Hi Everyone!!
Asta and Agatha
teleported me home for a day's rest from taking care of Jackson. Actually, I think they sent me home to let
Asta from Oz cool off. I just get
sooooooooooooo nervous around her...and when Agatha instructed me to feed
Jax some jello...well...he said he was hungry so I gave him a giant milkshake. So I just went to full liquids instead of clears. I really didn't think he'd do projectile cookie
tossin' square in
Asta Oz's face. So they sent me home for a day off.
Plus, there's been that little issue of me possibly being a FLIRT. MOI? Flirt???????? Now
Boyz, do I flirt????????

So my brothers and I decided to hang out in the yard under our only tree where we have some shade.
Lookie at Scruff...what do ya think he's

UNRIPE PEARS!!! No, he didn't do any cookie
tossin'...but ya don't wanna be in the same room with him tonight!
I think these pears have some kinda special powers....look what happened to Scruffy when he ate them!
He grew a Dale body! Doesn't he sorta look like a Welshie with a lighter head? Or a Dale with a foxy head? Interestin', huh?
I need to go and polish my nursing shoes, starch my cap, finish my care plans and drug cards, remove my nail polish, and find some white support hose without snags. My instructors are very strict...but we are takin' the best possible care of Sweet Jackson!
Flirty Barks!
I hope you get to put youw feet up fow a while since you'we home..I think you single pawdedly cheew Jackson up evewyday, he thought the shake was yumm and didn't mind tossing his cookies, he thought the look on astaOz' face was pwiceless, hehehehe
I know you think we'we stwict, but the pwogwess Jackson is making pwoves that we awe doing ouw job well..and allthe little extwas, like the lavendew scented sheets, and the little dances we do fow him, all help in his speedy wecovewy.
What did you die the cabbage puwple wif???you must admit it is a gweat colow fow youw cuwls.
see you at 5AM shawp
smoochie kisses youw BFF
hey, if it was just a milk shake they are lucky, we know you have a wicked jello shot recipe thanks to Tanner. He still lives in fear of you coming here and killing him over that sweatshirt issue.
well, good luck getting back to Jackson, try to lay low!
oh no... i don't think u flirt...
u juz seduce
G'day Lacie girl,
Do ya need a bit of time out matie. Sounds like you need some you time. Not a bad idea. You've been working way too hard.
Bet Jackson loved having you there.
What's all this flirting business I keep hearing about. You're just high spirited.
ps. the girls want to know when you can come down under with the blender wink wink
Our Lacie-girl a flirt? NEVER! We love your blog header, Lacie!
Mitch would love to get his paws on some of those un-ripe pears!
Mom says that the lemon oat squares are simple to make!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Lacie, what's a little vomit between friends? I don't think Asta Oz minded at all, hehehe! Looking forward to your speedy return, my fevered brow needs mopping! J x
Hi, Lacie -
You have a pear tree in your yard? That's pawtastic - Mama loves pears (but not unripe ones - they can be hard as rocks).
Hi, Scruffy and Babystan.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Sounds like you've been a busy girl Lacie. Hope you got the tea making sorted in the end.
Give BabyStan a kissie from me while you're home.
Cassidy x
Ummm...no, you do not flirt. Flirting implies a sort of subtle, tentative action/reaction type of thing. You are much more direct.
from fuzzie Guzzie
Are ya sure yer not snappin' at poor Jackson while he's tryin' ta get better? Ya sure look sweet 'n tame in that picture there....good enough ta hug and snuggle.....oh, but I'm supposed ta be waitin' fer Talley...tryin' ta prove I'm worthy of 'er...not thinkin' of ya, Lacie...yer a sorcerer...a temptress...aw, I'm done bein' a silly guy now...put on yer uniform and get back ta work......
Dewey Dewster here....
Awe thank you for your sweet comments. I am so sorry you get so nervous, but that will go away...keep practicing. Flirt away? I feel alot better knowing you are taking care of Jackson.
You are worrying way too much. I'm sure you are doing fine...you are taking such good care of Jax...I'm sure he'll be happy when you return. Just steer clear of Asta Oz...might be better that way!
And you are not a flirt...if you are a flirt, than I'm a flirt and I'm not a flirt. Well, OK, maybe just a little one. But I support you in your flirtiness!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh dear dear dear.......reread the chapter on nutrition and surgery little one..... think we may have alittle test when you get back..oh and bring a ruler with you so Asta and I can MEASURE THE LENGTH OF YOUR UNIFROM...and that deep purple nali polish??? HAS TO GO.....Ps Also reread the chapter on cell phone use in the patients room.....and your IPOD......Agatha
Dearest Lacie,Now that you are home would you like to go to the Arboretum with me and go COYOTE hunting? I have a 6 shooter( kind of) and a little cowboy hat and some cowboy boots.Love Your Archie Oh and PS I am a koi now..Arch
Aww, what's the harm in being a flirt? It's fun! And those pears -- I know all about clearing out a room after eating stuff.
(MOM: Oh yeah! He's deadly)
Your post made my day! And I am speechless!
Kisses and hugs
We know you are doing your best. Don't let a little projectile spoil your desire to keep nursing Jackson. Everyone ends up with some of it on themselves at sometime. At least you didn't cause it come out of both ends.
Lacie. My you do look lovely on your new header, not Matronly AT ALL. Pawhaps because you are not wearing that unflattering uniform.
I hope you got time to rest your pretty pins and spend time out. Was it with Archie? Or with Petey? Poor Petey now thinks you are asking me out. ARE YOU?????(Eric b bbb lushing on his pink belly spots)
Or are you referring to our triple date last week? We went out last Sunday with Asta and Aggie....I'm s s s sob sobbing that you have forgotten so quickly .....Mom is developing the pictures for me to prove to you that you were there.
You ok Lacie...not suffering from jet lag or the unripe pear virus that's going around? It's awful nasty. If you get it don't look in the mirror as the shock could um well.. make you faint...or worse make you totally LOOSE YOUR HEAD...
Worried... Eric x
I bet you have been busy playing nurse to Scruffy after he ate those pears!
Paris wanted me to tell you to keep up the flirting. She says it is good for you (She is a nurse in training so maybe she knows?)
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