Mumsie here...yes, I know I'm takin' over the blog...but it's just for a minute. Lacie will post later re Stuffie Stan's progress...(slow...very slow!!)
BUT. DO YOU SEE THE MESS IN THESE PICTURES? LOOK CLOSELY. Yep...that's the bottom rack of my dishwasher. On the floor. With dirty dishes and silverware everywhere. AND no very very guilty Dale to be seen. (He was cowering behind my spouse.)
Do you have any idea how difficult is is to speak firmly (euphenism for yell at) a dog when he's managed to pull this one off? Without laughing or killing him. Sigh. I laughed.
Stanley decided that the spatula I had just used to make egg sandwiches was not completely clean...even after frenzied licking. I was closing the dishwasher when that....RAT, that BEAST absconded with the ENTIRE RACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And carried it across the kitchen until it fell with a resounding crash. Why he just didn't take the spatula, is something only a Dale could answer. Why I have dogs...another good question. AND...we're watching Bruvver's fiance's doggie this week for her....FOUR DOGS. I'm thinkin' bout going back to bed.
Love, Mumsie
Get out the poopie bags, Baby Stan, because you're in it but good. Mumsie may be importing that gator for you to play with if you keep up this behavior. Gee, this makes that one time I accidentally peed on the bed (and the comforter, and the sheets, and the mattress pad) look like nothing! You're making the rest of us terriers look good.
You'd better watch yourself, BabyStan, or you'll find yourself on the short leash.
Your concerned pal,
Holy Moley, Stan! How did you ever manage to do this?! Did you get that spatula clean? Gosh, we sure hope so after all that!
Does Bruvver's fiance have a Terrier too?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Don't tell Mumsie...but Stan is officially my hero! I try to eat stuff out of the dishwasher all the time and Mom screams at me. I need to come over to your house & take some lessons!
Wow that is an AWESOME mess! When Booker gets absconds with something from the kitchen, he takes it right into his kennel. Can you imagine the whole dishwasher rack in his kennel? If something is missing, we know right where to look first. I call him the "magpie-dog."
Oh my lord......I am even going to go hide so you can't find me, I swear, I did not do it.
Oh Stanley! Why oh why you silly dale! Im pretty sure youre really in the dog house for that...Im pretty sure my momma would absolutely KILL me! She yells if I even pee on the floor or chew on her undies hehe..
puppy breath,
w00f's Scruffy, Lacie and Stan...heeheee pawsome job there stan..all me has done bad iz try to git toliet paper outta mamas hand when she in baffroom...
b safe,
Yes....I understand. I a with you with all my heart,
Regards, VĂ©ronique (Faya's mom or slave if you prefere)
PS : can you tell me why I want another terrier (welsh in fact...)?
You're like the Incredible Hulk! "YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE ME WHEN I'M HUNGRY..." *Babystan begins to turn green*
I am sowt of in awe, hehehI know I should disapwove, but sheeesh that's weally accomplished I've nevew see that talent befowe , and Mommi says I bettew not leawn it, hehehe
I'm so glad that stuffy Stan is wesponding so well..we make a gweat team..Aggie , Snickers, you and I..but we may have to leave Myrna in chawge and go to Jackson tomowwow..pack youw bags
smoochie kisses
Oops! Looks like you're in the doghouse again, