank goodness your bladder didn't splod while you were here....phew
We agree Lacy. Not your fault. Your mom should have known you would need to go out after all that drinking! But 4 with one squat?! ADMIRABLE!! That deserves the joe stains stain award, I think!
PEE ESS Scooter here. Lacie,u r won hot wirey gurl! U seem to b a goodtime gurl! I am a good time
guy too!! I'm not the settlin down type. I like to hav FUN! Sems like u an me r th same!! mmuuaahh
Scooter(the very manly chi)
Hi, Lacy...
Wow...That was quite a stain...
I think Joe Stains will be congratulating you soon...
Thanks for the good wishes while I was sick...
Abby xxxooo
I think ow would give you one of his special commendations fow that stain..excellent wowk!! and BTW..totally NOT youw fault.
Thank you fow sending the pictoowe pwoving that Scwuffy was OK..but Mumsiw weally did stwetch his tail..not a bad look though..did it spwing back evenshually???
Looks like he and Koobie had a blast!..go steelews!
smoochie kisses
THAT Is how it is done!!! FOUR surfaces with one stain, amazing. The Steelers are KILLING the Texans, man oh man, we are stoked! We think Joe Pa might be a robot, the man is like 39085 years old!
That is a huge stain little Lacie! I'm impressed
Cassidy x
Cool stain!! Did mumsie freak out or what? Maybe next time she will only bathe one of you at a time. teehee
My daddy and boy went to the U of M vs. Utah last weekend. They left me at home. You went on your own. Hmmmm maybe I will meet up with you next game.
Hi, Lacie!
That is a big stain.
I am sure you will get the Stain Award!
Kisses and hugs
Wow! You made quite a mess with just one squat, Lacie! hehehehe
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
wow Lacie, you did a good job of leaking all over the place, girlie!
your mumsie has to get an award for bathing all three of you at the same time in the shower. that's a great accomplishment.
w00f's Scruff, Stan and lacie, heehee dat stain shood win a Joe Stains award....
b safe,
Congratulations on your amazing stain!! I know you doggies are proud of these accomplishments ;)
Thank you for your kind words about T-man. I really miss him a lot. I'm grateful for the support that my DWB friends have extended during this difficult time.
T-man's mom, CC-man & T-man Angel
Oh my! It sure looks like they had fun at the game! An amazing feat of getting four different surfaces with only one squat...I'd like to know if anyone has beaten that record!
Love, Herc
Now that is good work in making a stain! If only we could all achieve the same level of stains that you have! He he, for your Moms sake I hope it doesn't happen again (any time soon)!
Your pal,
Are you sure you didn't pay Baby Stan a little something on the side for that stain? You must be hollow! I don't think we got that wet from Hurricane Hanna...
Your long-lost pal,
Woh.. you sure are good at staining. I think Joe Stains should give you a stain award
~ Girl girl
You are probably due a Stain award for getting all those items wet. What do they expect when they fill you up?
That tractor looks safer than Koobie the car.
oh flash does that when he drink to much water but he has never stained 4 things at once. woo hoo way to go.
I am very proud of that stain, it was magnificant. High paws to you
Ewwwwww Lacie,
Stainin' the bed clothes...wow not good....thank dog for washers 'n the like....we're a bit behind here....did ya ever find that diamond earing that Stan swallowed? Or is Mumsie still siftin' poo???? Hope Scruffy had a blast at the game....wasn't it great the Steelers won ???? Go Willie Parker......
Dewey Dewster here.....
welp Lacie, Luks like I did ask u owt. Luk at my blog tomorrow. I wil hav all the date plans posted,k?
for some reason that post was on thre 2 times,so i tuk it off-
OMdoG Lacie.. YOU PEED ON THE BED!! I did that too and got into serious trouble with my mom. I think I was grounded for something like 20 years.
I think you deserve the Stain Award from Joey...
An exploding posterior...heck, you must have drunk gallons!!!!
Impressive stain!
An excellent quadruple sit stay we have to say. Were your bums glued to the floor for the duration of the photo????
Molly and Taffy
WHOA!! ATTA GIRL!!! a quadruple header!!! WAY TO GO!! did you tell Joey!! Really what is the big deal with Mumsie..she just had to do a few hundred loads of wash,,so what..what else did she have to do?? Love A+A
You couldn't help it!!! After I swim, I pee like a racehorse. Ms. Alpha can't believe I have a bladder large enough for all that liquid!
I know you'll go back to being a perfect little girl, Lacie. It's not your fault!
Your pal,
Holy cow your momma washed all three of yous at once?! Your mom needs an award hehe :). I loveeee baths! When I get out I run around all crazy like. Little Louis looks at me really weird, but it feels great to have the wind in my curly coat! Go Steelers! Speaking of games I think momma is plannin on going to the first Portland Winterhawks game of the season on Friday night, and no dales aloud in! Long night, I hope I get a bully stick!
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words about sweet Roscoe. I shall miss him every day and always have him near me in my thoughts and heart.
You are just so talented. Not too many girls your size are capable of such vast output. You go, girl!!!!
Scruffy and I had quite a time at the game last week. I talked about it on my bloggy. I'll tell you more about the Syracuse game and the helicopter as soon as I recover. Ouch!
Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Hi Scruffy.
You deserve Joey's STAIN AWARD for SURE!
Way to go, girlie!
Goober love,
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