I went outside to photograph the wildlife this morning.

Lookie at the triple Terriers in a tight triple downstay...Mumsie runs a tight ship? HA!!! These dogs walk all over her!
A quadruple downstay...Baylee (Bruvver's fiance's doggie) has been comin' here to play while her mom works....makes this house even nuttier. If that's possible!

Look at this narrow beady-eyed foxie.....
Or this crooked-headed Dale?

Ahh....And then there is the Princess. Princess Lacie. SHE IS FURIOUS AT HER BROTHERS for publishin' some less than attractive photos of her in some slimy tabloid. Here you see here in full makeup with her fur attractively blown out. That girlie is stylin'.
Here you see the product of her revenge. Again sold to the tabloids...something about Big Stinky Foot or something appearin' in our yardie. The tabloids loved it. So did Lacie.
Lookie at the triple Terriers in a tight triple downstay...Mumsie runs a tight ship? HA!!! These dogs walk all over her!

Look at this narrow beady-eyed foxie.....

Ahh....And then there is the Princess. Princess Lacie. SHE IS FURIOUS AT HER BROTHERS for publishin' some less than attractive photos of her in some slimy tabloid. Here you see here in full makeup with her fur attractively blown out. That girlie is stylin'.
Here you see the product of her revenge. Again sold to the tabloids...something about Big Stinky Foot or something appearin' in our yardie. The tabloids loved it. So did Lacie.
you are a beautiful wheelie. And you have landed yourself in a wonderful place. Enjoy the madness.
Hi kids, ditto to what Gus said. We think it's kinda a crazy place,but a fun one!!
I see Lacie is busy working on her revenge!
Enjoy wheelin around!
Ahhh yes Lacie's revenge. We knew it would be good.
Oh you'll never have a dull moment there Fiona lol.
You are quite the reporter. We can see that we will be kept up on all the happenings at your house.
Fiona!! You are sooo bootiful! You look like a movie star.....kind of like Lacie!!! Welcome Welcome Welcome!!!! My Wheelies name is Malitta, she will blog next Wednesday!!
Lacie....if you need any help getting even with those brothers of yours....count me in!!! I can run circles around them. teehee I did it again.....I am in big trouble again Lacie. How do you stay out of trouble?? I am in desperate need of guidance!!!
Big trouble,
Can I come over and slide on your floors? I know if I take a running start and pounce on that floor, that I could fly.
it's a crazy place around there. at least Baylee is trying to give the crazy terriers some dignity. we don't know if it's working. maybe Baylee should come live with us.
That gwooming you gave My Gilbewt looks pawsome, but that's it..you may not pick out his wawdwobe..he has a cewtain flaiw, and I wouldn't want anyone to change it...those boys suwe got theiw punishment fwom Lacie...I hope they don't get cawted off to the ciwcus
wheeley smoochies
You do look particularly fetching in those new photos...
Your pal,
well you seem to be adjusting to that VERY interesting home you moved into. I sure hope you continue to stay out of harm's (lacie's) way and get along with your other housemates!
Nurse Lacie,
"Asta and Aggie have me scrubbin' floors at Jackson's" was it true?
That broke my heart, those cute paws shoud be only using to apply eye shadow, lipstick, blush oh whatever you girls use to paint your faces! By the way, sweet revenge on your brother, haha!
Yep yer in a nut house fer sure....now there's 4 dogs around.....I'd be packin' up and leavin' pronto....yer sanity is at stake....
Dewey Dewtser here...
Thank you dear Fionna for the tour de pups!
I sold Paris' pic to Cockers Exposed magazine for a pound of liver and I'll NEVER hear the end of it!!
Fiona, you are in a crazy house, for sure! I bet it's lots of fun, though. It's probably like it is around here...non-stop bitey face. Make sure you don't get in the middle of it!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi guys, I wanted to come by and say Thanks for the comment you left when I scored the chips and crackers. To impress y'all was quite an honor! Since we'd been reading all about you long before we actually blogged, well, I just knew I must have done a great job to impress you!! Mom sure doesn't try to hide snackies in her bed anymore!!!
Mom worked several areas in the hospital med/surg, ICU and ED. Most of her time was ICU. She had just been accepted as a flight nurse(yeah-she's an adrenaline junkie)when she got hurt. So now she's on disability. She misses nursing like crazy. She hopes someday she can find a way to get back to it, but hasn't figured out how yet.
I bet working recovery is a zoo! hah. Never worked it, but been in it plenty of times! I have an older sister who is an RN also in
California. They are union there, and they sure have alot of prks I never had in Texas! She's in the OR.
I was floated to SNF a time or 2 and it wasn't for me. My 2 favorites were ICU and ED.
Um,MOM,enough about you. Sheesh!(Sunny here) That woman can just go on & on!
Thanks again for the compliment. I'm proud!
Fiona, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you look cute enough to eat!! Want to play bitey face with me?
Waggging in anticipation, Eric x
Did you have trouble getting off the glue your mom used to get you into a down stay?
I love Princess Lacie. :) hee
~ Girl girl
Quadruple down stays is impressive!
Tell BabyStan that he's looking super cute in that crooked head photo and now way will Jazz ever take my heart!
Cassidy x
Hi Guys & Gals...
My mom wants to send me to your house so I can learn that pawsome stay. She's VERY impressed with your manners. I promise I'd make your house even crazier!
You asked where my swimming pics were taken. We went to an off the beaten path little beach in Edgartown. If you go to the light house and walk a ways to the left, you'll find a nice little cove. It's right in front of Walter Cronkite's house. You can also get there by driving past the lighthouse and going around the Harborview Hotel. You will see a 4-way stop sign soon after that and a sign that says Dead End. It's a short block and you'll see cars parked on the right....THAT'S MY BEACH!!!
It's a very sweet and quiet place. There's a pretty inland tidal pool and artists go there and paint. I hope you find it some day!
Fiona,welcome,You sure landed in a wild place...Well you could be here....this is a bit of a nut house also..I haven't even had time to blog because I have been SOOOO busy...there are a LOT of colleges here...party party party...Perhaps you could come for a visit?? the food is great...Love SUllivan
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