So I get on Jackson's puter here in England (we're recovering him after his test today) and I see this above picture that SCRUFFY POSTED ON MY BLOG. I really have little to say about the situation, cept I did find a copy of PHOTOSHOP FOR REALLY STOOPID WIRES in his crate. Enuff said?????
The following content is not appropriate for younger pups or kitties.
Speaking of Scruff...heh heh heh....when Mumsie picked us up from the Spa on Saturday, the Groomer mentioned Scruffy HAS A RASH ON HIS "SANITARY SECTION." So Mumsie took him to the vet yesterday. She told the vet all about the RASH on his particular SECTION. She and the vet stared at it (Scruffy's Section) for a while and the vet said it was one of the best U FEN ISMS she's ever heard. Frankly, I don't think the vet stared at it long enuff. I would call that area Scruffy's "UNSANITARY SECTION." They discussed medicine and Benny Drill for itching. Now I know many dogs we know use SOCKS for itching. So I'm thinkin' (being the thoughtful sister that I am) that old Scruff needs some special socks to wear to keep him from er, shall we say aggravating himself.

I thought something like this might work. I don't know why he would need two. But then, I had some other IDEAS. (Lacie giggles and twirls around singing.)

Bottom line, Scruffy?
It's unwise to mess with the Lacie.
Falling down in fits of giggles and hysterical Lakie laughter......and hiccuping!
Falling down in fits of giggles and hysterical Lakie laughter......and hiccuping!
OMDOG!!!!! We are laughing (Booker and I ...) too silly. Thank you for lightening up our evening!
Me know you said young ones shouldn't read this me did anyway and me don't understand where the sock goes. Can someone tell Levi?
Hi, Lacie!
Your post made my day! Thanks!
I think the best sock are those with "personality".
I hope you can take a picture of Scruffy wearing them!
Kisses and hugs
Haaa you got Scruffy real good Lacie. We can't wait to see what happens next...will Scruffy & Stan gang up on you again???
I'm taking my meds Lacie. One every second day now. See you soon xx.
oh geez, now Tanner is laughing again about Scruffy Sanitation Situation. oh geez now he is yelling about sock suffocation of the sanitation of the situation in the scruffy private location.
oh well, at least he isn't swearing. yet.
Hehehehehehe...Lac(hickup fwom laughing,hehehe)
Umm you'd bettew pack youw bags and move in wif me wighta way..I think Scwuffie is going to bite youw head off..big ow small
smoochie kisses
Scruffy - think you need to tell Lacie to put a sock in it, spreading terrier romours bout like that!!!He,he.
Wiry wags, Eric
Oooo, Lacie! Scruffy should know better than to mess with you. I'm hoping that he feels better soon and doesn't have to resort to the socks, hehehe! J x
Oooo, Lacie! Scruffy should know better than to mess with you. I'm hoping that he feels better soon and doesn't have to resort to the socks, hehehe! J x
haha You are TOOOO funny, Lacie girl!
We hope Scruffy's itch feels better soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Lacie, ma'm, Your Highness, Your Excellence!!!
We shall not mess with your Holiness!
submissive wags from the whippets
Lacie, you are just too funny for words. Your choice of sock is second to none........poor Scruffie don't think he will be using Photoshop ever again....will he?
We hope his itch clears up soon.
Molly and Taffy
PS.Thank you ever so much for the nomination on DWB
SCRUFFY.....You should be ashamed of yourself putting a picture of Lacie like that up for al to see....Honeslty you buys......Love Agatha
Oh boy,I can barely type this.....I am having trouble breathing.......how did you do that to that picture..it's too much...I do have a question though....where exactly does she think that sock goes??????Love Archie
I think you've been drinking again.
My yer true colors are comin' out little girl....first snappin' at us....now yer castin' aspersions on poor Scruff who has a personal itch problem of a delicate nature...nothin' ta laugh at fer sure...'n certainly not worthy of a fish-laced sock.....Scruff...if ya need any help there just call on us....we'll be right over.....
Dewey Dewster here....
See Scruff,,,ya should've just borrowed my white ones.
BOL Lacie!!! ROFL!!!
No one messes with Lacie!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
OH - MY - DOG - Lacie girl, you have we rolling on the floor laughing like a crazy pup! Scruffy has NO idea what he's dealing with! you go girl!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm still trying to figure out where he's going to put that sock, and how to make it work like THAT! Tutu funny!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Gosh Lacie, I guess you have taken your 'revenge' on Scruffy?!! Those socks are the funniest things I have seen in a long time!
Gosh Lacie, I guess you have taken your 'revenge' on Scruffy?!! Those socks are the funniest things I have seen in a long time!
Gosh Lacie, I guess you have taken your 'revenge' on Scruffy?!! Those socks are the funniest things I have seen in a long time!
HAHAHA..... that picture with your big head is hilarious...
My dearest Scruffy,
I was sure that I left a comment about your personal problem here, but I guess that I didn't, so here goes.
I think that it's a shame how you get abused all the time by your siblings about things that are obviously out of your control. You can't help it that your "sanitary section" has a rash, probably from being unsanitary. These things happen. Just because your sanitary section is unsanitary, that is no reason to question your person hygiene. How sanitary are their sections anyway?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Your sweetie, Koobie
pee ess I hope that your rash goes away before our next date. I also hope that you are not telling everybody that you got it from me. My section is very sanitary, but of course, you would not know that since you've never seen it. Nor will you be seeing it anytime soon. Have a good day.
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