And I might be the only Wiry Foxy who does...endlessly...wonder why? Axel sez that terriers are above it...another dog sez we're only supposed to drive the foxes out...not bring 'em back, for Pete's sake....I dunno. (Petey fetches..that's for sure!!) It seemed, on Lenny's blog that most of the other male two-leggeds were all ABOUT THE FETCH.
Oh, trust has its advantages. Ya see, I have some well "habits" that Mumsie isn't too fond of...the poop consumption for endless number of full weak bladders is two, my breath three, although that may be related to point one...and then there is the fact I really have no problem usin' my large choppers on her hands if she's irritating cuttin' my stoopid nails, cleanin' the poop off my teeth, wipin' my paws etc etc etc etc actually.
But...Daddy loves me. So does Bruvver. (Mumsie does too...but it's different...) CAUSE I FETCH. I fetch like it's my job. It is.....Look.....
Hurry, Daddy...THROW IT!!!
Quick game of tuggie?????? Nice toofers there on the Scruffman, huh?
Zoom down the hill!!!!!!
Somedays stoopid Lacie chases me bitin' my butt as I track the frisbee...then she either bites my shoulder fur the whole way back with it or she grabs the other half of the frisbee and "helps" me carry it back. It's infuriating....
Oh man...I need a drink...and a rest..ok...done...can we play again??????
So...bottom line here...some of my less desirable behaviors are ignored...
Because I's a guy thing!!!....
You look like you are having so much fun with that frisbee!! Awesome!!
hey Scruffster! we admire any dog who fetches! you see, we are all fetching dogs and we know how important it is. and although we have 3 frisbees, we have not yet mastered frisbee fetching. you are way ahead of us on that one. oh and Tom, now he is a frisbee professional. we admire that dog a bunch! but back to you, you are an exceptional terrier. it's a good thing. 2 leggeds like to play fetch with dogs, it makes them feel like they are important to your life. it's more meaningful to them than feeding you. whatever. we prefer tennis ball fetch, but we know that all fetching is good fetching. oh yeah, mom told us that retrieving is a good thing too. whatever.
However, you couldn't get me to go after a frisbee unless there was a bacon cheeseburger on it with a side of kitty logs.
Tennis balls, Scruffman, tennis balls. That's where all the action is.
Your pal and fellow fetching-terrier,
Wellllll, it looks like fun. But I think I will keep the status all nice and quo. OK.
Hey Scruff....
Who said wires aren't supposed ta fetch???? What a fallacy that is....while we haven't gotten inta frisbees, we fetch the ball like crazy...all 3 of us and we can get inta some pretty good fights when one of us (and I won't name names) can't get ta bring the ball back cause someone is hoggin' it up.....there always has ta be a hog in the pack, doesn't there????
Don't change a thing except fer the poop that's disguistin' and no decent wire would be caught dead eaten somethin' that crawled outta someone's butt.....although I must admit both me 'n Toby did it when we were kids.....but we're sooooo grown up now and past that children stage.....
Dewey Dewster here....
Sorry, pal, no kvetchin' we're just not fetchin'!!!
Jake and Just Harry
my dawling Nephew -son??
I am so pwoud of youw fetching abilities and catching a see, I bwing balls back, and stuff, but catching it way..I am a Klutz(pleez don't giggle ow tell anyone).
I just watch as things fly wight by me. sometimes they bop me in the head even..I don't think youw Dad would like me
boo hoo
(on the othew paw, I have sweet bweaf)
smoochie kisses to all and a good night
But Scruffman, doesn't that involve actual running? Not for me, no way.
P.S. Nice butt shot, beastie.
Hang in there Scruff...Mom is having one of her jawdropping moments...need to shove it back into place...and Dad's is going green...
Wiry wags, Eric xx
And Deer poop, as we know, is just delish with a little rabbit kibble on the side...what is Dewy on about? Been dogwashed into thinking it's childish or what?
Eric x
Dang Scruffy, you can fetch! You are one great fetching terrier!! I love to fetch too, so there are a few of us terriers that fetch. Keep up the great work with the frisbee!!!
Your pal,
Glad I'm not the only one who plays tuggie with the frisbee. It was the coolest game to ever play with Dad. Though mom taught him how to spin me around cause it was funny. The dizzyness that came afterwards was not so funny if you were to ask me. But apparently they weren't.
Have fun with the frisbee hopefully you can find a way to keep Lacie occupied so you can play alone sometime.
Oh wait mom said sharing is good ha! lot she knows!
Well done Skhruffman!
Tekhhnikhally, I don't fetch but sometimes I will bring bakhk my wubba!
PeeEssWoo: That is some butt some khanine in your house has!
Whatever makes you happy, ya know? You DO have to live with Lacie, it must be nice to have stress free fun like that without her being involved.
Hey Scruffman, who said Terrors don't fetch? Some-bully forgot to tell Darla Jean that, she will fetch all day. The rest of of TN Terrors play a different game, DawgDaddy or DawgMom throws, we go get it and then RUN!! They can't have it back, it's more fun that way!
Feather, Darla & Pappy, the TN Bull Terrors
Hi Scruffy! I love to fetch! I can catch tennis balls in the air and bring 'em back to my dad all day! Zeke, on the other hand, will catch a ball but then he just sits down and chews on it. Oh well - I'm with you - fetching is fun!
