Monday, August 11, 2008

Nurse Lacie

Lacie here...I'm postin' from England where Asta, Agatha, Koobie and I are awaitin' word about Jackson as today is his surgery. Koobie and I washed mounds of sheets and towels in lavender scented water and have lovingly prepared his recovery basket/bed. Asta has been figurin' out our work schedule, makin' sure each nurse has plenty of time off between shifts so she's well rested. Agatha has been ordering supplies, making sure we have enough bandages, IV solution bags, tape and the like. All four of us have been surrounding the J's with love and calming zen. Keep it pouring in, Guys...we keep opening your boxes and spreadin' it around! And the BARKING!!! We know Jax can hear's deafening!!!!
I had to make a couple adjustments to my stethoscope before we left. Nice teeth, huh Petey??? just HAVE to go to Petey's blog!!! He and I had the BEST DATE EVER on Saturday! We went to Coney Island. Check out our new header pic....THAT was one of the rides...."Lacie's Inferno." Petey rocks...even if he does seem a bit afraid of me. (Moi? Of what is there to be afraid???)

Agatha is very careful that our appearance as nursing students is pawfect. This darn nametag keeps flippin' over. Um...she told me to make sure I starched my nurse's cap before coming. Um...I FORGOT TO BRING IT! Koobie sez she can make me a custom designed one, like hers. I hope I can get it before Agatha sees my head with NO CAP!!!

This is what I'm gonna hafta do when Asta and Aggie walk by until I get a cap...hide my head. Look at Scruffy...he's fascinated my my stethoscope. He better keep his slimy foxy mouth off of it!

This is trouble. Big trouble.

Stan's coverin' his eyes at the fight that is going to ensue....GIVE ME MY STETHOSCOPE, SCRUFFY!!!!!
Oh...check out this will be amazin' if it's the three of us out in the yard playin' with the "Chase It" dog's from Chase It Pet Toys it if you're's so much fun!!!!! The fishing pole thingie has a velcro collar on the end of it and you can attach ANY of ur stuffies....those stuffies have NO IDEA what a ride they will get!
Barkin' for Jackson!!!!!

Chase-it video above: --^


Ruby Bleu said...

oooh that is a fun toy. I know you will take good care of jackson. I'm so worried about him.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

Lacie, you sure look good in your hospital attire! You guys are all such great friends to want to help Jackson out after his surgery. We have something for you over at our August 12th blog entry when you get a chance to check it out.

Levi and mom

Deetz said...

You look great in your nurses gear. It is a relief to know you are all there ready and prepared for Jackson's surgery. He just has to pull through this.
Cool fishing stuffy swing.

Gus said...

Hey, we love the new bloggie header thing. Looks like a great ride. Glad you and Petey had a good time.

Thanks to all you nursies for takin care of Jackson. And umm...about the cap. Don't know where Koobie found it, but doesn't look like it comes from any school muzzer recognizes.

Pawsonally, I think you would look great in one of those hats with the ruffly around it. Muzzer says she thinks that one is from one of the hospitals back east. (we were goin through old pictures of her friends, man were they funny looking.)


Gus said...

oops, muzzer had a brain fart. She says Deaconess Hosp.


Amber-Mae said...

You're such a great help Lacie! Btw, saw a picture of you in your pink bikini. I forgot in whose blog...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Black and Tans. said...

Nurse Lacie you look most efficient in your nurses uniform. We know you will take good care of our friend Jackson, we are carrying on the barking and pulling and praying.
Molly and Taffy

erin said...

You sure are a cute little nurse dog! Thanks for taking good care of Jackson.

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Jax is so lucky to have such special care. He's going to be better in no time!!
That toy looks neat. I'll have to look out for one.


Unknown said...

Lacie, you look quite professional in your nurse's scrubs. I know Jackson will be in good paws with your care — heck, you can SCARE him into getting better!

Thanks again for not Dewey Dewstering me on our date - I had a great time!!!

Your pal (and potential boyfriend),


Dandy Duke said...

You are just the cutest nurse, Lacie! Jackson is going to feel better just seeing you as soon as he gets home!
What a neat toy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Willow the Black Dale said...

Lacie you are the cutest nurse even without your cap!! I love your "studentform" you really make it work girlfriend!!!! Jackson is going to be very well taken care of!!
Sounds like your date with Petey was great! I loved your header. Boys, they are just silly. They just don't know if they want us girls or want to be afraid of us. I guess that is why we have to tell them how to feel!!!! :))

Big Smooches Girl,

Kirby said...


Keep up the great work, it seems to be working and hopefully we will have Jackson home and feeling well for his birthday!

Your pal,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I can see the video. What a pawsome way to play with that stuffie haa..
Take good care of Jackson, nurse Lacie.

