Groucho Marx
Stan here....it was rainy today and feelin' like Fall. Lacie ordered a pile of books for Mumsie to pick up from the library for us. She took her canvas "Wirestock" Bag and off she went. (She loves the library....she sez she can feel her blood pressure droppin' the second she walks in!)
Lacie picks out the BEST books!

It's all too much for me. I'm gonna lie here and see if I can mentally get this Kong to flip on its side. Maybe I'll checkout a book on magic next time.
Oh my Dog, Lacie. Itiz not this week. it is 19 or 20 day of septemberer U haf to chuse won. The Rodeo-(You don't know what a rodeo is?!?!? sheesh google it) lacie-it is cowboys,buckin horses,buckin bulls, barrel racin,calf ropin,bulldoggin-lots of dirt& they hav gud corney dogs)
Sheesh-They don't do that kin of makeover on horses!! Google that too! Wild mustangs have had 100 days with some trainers and the one who has made the most progress in teachin the horse to be ridden,load in a trailr,chang leads-awwe.It's not whut u are thinkin at all. It too is on dirt the areans are alays dirt. Anyhow they auction off the trained mustangs after competition. Part of BLM program to manage mustang herds. & they hav gud corney dogs. And lots of country music at both events. U up to this? No nail polish,no dresses. (Just yer muzzle for my safety) u haf to tll me which won u want to go to. If u want to go to either wun of them that is. Mite be not for u,but that is wut we do in Texas.
So,I will wait for u to mak up yur mind-19 septembrr,rodeo or 20septmberer mustangs.
He he he, those are some great books! I love to pick out books for Mom, except I like to eat them. Ha! Lacie's choices are hilarious!!!
Your pal,
Hey Lacie girl, Sunny here. I like you just fine. No worries there. But my mom put her foot down on the spending the nite. So We'll plan on the Extreme Mustang Makeover. This Hannibal Lector comparison is creping me out some, so I have decided(at Gussies suggstion)to go along as chaparone. Seriously, this is not the kind of event to pretty up for. Leave the dresses and nail polish. Maybe a western style bandana if you'd like. My moma will be there to(we're gonna have quite crew) so she can get some pics of the actual event. If things go well, I'll try to think of a girly thing you might enjoy some other time. Sound good?
(ps to lacie's momma-I hope you know how to photoshop,cuz all I can do is take th pics...)
Hi, Stan!
That Hope Diamond book made me laugh a lot!
Lacie's choices are great!
Kisses and hugs
OOh, Baby Stan, do we smell romance with cutie Cassidy? We think you would be quite a handsome pair. Well, I do. Gussie is pouting cause Ms. Snickers is going somewhere with Butcho.
sheesh, he's like, her brother!
teka toy n what's his name
I like the Groucho Marx quote -- Mom's always been a Marx Brothers fan. Lacy has the best choice of books paws down!
Those sure look like some fun books! Wonder if Mommy would let me pick out books for her?
Gweat Quote babyStan..and fantastic choices fow weading Lacie..can I bowwow tham aftew you??
I heaw you'we going to have a shapewone, and no sneepovew at Scootews( I guess Texans awe mowe timid about dating, hehehe)
Good luckwif Butchy tomowwow..can't wait to heaw allabout it
smoochie kisses
pee esss wwhen Scruff leawns that helipoptew thingy, have him bwing you ovew
Good to see you're stimulating the mind there Stanley. We didn't realise you were all so well read.
Maybe Lacie can pick out a book for me on anger management.....sigh
What alot of pawsome books to read. I think you'll make a pawsome magician BabyStan
~ Girl girl
Lacie sure knows how to pick great reading material! The hope diamond would go beautifully with Cassidy's eyes!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oooh, I too would definitely read the book that Lacie picked out!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We see a theme in the titles of those books ...
Hi amigos!
Lilly here!! I no feel bad if you go to date with Scooter, Lacie.
He look like fine gentleman.
I'll just be sitting here at da house looking at old fotografs of my dearly deaparted husbands (all 9 of them).
Chihuahua kisses,
Lilliana Rosalita Fuentes Gonzales.
What great books. Yes it is fallish here for sure. Rainy, foggy and just miserable. My mum said to tell Lacie, that she has that book "why men marry Bitches" and its hysterical. A great read. Atleast Scruffy is reading about flying helicopters instead of just test flying one without any knowledge. Personally, I like your idea, just lay back and chill....
Deetzy Boy
Can hardly call ya Babystan anymore...yer bigger than all of put tagether fer sure....so Mumsie isn't diamond mining anymore....thank dog...that job would be enough ta drive ya ta drink Lacie's pawtinis by the bucketful.....ya'd be hiccuppin' all the way ta the yard ta have a look see then fall over in the pile of doo doo.....ugly scene that would be.... yes siree.....yep, better ta read a book....then catch some zzzzzzzzzs
Dewey Dewster here....
We love reading at our house also. Nothing better than a good book, rainy day and coffee.
That Lacie better becareful or she won't end up with any guys.
Oh boy oh boy, Lacie sure is something. I can't wait to hear about all THREE of her dates this week. Our Mom LOVES the library too, a lot! We never get to go, I wonder why??
How did youw date go today????
did the fliwting book help???
Myrna says they took out enough undewcoat fwom Mommi to build anothew tewwiew, hehehe..the chaiws wewe slippewy but Myrna has amazing balance(wemembew hew on the ledge on the woofdeck?)
anyway give Mumsie a hooge smoochie kisse fow me..poow Mumsie..she wowks way too much
youw BFF
Aw, gorgeous photos of you BabyStan. Thank you for offering me your diamond, *blush*!
Cassidy x
Great choices of reading material, guys! We're glad to hear that Mumsie isn't diamond mining in your poop anymore! Maybe, someday, that diamond will show up in a patch of dirt where the grass has been peed on too much! Then you can sterilize it and give it to Cassidy.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Thanks for checking up on us. We are fine. We enjoyed your book blog.
Essex & Deacon
My momma loves the library too. She orders books that she wants and the come from all over Master Chew Sits to our local place for pickup. I will see if she can post her latest pile of reading to share with you.
Now, about Lacie and all that dating stuff. Should she come with a warning label?
that's a very varied reading list. is your mumsie gonna read all of those books to you? let us know how the one about wrinkles turns out. we always read the ending first. maybe our mom should read it too.
Lovely Lacie,
Come live with me, I can't stand the way your brothers treating you. Make fun of you staining the wall, was it you did it? I don't think so.
We have no girls here but we know how to treat a nice lady like you.
I love all the books you showed to us, will read them.
I can't type anymore 'cause my mom is taking over the pooter now, she admires you sparkling clean kitchen floor and your bathroom. Show us more so she have a model house to set a goal for my dad, hehe!
Excellent reading choices!!
Scruffy, I am glad to see that you are trying to improve your mind. I am also glad that you are learning something useful. Then maybe next time I won't have to pedal for hundreds of miles to the game and back. (But at least my butt looks smaller, even though it feels a lot bigger, especially when I sit. Ouch!!!)
Koobuss Kisses,
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