Hey Everybody, as you can see I am back in my lifeguard chair moniterin' the boyz. Scruffy's second Barkday was this week and it's taken us a while to post these pix....he wants to thank you all for the lovely messages and cards from around the world....!!! He's blushin' from the attention...um...he rarely gets attention in this house so it was a nice change for him.

Asta sent us...er Scruffy...a pressie as you can see from our last post where we were sniffin' it.....Speakin' of sniffin...it was sittin' half opened on the counter for like 3 days before Mumsie stopped going to work so much so she would let us open it. She kept thinkin' something had died in the trash...but it was what was in the contents of this bag. ANIMAL PARTS!!!!!!! I helped myself to the bag...was too fast for Mumsie to snap a pic...BUT they are yummy!!! Asta sent Scruffy some stuffies that we haven 't killed yet...I have them hidden behind the chair. AND SHE SENT HIM A BULLY STICK. SCRUFFY'S NEVER HAD ONE...AND HE DIDN'T GET THIS ONE EITHER.

Lookie at poor Scruff...doesn't this pic break ur heart? He's depressed....and here's why......

Yeppers...that bully stick is firmly stuffed into large Dale jaws. Look at him gnashin' on it!

Even Scruffy starin' right at him won't make Babystan relinquish this treatie....nope...NO WAY!!!!!

The only thing that makes Scruffy happy is Babystan looks a tad uncomfy on his NON DALE bed....his large Dale butt is hangin' off by a mile!!!!!!!!!

Mumsie turned her back on him and lookeeee what that Scruffy did....yep....he was SO depressed he jumped right on the kitchen table to make himself feel better. Maybe I better go get Scruffy the stuffies and Stinky Body Parts I hid from him and SHARE. Share is really not a word I enjoy.

I'll leave you all with this parting shot of the Scruffman's brains. It's his best feature......
Babystan, you be my hero, tee hee!
Cassidy x
OMG, did you get your butt kicked for being up on the table, Scruffy? If we ever tried that we'd be dead ducks!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
holy cow, scruffy on the table, that is epic! sorry he didnt get the bully stick, I know for a fact how pawesome they are!!
No fair NO FAIR!!! That was YOUR bullwinkle, Scruff dog. REPLAY! Of course you got on that table to be bigger than that THIEF!
well, happy birthday anyway from the whippets
Poor Scruffy! I am sorry you did not get to eat the bully stick. This seems a little bit wrong. But the picture of your "brain" that Lacie showed us was kind of funny. Heehee.
Hey Scruff...your butt is at least as cute as mine. And I am shipping Teka off right now to kick BabyStan where it hurts. She will protect your next bully stick. Oh yeah. in her tummy.
Happy Belated Barkday Scruffy!!! How does it feel to be in your terrier twos? I hope you had a great barkday.
Luna Licks,
Poor Scruffy! Sure he must be depressed! Is there any way he can get another bully stick? It was his!
Nice butt.. ooops... brains shot!
Kisses and hugs
Woh a whole bag of feast? That's pawsome
~ Girl girl
Scruffy must be able to levitate. You'd think with those skills he could have just willed the bully stick out of the Aire-jaws.
Body parts? I want to get me some of those.
That's too bad you didn't get any of your own Bully Stick, Scruffy! You need to kick that large 'dale butt and make him give it up! Those body parts sound yummylicious!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
Nice work, Scruff!
Such a cute picture of Lacie.
Your friend, Lenny
Oh dear, my poor Scruffy. You just have to be faster or more aggressive.
I will send you a bully stick, for you ONLY, my dear Scruff.
I like to stand on the table, too. The view is pretty good from up there.
But, I don't like what Lacie said about your last picture. That was not nice. Scruffy, you are going to have to start to stand up for yourself. It looks as though you don't get much respect in that house, and you were the first one there!! You gotta get tough, Scruff. Don't let them pick on you anymore.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess Hope you had a Happy Birthday anyway.
Hi Scruffy & Lacie,
I do miss Mona but don't want her to stop her Great Adventure cause who knows when she might get to go on another on.
Thinks over here are going to be fine. So many have asked what is wrong so I'll be blogging with the bad news and some really good news later tonight or tomorrow.
Love the Mommy
That was so mean of Baby Stan, I will send you one and it will only be for you.
We had an Airedale when Ruby's Mom was a little pup, he used to counter serf and actually ate my glasses once, they are sure devils those Dales.
Hugs, bellyrubs,smoochies
Dear Scruffy!!
Happy belated Barkday!!
(We can't believe we missed it!!!)
BabyStan did a great job destroying a box of full of grandpa's precious stuff. Oh my oh my... We're sure your grandpa forgives you. :)
Did you say you had icy road. Be careful and stay warm, ok?
Momo & Pinot
Oh my I would get in so much trouble for getting on the table or stealing my brothers treat.
Way to scale the table Scruff! I don't blame you for acting out after Stan stole your bully stick. They are super yummy, so I'm bummed you didn't get one. Mumsie should get a new "I'm sorry" bully stick from Stan. I hope your birthday (minus that incident) was grreat!
Your pal,
Once PL2 heard a lot of commotion and saw Archie on the dining room table with me standing on tip toe egging him on!! teeh hee. OK here's how it will go,I am coming over Scruffy to your rescue .And Archie is coming over to take Lacie to the movies(he has bought a bow tie even though I told him he was a jerk because you DONT need a boe tie for the movies) I will ,ahem, take care of baby Stan(remember what I did to Archies head???) and then you and I will eat the reamining "body parts" I am surprised Lacie can't handle all of this She just needs a mature girl I guess Be there soon. Love A+A
Sounds like everyone had a great Scruffy birthday at your house! Happy Birthday, Scruffman!
William Tell
I am so sowwy youw tweat was stolen..I hope you got some of the stuff though..I sent it with lots of love!!!
Lacie have fun at the movies with Archie, sheesh, what a doll to make the effowt to dwess up fow you..I think he's a weal gentleman...baby Stan that was vewy notty to steal Scruffy's pwesent..next time I'll just have to send mowe stuff
smoochie kisses,Asta
Hey Scruffy, you poor thing. We feel sorry for you matie. No wonder you're depressed with all you have to put up with. You should stand on the kitchen table more often!!!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Thanks for coming to visit our blog. We are new to blogging. Mama was born in Pittsburgh but hasn't been there in a long time.
It's nice to meet you.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Tell me you did not see that horrific Easter hat show.......I am totally mortified......I only did it cause Gram made me...... although I did look rather rakish in the top hat, if I do say so myself. Just wanted to tell you I'm fightin to have Koobie walk with me in the parade.....paw in paw like....nose to nose....Maybe after I get back from Mountain Top, we can have that drink...
Dewey Dewster here.....
heheh... i just love being on table....becoz i never allowed to
Oh, my, seeing you on top of the table brought back good memories of when I did that too.
BOL!! You guys are so funny!!
Happy late barkday to Scruffy!! We're sorry to hear he didn't get his bully stick..
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy belated birthday Scruffy! My girl has been so sick over the last 2 weeks that she really fell behind on her blog reading.
How did you get up on that table? Don't tell me that you can jump that high!?!? I'm impressed.
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