I am not a wheelie....I don't, um, have hindlegs either. But I manage! I am very old and a clone of a Foxy puppet Mumsie had as a girl in the 60's. That would be the 1960's...from the way the dogs talk in this house, you might think she's from the previous century. I am in charge of the Wheelies. Sorta like the way Lacie is in charge of the boyz. Let me introduce you to them.

How can ANY Wheelie resist those eyes????? There's a certain foxy wheelie in Iowa he'd like to meet too, but he said she's "taken" whatever that means!

Another group shot...nice terrier profiles!

This little guy is the runt of Seymour's litter. He's quite small, but what he lacks in size he more than makes up for in attitude. His name is Sullivan.
That's all we're gonna post for today. That's probably enough for all of you to absorb.
We have many things to discuss on subsequent Wheelie Wednesdays...but for today we just wanted to bark out "Hello!!!!!""
Respectfully typed by:
Respectfully typed by:
Pleased to meet all of you. You are a bunch of cuties, just like the real terriers hangin' round there. Plus, you don't eat shoes, which is a big plus. We do not have any wheelies here.
My Uncle Ray used to be a wheelie, but he died.
ps..I know about those Iowa girls, something in the air up there.
Hi Foxy,
I'm Opal and I am so glad to meet you and your families, I allready nose Scruffy, Lacie & Baby Stan, they sore seems likes they is a handful for Mumsie, but oh so coot.
I post on Wheely Wednesday and sore hopes use visits mees. I am having a Wheely Pawty and of coars all DWB'ers are vited, it's gonna be in May to welcome my new sissy Pearl, I dos hopes you and all your felties wheelies joins mes. By the ways any ideas for a Theme?
Hey Foxy, you have quite the crew to rule over. You must get pretty tired. Do they make Doofus Wheelies??
Hi Foxy...wow look at the lot of you! But it looks like you have things under control!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What a lovely family..and you'we in chawge...they must be quite a handful, hehehe..aftew all they awe tewwiews(with lovely pwofiles BTW!)
My sissy Myrna is quite smitten with Gilbert, but she's pwetty shy and embawwased, ..I hope he stays twue and doesn't bweak hew heawt if she gives it...
love,smoochie kisses
Astapee ess. could you tell Lacie she can bowwow Mommi's shoes, but they'we hawd to walk in..
Hellow wheelies! Nice to meet you guys.
Love licks,
Slid Gold Dancer
Hello Foxy. What a cute gang you have there. :)
~ Girl girl
So many wheelies and stuffies. We have to tell you we're totally confused. We think we need some sort of list as to who lives where and who they're dating so we can keep up. I think we're a bit thick down here lol.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
We're guessing that all of you wheel around all day long and have the time of your lives! We can't wait for your next post!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hope you're all having a wheely nice Wednesday!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hi there, Wheelies!
wags from the whippets
poor u...u have no wheels and legs too...
That's lots of wheelies that you hang around with! Watch out for heartbreakers!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
We have to admit we are getting a bit confused like Noah with who is dating who and actually who is who...but we just chalk it up to ....well not old age like PL2 always says .We don't have any wheelies but PL2 says that is ok becaseu we are more than enuf for her to handle.Scruffy,how you are handsome????(oh Agatha you are too much) Love Agatha and Archie(Lacie,what are you doing this weekend????)
Dear Gilbert,
I'm blushing a bit,
Thank you fow youw lovely compliment.
I'm a little out of pwactice with dating myself, but I would be honowed to accompany you to a westauwant fow dinnew.
I enjoy fine wines and am quite adventuwous with food, so anything you pick would be fine..
I think once we meet and have become a little bettew aquainted, we'll welax a lot mowe.
I hope you don't fowget me while I'm away.
I so look fowawd to heawing fwom you again
take cawe of youwself meantime
with affection
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Hello to all you wheelies (and non-wheelies too! Our mom thinks that I, PorkChop am a boy. I don't have any "plumbing", but she says PorkChop is a boy's name. Besides, when I lived at the Ebay kennel, my name was Fellow. I would love to play poker with you! BTW, I got to watch Mom make and attach all the noses and eyes for your felted wheelies, since she does that in the kitchen where the china cabinet is!
Deaw dawling bwuddew Sullivan,
I think you awe vewy handsome, and don't let anyone tell you othewise..you wewe always a dawling..I wemembew snuggling wif you in those eawly days..I don't mind that Gilbewt is old..I think he's pwetty wondewful sigh....
do you have a cwush on anyone yet??
If Lacie pushes you awound I'll tell my sissy Asta and she'llstwaighten hew out, don't wowwy
love fwom youw littew mate
Foxy, your, errr, well Foxy. Gilbert we think your grrrreat. Felties,your fabbbbbbb.
Bloggie is brilliant, we loved it!
Creaky Wags,
Wally Wednesday (Wheelie of Square Dog Eric)
Hey Foxy, nice to meet you and the gang! J x
It is a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Koobuss and I am a wire fox terrier. I am a friend of Scruffy, Lacie, and BabyStan. I am also Scruffy's girlfriend.
Unfortunately, I do not have any wheelies, so I will not be able to join you on Wheelie Wednesday. Cry, cry...
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
hi wheelies, we have a wheely too, so now we are on wheely wednesdays. hee hee. we like hangin' with you guys. you're kind of wild and crazy. wooo hooo!
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