Now the above pic is of a diamond/gold mine. Pretty cool, huh....In case ya missed it Stanley um ATE A DIAMOND EARRING on Friday at daycare (see preceding post) and guess what?
The above mentioned earring has NOT put in its appearance yet. Mumsie called the daycare this mornin' asking if they were SURE that Stan had indeed ingested it...thinkin' what a cosmic joke it would be if they said..."oh...we found that Friday, after he left..." but that hasn't happened.

THEY SAID IT COULD TAKE UP TO A COUPLE OF WEEKS. Hmm....we could drive across the US numerous times in that amount of time.
Muzzer is sending her grandmother's spaghetti sauce. If that doesn't blast it out of him, try dynamite!
Hey, StanMan!
I'd tuck my tail too if Mumsie was following me around trying to snatch my poo (and if I lived with Lacie).
I say, O.D. on bully sticks... THAT should get things moving at a faster pace.
Goober love & sympathy,
I suggest a nice wefwied bean and avocado buwwito..since Mumsie is aweady pwotected fwom the gasses it should be OK
smoochie kisses
BOL!! Good luck in the diamond hunt!!
need more fiber...that will help!
Oh poor Mumsie. Stan better get her a nice Mother's Day prezzie for this one!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
oh god, this is too too funny. Way to go Stan, good taste!!!
Poor mum on poop mining patrol, you better all treat her extra nice!! Here's hoping it turns up soon...
Are you even able to see this diamond with the naked eye. I suppose they are going to want you to have it cleaned also.
These things can take a very long time. When I ingested all that chocolate, it took several days before the wrappers -- incriminating evidence -- appeared.
We hope Mumisie isn't too warm in that get-up. But we understand the need.
Jake and Just Harry
oh my, a couple of WEEKS?! good luck with that...
Poop duty fer a couple of weeks....ya will need a gas mask fer that fer sure.....'n a new stomach too....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Say it isn't soooo. Weeks?? Are you kidding me? This is just wrong? Lacie maybe you should give him babyfood prunes....teehee. That should get that diamond moving. Just stand back when the blast comes....teehee....
Two weeks? Crickey..what about feeding Stan some of those Figgy Newton biscuits Archie had?!!Paw Mumsie....
Wags, Eric x
oh dear, you mean it could be two entire weeks before the earring makes its exit? our mom feels real sad for your mumsie.
maybe you could hurry it through - we like Asta's idea of the mexican food. hee hee!
Hi, friends!
Mexican food but with lots of hot sauce! I am sure that will work!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
is ur mum gonna look into your poop, then?
I'm gonna agree with Stanley and say go for the bully sticks. That should move things on through! Your poor Mom, I feel for her, and I feel for you having your Mom follow you around reaching for your poop. Hope it puts in an appearance real soon!
Your pal,
Poor Mumsie! Maybe she should just collect all the poop and take it to the daycare for THEM to look through! That might make the girl change her mind about wanting that earring back!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Diggin' for diamonds, baby, diggin' for diamonds! Swede William would volunteer to help, but then we'd just have to start diggin' all over again!!!
wags from the whippets
How about some prune juice? Your poor mom!
I bet your mum looks pretty silly....Stan will never poop with that following him around
Oh boy,tee hee ha ha ho ho ho ACOUPLE OF WEEKS!!!! oh brother!! That is ripe!!! Ha Ha he het it??!! Love ARch(aggie is out nursing somewhere)
A couple of weeks!!! YIKES!! Just how long are Stan's innards??? They must be several hundred miles! I like what you said about highway construction. Sort of like I-80 and I-81 around here. Hehe!
Got to go visit Gus.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Nice outfit Mumsie hee hee...poor woman...what a job. D says thank god we didn't eat a diamond earing.
Please have the camera on hand when you strike it rich!!
Thanks for telling us about the puppy mill....thank God they closed that nasty place forever --there are so many out there. The Mommy supports the Humane Society & they sent her a video about how they closed that place down and she is gonna do a post about it tonight.
Love Mona & the Mommy too!!
Whew....you guys sure are causing a commotion in the Human World with your strange gemstone diet. May I suggest the Raw Food Diet? haha
Keep 'em guessing, Stan!
Poor mumsie,what a job to look through the jobs!
Here's hoping it turns up very soon!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Poor momma! My Beautiful Raja ate a diamond earring too, but there was no recovery attempted.
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