See ya!
Hi, Scruffy!
I admire your fetching skills!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Scruffy,
I am all wire fox terrier, as you well know, and I do NOT fetch. I feel that if you throw something and you want it back, then YOU go get it, not me. My mom used to do this a lot. She would throw a ball, I would run after it, and then I'd just stand there next to it. She would tell me to bring in back, but I wouldn't. Why should I? Just so she could throw it again and then I have to chase it again? How smart is that? If she wants the ball back after she throws it, then let her come and get it. I will stand next to it though to show here where to look. I'm being thoughtful that way.
Love and Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
What thwee faboolous Butts. You could all be an add fow how to tighten them fow summew(maybe you could give tips to Mommi)
Thank you fow youw bootiful wishes fow mommi and Daddi(as faw as Mommi looking exackly the same...suwe if you don't count things sagging, and bagging, and winkling and sweading sideways, hehehe) got #s 2,4,half of 6,and 7 wight!!!
love you vewy vewy much
smoochie kisses
Great game with the frisbee you look very intellengent, I am sure you are.
You are so smart to return to the hoomans with your frisbee, Scruffy! Mom says that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be done! Great job!
We have and award from you and Miss Lacie and Stan! Stop by our blog when you get a chance!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We don't fetch....never....
Kisses, Faya
Trade that frisbee in for a tennis ball and I just might fall in love with you.
Hi Scruffy
We thought you looked awesome when you were running, catching and fetching your frisbee!
We dont fetch ourselves but are always impressed by those that do.
We reckon the two leggers shouldnt throw things away that they want back!
As for your other infuriating habits well again it just depends on your perspective. We dont eat poops although mum's last basset would do anything for a mouthful of fresh horse manure!! No we like to roll in it - again horse manure is good as there is so much of it. The full body coverage is always the aim - then they dont want to let you back in the car!!!
Thats as bad as your mum wanting to clean the poops off your teeth.
Well done with actions hots Scruffy - we think you rock.
Martha & Bailey xx
Fetch? Is that what you call it? Is it fetch when I toss my blue fuzzy thing with the long pointy nose and it goes flying high in the air and way across the room and then I have to go find it and do it again? Or is it fetch only if somebody else throws it? It's fun, I know that. Maybe I shouldn't call it "fetch", though. Seems that has a negative connotation for a wire. (What I REALLY wish is that I had a big space to run and catch that frisbee like you do.... it looks like you were having great fun!)
I don't have a clue about this thing you call fetching. Or even playing. But eating little and not so little brown stuff? I just don't understand.... Mom wants me to explore and play, but every time I find rabbit, deer, elk or especially GOOSE poo on our walks, she tugs on my leash and pulls me away. Now that I read about fetch, I'm thinking she'd rather I do that, instead. I'll try. You are a good role model. And it DOES look like fun.
Oh my goodness. I can't believe it. Flash does that annoying biting or trying to help me carry stuff back also. It's annoying isn't it? Maybe Lacie and him should become best buddies and go shopping together. hahahaha
OK we are back in action.... Are you kidding me?? Arch LOVES to bring a tennis ball back.As for me? I will go get it and then take it somewhere else.... I guess fetching is a guy thing.. We are going to readd all of you back posts becaseu we are SOOO behind in al the gossip..Love and kisses A+A
OK we are back in action.... Are you kidding me?? Arch LOVES to bring a tennis ball back.As for me? I will go get it and then take it somewhere else.... I guess fetching is a guy thing.. We are going to readd all of you back posts becaseu we are SOOO behind in al the gossip..Love and kisses A+A
Excellent! Man-dad loves the fact that Madison FETCHES too (it is a guy thing, we agree!) And there is NOTHING close to "retriever" in the breed description of Giant Schnauzer. Nothing. Zero. Zip. So we think she does this just to manipulate Man-dad.
well SCruffy...that is so impressive...i am very impressed...cuz i am half lab...and we are supposed to retreive things...but guess what...i will not retrieve anything...nada...nope..get it yourself...
Excellent fetch Scruffy! I too love to fetch. I can catch mid air and my mommy claps when I do it she is so pleased! The pooh eatting is so uncool though. Hootie was really into that while in Idaho. He thought he was some kinda con-O-suer. Elk pooh, moose pooh, turkey and deer pooh. You name it. He ate it. Since we've been in AZ for 3 months now there's nothing for him, but he does smell it at the dog park & mom screams like a banshee,"WRONG HOOTIE,WRONG!". ha ha. It's a real attention getter. Anywho. Gotta go.
AireKisses to my fellow fetcher,
I love to fetch. My sister, Daphne, just likes to play interfere with my fetching! SILLY SISTERS!
Don't worry ScruffMan! My name is Stanley... and... I am a fetcher... There. I said it. Actually, I'm quite proud of the fact that I can engage the likes of the least athletic hoomans to play with me BECAUSE I fetch. Funny how much they like the game.
You, my friend, are an amazing frisbee dog! I can't track a frisbee to save my goober life. (Speaking of goobers, tell your daddy we like his ensemble. At least he doesn't wear dark colored socks with his shorts.)
Goober love,
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