OH MAN...is our sissy ever gonna be in trouble now...she said this guy who wears jamies, hangs by a pool and has funny lookin' rabbits runnin' around asked her to submit a photo of her in a life guard uniform....so she does....AND MUMSIE JUST FOUND OUT.
We think Lac is gonna have some 'splainin' to do....it's gonna get ugleeee around here fast....
hay u guys. brudder, that lacie has done it agin. I ain't talkin rit now bowt laci anyhow.. i want all 3 of u guys(gurl) to com ree d my last post. u pic what award u wood lik. we want u to hav won, but i am doin it diffrent! a furst in DWB. hi 5s Scooter pee ess lacie u sure do tralalala alot. nervus tic?
Scruffy and Stan: That is a very tasteful shot and shows a lot more maturity than the cheerleader shots from the Super Bowl. Lacie is growing up, and you guys gotta live with it.
Doan mak me tell u agin lacie. go to my blog an pick out which ward u want(and yer brudders). We want y'all to have a ward, Do it Lacie....doan make me tell stuff......u no whut i am tawkin bout...owr date? ring any bells???????
Sure Lacie, Scruffy can take the butterfly! I am waitin further structions from Sunny for I am allowed to speak. I am posed to say, no comment! but member, i am a gentelman. u r rite, the gold paw suits u. gorgeous george gave it to us an his sparkls. I dunno how to get that won to sparkl!(didya like wen I wuz all sertiv an stuff? ;) lol hi 5s Scooter
Lacie I think you look vewy bootiful..don't know what the pwoblem is? I know you, and you would nevew do anything impwopew..you awe the most innocen (gullible) giwl I know..watch out fow guys in silk PJs..that 's all I have to say(hehehehe) You inadvewtantly stepped on a few heawts in Casablanca..but as oosooal it was not youw fault..they wew flinging themselves at you and what a we you sposed to do , not walk?? smoochie kisses ASTa
Heck Lacie, You look adorable but beware of men who start calling you hunny bunny. And insist you don a powder puff tail.
Oh I love the new handbag. You can get loads of stuffies in there. And tell Stan to lay off the Orange drinks, the e numbers can make you hullicinate.
Now I've been puzzling over your comment to me. Do I want to help organise your pawsonal diary?
Um Lacie I didn't know you wanted a PA. Did I miss the advert? Is international travel involved as I um..get a little home sick. The pay might be useful ...if it's in ££££ not $$$$...is this pawsition full or part time? The bark duty (thank dog the chippy gave me some yummy ripe pears, worked a treat - my barks were jet proppeled out of me this weekend) takes up quite a bit of my time...and I would need the latest I Poop... I have to think this through Lacie before I send you my CV....
Wags, Eric x
BTW- thanks for the tips on how to ease barkispation. I've heard a bowl of prunes (maybe with custard) work well too.
OHHHHHH that is not good. Tell us what happens.
Hey -
It was a furry tasteful shot!
Woo two are just jealous PlayStudDog didn't snag woo!
hay u guys. brudder, that lacie has done it agin. I ain't talkin rit now bowt laci anyhow.. i want all 3 of u guys(gurl) to com ree
d my last post. u pic what award u wood lik. we want u to hav won, but i am doin it diffrent!
a furst in DWB.
hi 5s
pee ess lacie u sure do tralalala alot. nervus tic?
I want to hear her explanation too!
Kisses and hugs
oh dear, this sounds just about as weird as it is bad. Lacie, girl, what in the heck are you thinking???
Scruffy and Stan: That is a very tasteful shot and shows a lot more maturity than the cheerleader shots from the Super Bowl. Lacie is growing up, and you guys gotta live with it.
I hope she packed that swim suit for our date hee hee
Noah xx
Joe Stains just got a robe! I told him he looks like a Hugh Hefner...maybe Lacie can be one of his bunnies!!!
Sorry I haven't been around to check on you and all, but you know...humans, blah, blah, blah...
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Doan mak me tell u
agin lacie. go to my blog an pick out which ward u want(and yer brudders). We want y'all to have a ward, Do it Lacie....doan make me tell stuff......u no whut i am tawkin bout...owr date? ring any bells???????
Laciegirl - what are we going to do with you?!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Sure Lacie, Scruffy can take the butterfly! I am waitin further structions from Sunny for I am allowed to speak. I am posed to say, no comment! but member, i am a gentelman. u r rite, the gold paw suits u. gorgeous george gave it to us an his sparkls. I dunno how to get that won to sparkl!(didya like wen I wuz all sertiv an stuff? ;) lol
hi 5s
I think you look vewy bootiful..don't know what the pwoblem is? I know you, and you would nevew do anything impwopew..you awe the most innocen (gullible) giwl I know..watch out fow guys in silk PJs..that 's all I have to say(hehehehe)
You inadvewtantly stepped on a few heawts in Casablanca..but as oosooal it was not youw fault..they wew flinging themselves at you and what a we you sposed to do , not walk??
smoochie kisses
Wasn't me!! IT WAS NOT ME!! holy crap I DID NOT DO IT. Lacie, I did NOT get you in trouble.
I am going to go hide in my sleeping bag.
Well well well.....Mumsie is getting really good with the photo shoot!!!!!(or whatever it is called!!) Love and kisses A+A+PL2
Heck Lacie, You look adorable but beware of men who start calling you hunny bunny. And insist you don a powder puff tail.
Oh I love the new handbag. You can get loads of stuffies in there. And tell Stan to lay off the Orange drinks, the e numbers can make you hullicinate.
Now I've been puzzling over your comment to me. Do I want to help organise your pawsonal diary?
Um Lacie I didn't know you wanted a PA. Did I miss the advert? Is international travel involved as I um..get a little home sick. The pay might be useful ...if it's in ££££ not $$$$...is this pawsition full or part time? The bark duty (thank dog the chippy gave me some yummy ripe pears, worked a treat - my barks were jet proppeled out of me this weekend) takes up quite a bit of my time...and I would need the latest I Poop... I have to think this through Lacie before I send you my CV....
Wags, Eric x
BTW- thanks for the tips on how to ease barkispation. I've heard a bowl of prunes (maybe with custard) work well too.
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