~ Girl girl

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lacie, all you nurses are doing such a pawsome job I might have to milk it!
That toy thing looks like torture! I think that it would make me very barky! J x

Agatha and Archie said...

LAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE I do not see your cap....Now I had to tell Koobie to starch hers and you really will have to do the same thing..Studies have shown that the starchier your cap ...uh I forget the rest....anyway DO NOT let Scruffy bite your stethescope...ewwwww.. Have you started making the vats of tea yet??love Agatha

Agatha and Archie said...

lacie..what date?your archie

Asta Marie said...


I can see that you settled down a bit so that you can get down to the business of nursing Jackson back to look darling in your uniform...what fabric is that made of? Is it wash and wear?, I mean it will be easy to take care of since you will be away for awhile.

It looks like a nice toy yer Mom got ya...but I bet she could get pretty dizzy going around in circles like that.....

Hope we keep getting good reports about Jackson....

Asta Marie, WFT

The 3 G-Dales said...

We love the Nurse Lacie look! How coolio are you girlfriend? Whenever we can be of assistance, just let us know, we are very good at nursing over here. WE just all nursed Jack-Jack back to health...well, he's still healing but he's better. We are hoping that Jackson does very well indeed...Saying our Aireprayers for Jackson...

Thanks for visiting us recently, we love to see you once in a while...we hope you have a pawesome day. And remember, just ask if you need our nursing help!

The G-Dales

Anonymous said...

Guess what? What! Mom researched a Lakeland and told Daddy Dog that they are mix of me and Rufus. He was happy and showed signs of interest. Maybe we can work this angle to get a third dogchild in the house. What do you bunch get a pack going?

Daniella said...

check out my blog guys, i gave you an award.
Thanks for remembering my Dad's bday yesterday!
Lacey, you look so special in your nurse's uniform.


Asta said...

Stop spluttewing..don't be've been a vewy good student , and I'm pwoud of you, you only dwop an occasional thing, and as long as you don't go neaw the patient wif anything shawp yoou'll be fine..Asta down undew is a vewy sweet nuwsie, she's not nuwse watchet ow pull youwself togethew giwl..go have fun on youw date, but don't you dawe take any of the's not fow playing in..pleeze be back in time fow youw and smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Deaw Myrna
Mommi says. she needs you to send hew pictoowes, whe' been so wowwied about you..not a wowd fow weeks, and now you want $$$$? Please call hew, cause she won'tgive you anything till she talks to you...that buwgew place sounds pwetty cool..I could get my wollew scates...oh I fowgot I have to go to England...see you sweetie
smoochie kisses
pee esss..Is Gilbert still the ONE??????

Joe Stains said...

jackson is going to have the best nursing staff in the WORLD! He is going to recover sooo fast with you guys helping him out. I have some ball caps you can borrow if you cant get a nursey hat?

Eric said...

Nurse Lacie. You are just what the doctore ordered!! and you look positively Matronly in your uniform.

Jackson will soon be home, horray!! Make sure you have plumped up his pillows and he's a stickler for hospital corners on his freshly ironed egyptian cotton bedsheets on our mini-me's bed.

Remember when you make the pots of tea in the Brown Betty teapot always warm the pot first and 1 teaspoon tea per dog should be adequate. I gave him some Jacksons Of Piccadilly tea bags so you can use those if you prefer.You did get a supply of digestive biscuits didn't you? They are the most pawfect for dunking.

I'll be coming to visit you on Friday and when you nursies have a break later in the week I've arranged a special date for you, Asta and Agatha with ME!!!!And only ME!!! Oh I'm wigging my wag in anticipation!!!

Be a good nursie. Wags, Eric x

Dexter said...

Lacie! You need to get your attire better adjusted. You have to look your best for your nursing duties. You are representing all of us.


P.S. Do you think I could attach pee-wee to that chasey thing?

Patience-please said...

Oh Lacie, if laughter is the best medicine, then we just know that Jackson will be better the minute he sets eyes on you! You are the bestest nurse we ever saw!!!

wags from the whippets

Dewey Dewster said...

Tell yer Mom ta check the blog fer the earthdog results.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Stanley said...

Hey, guys!

When does your crazy mama ever have time to go out and find you the BEST TOYS EVER?! Very cool.

Lacie, don't worry a bit about the nursie cap. You look like the scrub nurse you are. You can't wear that nursie cap in surge ICU anyway.

You look very professional (though you might want Mumsie to take in that scrub shirt a little teensy bit)!

Goober love,

Emily said...

Lacie, you are the purdiest nurse we ever saw! That looks like some great exercise you all are getting in the video! Mom's always looking for new ways to burn off Huck's terrier energy!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.