Butchy's Mama bought him this cool yellow plane for and early Barkday pressie! Scruffy invited Miss Snickers to accompany him...then he got all freaked out that Sweet Gussie would sit on him or something. (Gussie's butt is way tooo cute for him to use it as a weapon...a weapon of ass destruction...hahahahah!! Good one, Lac!) So Miss Snickers invited him to come too. They managed to skid into New York to pick up Asta...isn't she a diva? She heard the Steelers were wearin' their vintage outfits last night so she chose this little number she picked up in Casablanca!
Max Wheelie came to visit with Sweet Fiona...who brought her bed. I'm not even gonna go there havin' just escaped a groundin' myself. BTW, Asta sent me this adorable cheerleader outfit...pawsome, isn't it???
Babystan looks like he has an itchy back...major roachin' on the turf! And look who's on top of the plane...hmm...Hugh Stains, complete with his potholder...er Bathrobie!! Figured he'd come! (Click on the pic...he's hard to see!)
Now Butchy landed safely and all, but PARKED IN A HANDICAPPED ZONE. We were so worried till we saw who was issuing the ticket. None other than GOOBERSTAN himself. With one bat of Asta's smoulderin' eyes...no ticket for us...WHEE!!!! He motioned with his paw to follow him...and led us to a PRIVATE BOX with tons of foodie!
We stuffed ourselves for the first half on Primanti Brother's sandwiches...game was BORING. The fans actually BOOED the Steelers....the finally got their act together....AND

WON IN OVERTIME with a FAB kick offa Jeff Reed's toe. It was pawsome!!! I was sooo excited I accidently kissed Butchy on the cheek. (BLUSH!)Looked like there was someother kissin' goin' on at that moment. We had Security Stangoob sittin' with us too...giggle giggle....
What a night for Monday Night Football!!
Reportin' Barks....GO STILLERS!!!
laci. i nu it. u luv butchy an he luvs u too. mite as well face up to it. we wer jus 2 ships passin in the nite. wich iz a gud thing. i havent tol the hol stori of the dat yet, but les jus say, i wuznt goin to be abel to be goin owt wif u fer a looong time. not after sum of thos fings......u wil git ofer me evn,uhevenet,uh sometime.
What, the fans booed their own team...aww that's not very nice now is it???
I can't even speak..It was the funnest...What a suwpwise..although I was a tad ovewdwessed, and pw have to send my dwess to that spensive Madame Blanche fow dwykleening..mustawd and gwass stains galowe, hehehehehe
Thank you fow inclooding us, and thank dog they won..I was wowwied fow a minute
smoochie kisses
What better company than a group of dales and one Boston. That is one great looking plane.
omdog that Steelers game last night was SO STRESSFUL! I could barely handle it, good thing there was plenty of food.
at my house.
not at the stadium where I was not.
Well we were very happy for you that htye won!! And now Joey and Tanner are going ot have to cuddle before EVERY game!! HA!!! Love A+A
Hi, Lacie!
Glad you all had a pawesome time!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Lacie: It was great seeing you - you know, you are a lot smaller than you talk. Kinda like muzzer
It looks like you all had a pawsome time at the game! Our mom is still laughing about Gussie's weapon of ass destruction! Go Steelers! BTW, Patches ate almost all her breakfast, this morning. She must be feelin' a little better, now!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh Lacie,
It sounds like you had such a good time. I am so sorry that I missed it. Cry, cry, cry.... I was home watching the game on television. Wail!!, Oh, boo. hoo, hoo...
Cry, cry, cry...
I still love you Scruffy.
Cry, cry,
(Tears are falling everywhere...)
Weapons af ass destruction??? ...ah haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Yikes!!! You think that's what they all have in the Substantial Wires Club?????? Oh and what are Primanti Brothers sandwiches? If you eat too many of them do you get a weapon of ass destruction? Think I'll stick with toast and marmalade.
Wiry wags, Eric x
Hi Lacy and brothers,
You had a lot of fun lately, I felt dizzy while watching you went out dating.
"accidently kissed Butchy on the cheek", Butchy lucky guy!
Oh that's nice to bring along so many friends to go cheer your team on
~ Girl girl
Hi, Scruffy, Lacie, & Stan...
Just wanted to stop by with an update on AutoBiography Week...
As you know, it's gonna be Oct 20 - 27th, but you can start putting your post together now...
When you have it ready, please email it to one of us:
chef.boxer@yahoo.ca or
Let's try to keep our posts to your 2 favorite pictures & under 500 words...
Our Mom's will get your post published on the "Littlest Memories" Blog during that week of Oct 20th thru 27th...
Thanks, & we hope you enjoy it...
Chef & Abby
One question...did you have french fries on your Primanti Brothers sandwich?
Your pal,
Lacie Giwlfwiend..I'm distwaught..thewe is a one yeaw old WFT in my wun, she's pawfectly gowgeous..amazing colows...and she gets to spend half the yeaw in Pawis..speaks pafect Fwench,,is youngew and smallew than me..I would wesign fwom the WFT wace, xept she does have one flaw.....she picked a fight wif evewy kid at the wun..what a tempew, hehehehe
smoochie kisses
Hey guys,
How's it going over there in the 'Burgh? Mom says to say she's a Steelers fan a couple of generations back. My Great Grandmother was apparently a huge Steelers fan since she was born there. So I'll agree Go Steelers!
That must have been really fun your own box seats.. Mom tried to watch the game but ended up in bed before it was over. She has a friend at work the loves the Steeler's so she quickly checked espn.com in the morning before she got a text from him.. hehe she is so sneaky...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Looks like you guys were the only ones at the stadium...all the other seats are empty....ya sure the Steelers were playin' that night? Usually lots of fans are there too.....but it is a blessin' they won.....couldn't have stood another loss....Go Steelers !!!!!
Dewey Dewster here....
Looks like you guys were the only ones at the stadium...all the other seats are empty....ya sure the Steelers were playin' that night? Usually lots of fans are there too.....but it is a blessin' they won.....couldn't have stood another loss....Go Steelers !!!!!
Dewey Dewster here....
Woof Scruffy, Lacie and Stan
How about them Steelers. Mom likes the Steelers too, but she wished that Bill Cowyer didn't retire. Anyway, hope you pups are doing well.
Desert Pups
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