AND THEN......Look what arrived at Jackson's house this morning when I was done with my night shift!

This bootiful bouquet of SNAPDRAGONS! With Petey's signature tennis ball! I am flattered beyond belief.
I am concerned that he looks so sad. Could it be he's pining for Abby? Gaia? Maya and Kena? Asta Marie?? That maybe casting his fate to the whims of the voters wasn't the best idea? That love can't be decided by others...but only by what's in your heart??
Thoughtful Barks,
Oh Lacie...that is a thoughtful look on Petey's face...a dreamy look...dreaming of you of course!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Laciegirl..... how could Petey resist YOU???? You are the bomb girl. That must be a look of pure amazement that he won your heart!!!
How long do you think you will keep him around? Not that you go through boyfriends or anything like that.....
Silly Lacie - if Petey didn't love you he would have ignored the votes! The heart wants what the heart wants!
We think Petey is just sad cuz you're so far away. We think the dirty tennis ball in the flowers says L.O.V.E. loud and clear!!!
wags from the whippets
um, wow. uhhh. Petey may just be umm... Tanner shhh he does not look scared into a stupor...
He is probably just dreaming about the next time he sees you. yep.
Dear Lacie,
Please know that once I get the nod from my good friend Archie, I'll be bounding your way with joy! But as a gentleman, I cannot "steal" another fella's gal, that just wouldn't be nice. (That would even be worse than stealing his favorite tennis ball.)
That is my dilemma, well, that and worrying that you might bite me and/or run off with another doggie before I even finish writing this comment!
In the meantime, have your party dress on tomorrow afternoon for a secret trip with Asta. Oh! And don't forget your passport, n'est ce pas?
Your platonic pal for now,
Give him more time Lacie. Petey's love for you sure is special
~ Girl girl
Hey Lacie,
Please don't doubt the love between you and Petey.. The poor guys fought off intense competition, I bet he's just resting and dreamin of you.
Like Petey said, he just wants the all clear from Archie....then the happy face will come out.
We're thinking that your "yes" totally overwhelmed him, Lacie! He'll come back down to earth soon!
We love the tennis ball in the flower arrangement! What a thoughtful touch!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
dear lacie: does this mean you won't write any more salacious comments on my bloggie. I am very sad.
kisses anyway
oh have a nice time dear i have left you some messages in your chox box...dont think or worry about little me...stuck here....with my sister...under her bomb shelter....whirling her mixer and gigling with her friends.....and doing their nails...i'll just..oh i don't know....watch tv by myself or something love your i mean just arch
AAAHHH Laciegirl I need your help. Apache never Aire-lifted Paco to Airedale Heaven Hospital. The 3P's are waiting to nurse him back to health. Since you are a pawsome nurse I thought maybe you could help me get that girl to airelift him the 3P's. If you get a chance please read my blog. I am pleading with all to help Paco!!!
Thanks for your support,
We think Petey's just tired. Probably from all the worrying about who his girlfriend would be! We hope you two will be very happy together.
Poppy, Penny & Patches
I think that is a look of relief that he got you for a girlfriend.
Lacie giwl
I am soo upset about Archie's depwessin..I don't want him to join a monestewy..what a dill lemon .
I don't think I looked too good on that pitoowe..it's my stewn face..not vewy flattewing..I'll let you use my slobbew pwoof mask ewa.
love youw BFF
Hi, Lacie!
He loves you!
He was worried about your other boyfriends!
I am sure he is happy now!
Kisses and hugs
Grammie says that he is so overcome with getting you for a girlfriend that he is unable to express the correct affect. His affect is not congruent to his actual behavior or feelings.
The flowers say it all.
Congrats Lacie, you won! Wooo Hooo!! I'm sure Petey is just trying to figure out how to be the bestest boyfriend ever!
Your pal,
That is so cool Petey is going to be your boyfriend. The thorns must have brought tears to your eyes! Such a considerate chap to add that extra special touch.
Molly and Taffy
Lacie ,I've just seen Peteys blog... I think you were right True Luurve can't be decided by others.. must of been puppy love and I think your heart belongs to another ...
Wags, Eric
Lacie Girl!
I just think Petey's not used to girls with such a... BIG personality. But the real question is, do YOU love HIM? Is there any other dog in your heart besides Petey? If so, just don't settle down yet. You're still pretty young, chica.
Just a little unsolicited advice from a bud...
Goober love & smooches,
Ow, Lacie...
I'd be worried about the thorns fer sure...but the tennis ball along with snapdragons was a nice touch or was it? Is he sayin' yer a snapin' dragon????? Maybe yer the one who needs the set of armour...what do ya think? Ya didn't drug him did ya??????
Dewey Dewster here....
you have been nominated for Post of the Month over at the Bone Zone - head on over and cast your vote :)
Hi, Lacie...
I just wanted to stop by & say Hi...
I know we have been in competition for Petey's affections...But, I want you to know that I have bowed out graciously with nothing but good wishes for you & Petey...
I am hoping it works out for you two, but it looks like Petey is now planning a trip to Vegas with the boys...
I don't know about you, but I can't figure these men out...
Abby xxxooo
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