Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tonight's the Night!!!!!

Yep...that's us! Bet you can't tell what we are??!! RIGHT! Lacie and I are going as Witch Stuffies!!!!!!!!! It's a little warm in here! We're on our front porch waiting for Ruby to come.

For those of you new to blogging, this is Dunstan, Lacie's boyfriend. (One of them...) He actually lives with Jackson in the UK, but he came for a visit this summer and never left. Check out his costume!!!!!

Is that not the most frightening thing you've ever seen???? OK...that's it for me...I'm goin' under the bed.

This is Lacie. You really didn't think Scruff would get through this post, did you????? Isn't Sir Dunny amazing lookin'??

Here' s a full body shot! Whoa...he really scared the fur offa Scruffy.

The above pumpkin guards the entrance to the dessert room. Our own room for sweets!!!
Agatha and Archie outdid themselves in picking this site for our pawty!!!!!!!!!

I spent all week baking....we have a whole field of these cakes. Plenty for each and every dog, hammie or whatever to stuff themselves with!!!!!!!

This cake is even more amazing if I do say so myself. Scruffy sucked down so much of this icing that we almost had to give him insulin and he's not diabetic. We gotta run....we hear Ruby circling to land in our cul de sac.....we're bringing along a costume for Stella to wear...Koobie and I are babysitting this weekend. Easy job.....Happy Barkday to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lacie


Mojo, Digger and family said...

Yikes! Dunstan is one scary dude! Ooo this party is going to be as much scary as fun. I might have to emit the occasional involuntary bark.

but you two as stuffies look gorgeous. I reckon I'll be chasing you around the dancefloor all night.

see ya there


ps will get a limerick together soon. honest!

Asta said...

Love The costoomes!!!!
I hope the cakes all make it to the awe we going to wesit on the way??
gotta wun, the plane is hewe
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

Woo...Teka is gonna be scared of Dunstan! I hope all you doggies have a great time.

Noah the Airedale said...

I love that pumpkin cake Scruffy & Lacie. Can't wait to get my chops around it. I can't believe you've been baking all night. Hope you're not too exhausted to paaaaarty!!!!


Lorenza said...

Are those cakes for the party?? I can't wait!!
I like the stuffy costumes... and yours too!
See you there

Kirby said...

Hi Guys,

I love your stuffie witch costumes, and Dunstan looks sooo spooky! Now, onto the best part of your post those CAKES! How yummy were they? You should see the drool coming out of my mouth after seeing those pictures! Hope you guys are recovering from the party. Oh, we were watching College Game Day (live from Penn State) this morning, and I scanned the crowd looking for you. Were you there? Or were you nursing some hangovers? he he he!

Your pal,

Scrappy and Pebbles said...

lol your costumes are great... We can barely contain our excitement and hope Aire Ruby isnt running too late to pick us up...

Scrappy and Pebbles

Kien said...

wwoooo.. scary!.. how come a ghost can wear a sunglasses.. hahahah.. anyway.. those cakes are superb!.. i think it sure taste great too..


Stella said...

Lacie Girl!

I don't think you could have come up with anything scarier to dress Dunstan in. He looks like a cross between a ghost and a biker dude (both scary)!

Hope you have enough energy to keep up with Stella. I can't believe you & Koobie got suckered into babysitting her for the night.

See you at the pawty!

Goober love,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehehe! Dunstan certainly seems to have GROWN while he's been living with you. I know you said he'd been eating you out of house and home, but I'd no idea he'd got so BIG! Love your costumes but I hope you don't get too hot in there. See you later! J x

Stanley said...


That last comment was from me, but Stella had been on the pooter before me & it caught me off guard.

I can't believe you brought her to the pawty with you.

Goob frustration,

Dandy Duke said...

Your costumes were so original and the dessert room was just a sight to see! That was one fabulous pawty! Thank you so much for inviting us, Scruffy and Lacie! We had a ball!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

WOAH thats a big old scary ghost! I'd be hiding too. I am sooo full from the party!

Koobuss said...


I just love the costumes, especially Dunstan's! He looks so scarry. No wonder Scruffy hid.

Tell me, Lacie, how do you baby sit? I never did it before, since I was the one who was always the baby, until now. I'm sure it will be as easy as it looks.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh wow, thank you so much for inviting me, I had such a good time.

Sorry I came naked, but I dont like dressing up, I came as Marvin Au Naturale!

You were kind to invite me cos you didn't know if I was well behaved, I do hope I behaved myself, its kinda hard to remember!

love and many licks, your new pal,
Marvin from Scotland xxxxxxx