Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is Zen?; by Scruffy

Scruffy here. There's been a hooge need for a lot of zen lately...Bogart's dad is needing very large amounts right now.

So what is zen? To make zen, I go out into the family room and think. (Yes, contrary to what Lacie sez, I have a brain.) So like today...I flop down on the carpet, shut my eyes and think about Bogie and his dad....walkin' in the peaceful forest. I picture the warm sun peakin' in between the trees and envelopin' him and his dad in a special light. A light that heals. I picture them runnin' and playin' and laughin'...being together...being there for eachother. Since his illness has separated this little family, I see all of the energy and vibes sent from DWB's all over the world wrapping themselves around them like a hug and bringing them together, whole.... even though they are physically apart. I see it healing and comforting them.

So why don't we animals run out of zen? Cuz we all live with our special hoomans who don't understand something. When I'm empty, I go to Mumsie or Daddy and let them hold my face in their hands and look in my eyes. I move so their hands will glide down my fur...and I take their LOVE and convert it to zen. See it's simple.

ZEN IS LOVE. Maybe they do understand.



Asta said...

I am so pwoud to be yow cewtainly have a bwain and a big heawt and said what I feel so eloquently..Zennnnnnnnnnn=LOVE
We awe sending all we have
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

Well said, Scruffy. You proved that you really have a brain and are a very deep thinker.

Abby said...

Thank You, Scruffy...

That's exactly what it is...What a great post...

We are sending all we have to Bogart & his family...

Abby xxxooo

Gus said...

Scruffy: That is beautiful, and explains what hoomans mean when they talk about Zen.

thank you

meemsnyc said...

We also heard about Bogart's daddy and are purring for them. We could all use a little more zen in our life as well.

Groomer Angie said...

Sometimes it's our jobs, as Terrors to show our hoomans how things work, we're gonna get DawgMom to read your post so she knows this stuff. We think she knows already, cause she's always lovin on us, but she needs to read it anyways. Thanks for posting it. :)

Feather, Darla & Pappy

Anonymous said...

That was us TN Bull Terrors under Groomer Angie, don't know why DawgMom's name showed up. Sheesh!

Kirby said...


That was lovely. I always wondered what was filling me up when Mom kisses my snout and looks into my eys, now I know its love. Thank you for helping us all to understand. You are so smart!!

Your pal,

Princess Patches said...

Don't ever let Lacie tell you that you are brainless, Scruffy! You have described zen pawfectly! That is one really great post! We are sending all the zen we have to Klaus, Bogart and Lulu right now.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Jake of Florida said...

Scruffy - You're a terrier -- we knew you had it in you!!! Zen is love -- and wirey zen or aire zen are special forms of zen but they all have the same DNA -- LOVE!!!

We too, we imagne a hooge circle of healing love surrounding those who need it -- like Jackson at one time, or now Klaus.

Thank you for saying it so well!!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Jake of Florida said...

Scruffy - You're a terrier -- we knew you had it in you!!! Zen is love -- and wirey zen or aire zen are special forms of zen but they all have the same DNA -- LOVE!!!

We too, we imagne a hooge circle of healing love surrounding those who need it -- like Jackson at one time, or now Klaus.

Thank you for saying it so well!!!!

Jake and Just Harry

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That was just beautiful, Scruffy - woo are so full of love and smarts.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great words of wisdom Skhruffy!

NOW, how about some ZEN on a certain LOUD lakie?

I've got my paws working overtime fur Bogart and his peeps!


Unknown said...

Wow...Scruffman is even deeper than that hole you dug under the deck, Lacie. I didn't know he had it in him. Baby Stan, sure - it's clear he's the brains behind your operation, but Scruffy?

Well I'm proud of Scruffy for his eloquent insights. Well said, indeed. As those fellas the Beatles said:

Love is all you need.

Your pal,


Koobuss said...

Very well said, Scruffy. And so philosophical, too.
I always knew you were smart!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Adding my share of zen to the pile going out to Bogart's Dad.

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


Love the post!!!

Thanks for that great reflection. Confucius would be proud!


Dandy Duke said...

You are one smart pup, Scruffy - and very handsome too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I always knew you were a deep thinker like myself. Good job, little Scruffman!


Eric said...

Scruffy, you are one smart dog dude. I'm wagging proud to be your pal cos that was one beautiful post. So I'm typing this with extra special wiry zen for you, from me. Eric xxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh dear PL2's eyes are very leaky right now...Love and kisses A+A

Joe Stains said...

Woah dude, we haven't been giving you enough credit, you are so very deep and smart. This is a perfect explanation!

Asta said...

A pwesent????fwom Pawee???oh .....(asta is ovewcome and passes out)
(Myran lends hew hew smelling slts)

Oh I think we should fill youw bee day wif champwes and dive in ..I heaw bubbles awe good fow the ciwcoolation..
Scwuffy..I think it was illegal seefood that's why they didn't take me(at least that was theiw excoose)
bayStan, I'm sending healing soothing kisses fow youw stylish geobetwic spots..I heaw that abstwact design is the latest wage in Pawee
love you all!
smoochie kisses

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Scruffy...what a bootiful post. My Mom's eyes are all leaky...and I'm a little misty too...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lorenza said...

You said it soooo well!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


You are a sage, my friend. Thanks for putting into words what so many of us are feeling. The heart of anything good is love.

I may be coming to you for diplomatic advice in the future. Get ready.

Now, go generate some more zen & I'll do the same!

Goober love & smooches,