Polar Bear Swimmin'!!!!!!!!!
Now every year on January 1st some crazy Pittsburghers jump into the Mon River and half freeze themselves in the interest of TRADITION. Nutso, huh?
OK dokie...So...the Terriers are startin' our own version of a Polar Bear Swim....as an experienced Lifeguard, I got the pool into position....(Nobody needs to bring up those rumors from last summer that I can't swim....SO NOT TRUE!....)
OHHHHHHHHH...that first plunge in is a bit chilly!!!!!!
Scruffy jumped right in...Stan seems a bit hesitant, the big Dale.
That might be cuz I snarled at him when he had the AUDICITY to grab my lifeguard dress in his stinky Dale teeth and drag me backwards 'cross the driveway. Big Oaf...(Mumsie threated to dump a shovel full of snow on his head like she did this mornin' to Scruffy for poop huntin'...actually that shovel full of snow applied to Scruffy's head was the first time he's EVER dropped one of his coveted stinky prizes...hahahahaha...but I digress...)
This polar bear swim stuff gives a whole new look to makeup and booty care...I sorta have that frozen look, huh????
January Barks!
That looks like a lot of fun!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Fun fun fun!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
LacieScruffy and babyStan
You awe so lucky to live neaw avenoo fow this polaw beaw stuff..I would have loved to join you..I think yo'll find that the snow is vewy good fow bwinging out the wosiness in youw cheecks
jelly smoochie kisses
Hahahhaa, we just love your polar bear swimming! Awesome.
silly crazy dogs...swimming is for warm weather. But you seem to enjoy it,so......
I think your version of a polar bear swim makes more sense.
I was quite impressed with your snow swimming abilities.
My mum is giggling, but it is because she thinks you are so cute in your lifeguard vest.
Hee heee. What fun.
We tried to crack the ice on our ponds this week and hooman was freaking in case we fell through.
We will definitely show her this post and assure her Polar Bear swimming is much safer.
Molly and Taffy
What the, who the, why the...are those people crazy.
Look at you in your little outfit Lacie...you look too cute.
Isn't it just the greatest?? And don't you love being a snobal head/9although it is a little shilly on the teeth) PL2 is going to write you...Love and kisses A+A
Those leggededs must be BARKING MAD.....no wonder you wanted to copy them.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
w00f's Kiddo's, can me play toooo...
b safe,
Woo just want to be a Siberian like ME!
Hi Lacie!
I just LOVE your header picture! You look so cute! You look like an ice princess! I hope you didn't get too cold jumpin in that fureezing pool!
Hi, Lacie!
I am not so sure I'd like to be part of that tradition!
It looks too cold for me!
Kisses and hugs
Only ya can scare the Poop outta wires.....don't ya just love the weather we're havin' around here lately ???? I tell ya we're longin' fer some warmer weather....'n soon too....better stay outta the pool til it arrives.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
I like it. The frozen look is appropriate and perfect for this time of year. In the summer when you look back at these photos you will find them cool and refreshing.
You guys have a lot of snow yet. We only have ice or something new that I heard today on the news, "snowice".
Your polar bear swim looked like so much fun. I didn't think that Scurry would go in though. He is a lot braver than I thought. Wish I was there. With my thick fur, I wouldn't mind it at all. Water rolls right off it.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Loved the photos.
Pups, you look as crazy as ever, but I am intrigued by all of this polar bear talk.
I myself am very partial to the cold weather and all things water-related, so I might have to explore this further.
Of course, Lacie, the only thing that could detract from you beauty would be to pull that lifeguard outfit over your face! You're all cute & snow-kissed!
Goob love,
Hi, Lacie...
That looks like fun...
It's a good look for you...
Abby xxxooo
What a great activity for a cold, snowy day! A few years ago, our mom's mom won a Harley Davidson and a trailer to pull it in at the Polar Bear Plunge in Lake Erie. Those peeps are totally insane! Lacie, you look very cute with your snow 'stache!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You are the most adventurous girl we know, Lacie! We bet that snow makes your face tingle!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
They have those POLAR BEAR freaks in Chicago too ... can you imagine? We think it must kill your skin and crack your hair to jump into frozen water. We'll take a muddy kiddy pool in Florida anyday!
G'day Pals,
Happy Paw Year. I din't wealize Baby Stan lived wif you. BTW, I have a mastif pal called Axel; Thewe's a photo of him on my blog.
xxx Asta (Oz)
Frozen like your HEART?! I mean...who said that?????
Hey Lacie, did you see my snowy face photo in the beard/muddiest face contest on Stanley's bloggie? We make quite the pair!
Your pal,
I've got an award for you on my blog, swim by when you have a chance!
Lacie gal, watch out, too much face freezing and you will look like Joan Rivers.
Too bad I missed Stan dragging you around like a stuffie.
Tell Scruffman I said to back off on the poopcicles already.
You gave it a good shot! What are those crazy humans thinking??
Lacie! Did any real polar bears join in? Did you treat to go on a date with one of them?
Lovin' the new look, Lacie! Jx
The crazy humans here jump into Lake Michigan on New Year's too. Lacie, you look really cute in your lifegaurd dress!
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