Hello Everybody....we want to wish everyone a Happy Easter to those who celebrate it....and a Happy Spring to all in this hemisphere!!!! To our friends Down Under....enjoy summer while it lasts!!!!! As you can see here, we awakened with snow this morning. It was tough gettin' Babystan to keep his bunny ears on....

As you can see, by the time we participated in the Easter Parade, he had yanked them off and tossed them to a cute Airegirl on the sidewalk. He said she looked like Cassidy. It was a lovely day....gray, overcast, and cold. The usual for the 'Burgh.....
Mumsie and Daddy decided to go to the Spring Flower show at the conservatory here in the city. It was bootiful. We'll post pix of it next week, but these two of the flowers were ones they took today.......Have a great weekend, Everybody!!
Bunny Barks,
Lacie, Scruffy, and Babystan!
Hoppy Easter...get it, Hoppy - Hee hee hee!!! Hope you pups stay warm and dry and out of the snows! Happy Easter!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee) - Mom can't wait to see the flowers...she lurvs flowers!
Hi Bunnies!!
Happy Eastew to you!!!
WOw you got to be in the pawade???
That is so cool ..I be tyou wewe the hit..did they cwown you pwinsess of Spwing???
Twy not to get muddy when you hunt fow youw eggses tomowwow
love and smoochie kisses
Hey Terriers !!!!
You guys look super in those rabbit ears...what a way to celebrate the holiday!!! Boy, do we wish those blooming tulips were real and here...but since we are where you are, we had snow this morning too....bummer.....but we see the crocus blooming and the bulbs are peeking thru the mulch as we speak....maybe we will see the sun someday.....
Wiry kisses,
Asta Marie
Awww..what cute bunnies you make!! BOL! Happy spring to you too!
LOVE THE EARS! You guys are so good about posing. Muzzer says she would love to know the secret! Liver? Chicken. We figure it must be food related.
Have a happy Easter. If you needto warm up, you can come back here. We still get calls for Lacie from people who saw her cheerleader outfit
Hello Friends ! Enjoy the extra snow... Happy Easter !
Kisses, Faya
We love your header! How beautiful the flowers are! You guys all look adorable in your bunny ears!
Happy Easter to all of you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh, you got to be in a parade?! How fun! Happy Easter and Spring to you, too.
Happy Easter you three. Hope you're having fun. Ma says she looks forward to seeing more flower photos.
Toodle pip
Harry x
Happy Easter to use all, use looks so coot in bunnies ears, hopes you finds the eggies in the snoes.
Hugs, Bellyrubs,Smoochies
pee-ess. Please ask Mumsie to show more flours so Nanny thinks Spwing is weally heres.
Happy Easter!!!
Those bunny ears look so cute on you guys! :)
Momo & Pinot
Happy Easter!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
ah nice ears we like them.
All of you look very cute in your bunny ears! Too bad about the snow, though...that just means more mud! We are drying out, but it isn't as warm as we would like!
Happy Easter!
Poppy & Penny
hi kiddos, you look very festive with your easter bunny outfits on. we hope you have a fun filled easter and maybe some treats too.
Happy Spring, I would love a little snow you guys are so lucky. Love,Neko
Happy Easter!!!!!!!!
Happy Easter!!!! You guys are funny. I am sooo sick of snow and cold and want warm and sunny. Thank you for your prayers, gizmo is still with us for a little while longer.
Hi Lacie,Scruffy and babyStan!
I suwvived Eastew..no mint jelly anywhewe, whew!!!! come and see if you don't think I look like a lambie...hope you had a gweat Eastew! Did big Bwuvvew leave OK?..I hope he dwives safely..did you get some of the yummie cassewole???
I gotta know
smoochie kisses
We were bunny eared over Easter too but we only had one set of ears so had to share. You guys look great in the parade.
Happy Easter.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Guys!!
A belated Happy Easter and Happy Spring to you guys too. You can keep the snow over there in your part of the state. We won't feel left out if we don't get any here!
Love ya,
Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess (I hit the Publish button too soon.) You look very handsome and bootiful in your rabbit ears. I also like your spring flowers. It will be about a month before we have any, but our pussy willow tree has pussy willows!
Lots of Koobuss Kisses (again),
Happy Easter you guys!!
That looks like a fun parade!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
That is twuly sweet of youw bwuvvews to want to dye the watew owange in the Twevi fountain fow me.can they do it befowe next tuesday when I get thewe??
I would appweciate it..so much bettew than wed. Thanks fow saying my haiw looks good..did you see Mommi's shoes..I think they would look gweat on you..vewy spwingy..
I had evewyone fooled, and got soo much food..I went to the VET today, and I had gained 1/2 lb, heheheit was wowf it
smoochie kisses
Asta youw BFF
I hope you guys had the best Easter ever!
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