who visits us durin' the day when they work. Isn't she adorable???????? Mumsie's gave her to S. for her birthday; she loves her!!!!!!!! Great job, Airedale Heaven!!!!! 
Today is ASTA'S SECOND BARKDAY!!! Koobie and I rented a vintage plane and we'll be picking up all you girlies for a trip to CASABLANCA!!!!! Vintage dress preferred....1940's, 'kay?? Asta wants to try to find that piano player who keeps playin' the song "Play It Again, Sam"... One of my favorites too!!! Hopefully, the plane will make it round the world...it is a tad old...
Hi Everyone!! Lacie here....
Speakin' of adorable, look what my always fashionable, ever trendy BFF Asta brought back for me from her vacation!!!! Have you ever seen a more 'dorable purse???? It can be a bit cumbersome to wield, but I never have to worry bout anybody tryin' to steal it...one flash of those toofers.....no problemo!! I just adore how large it is and how much stuff I feed it..er put in it! Now if I can only figure how to get stuff out of it!

Today is ASTA'S SECOND BARKDAY!!! Koobie and I rented a vintage plane and we'll be picking up all you girlies for a trip to CASABLANCA!!!!! Vintage dress preferred....1940's, 'kay?? Asta wants to try to find that piano player who keeps playin' the song "Play It Again, Sam"... One of my favorites too!!! Hopefully, the plane will make it round the world...it is a tad old...
Happy Barkday, ASTA!!!!!! Many happy returns of the Day!!!
Love, Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan
Woo sooooo khrakhk me up!
PeeEssWoo: Please be sure to visit Deetz's blog - Gizmo khrossed on Tuesday ;-(
Deawest Scwuffy .babyStan and My Dawling BFF Lacie!
Thank you soooo vewy much fow that supew Birfday suwpwise! It's the best!!!
Bailey stuffy is 'dowable...but why did stan faint?
I'm glad you like youw puwse..only the most bestest and expensive will do fow you
smoochie kisses
You have an entire wheelie gang started there. Watch out! Love the purse.
we are so impressed with wheelie Baylee. that airedale heaven mom is so talented - we are almost jealous!
pee ess- it's my, Bailey's barkday today too!
Woo Hooo...you girls are looking really great. I loved the outfits you all wore for the dance at the airfield in January, but these are super-duper. I hope you have the bestest time.
Woof Scruffy, Lacie and Stan
Just stopping by to say woof. We see you've got a lot going on in your life. Hope all is well.
Desert Pups
Wheelie Baylee is just too cute! The more the merrier for the most fun!
Cool handbag, Lacie! We love it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wheeling Wednesday are so much fun. You're the best.
Levi's mom
OMG! Happy Barkday to Asta indeed! You all are SO stinkin' funny...
Tell your paparazzi to take some pictures of all of you together! We'd like to see the randomness!
Love, Herc
You girls sure know fashion.
You will have to be pretty careful with all those wheelies around. They are quiet and sly.
You all are so darn funny. I bet it is always chaotic at your house!! Wheely Baylee is ADORABLE, I hope she gets to come over and play with the rest of the wheelies!!
Your pal,
omdog that little wheely is adorable!! that purse is quite, um, interesting. Sort of a single use kinda bag, not really fit for evening, or the day, or umm... well, be careful.
Lacie, we don't know what to say about your new purse except...eeeeeek! BabyStan must be a big wuss to faint upon seeing Baylee for the first time! We're really glad S. likes her!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Bailey Wheelie is adorable!
That purse is a majorly clever idea! Where do you put your makeup in it though???
Aw, the Bailey felt dog is so cute. We have our Oscar that came from Airedale Heaven and we love it so much.
Cassidy x
Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face and a giggle here and there.....
I am not sure how far to dig, but when I dig...the dirt really flies...does it fly at your house too? I love to see it fly!
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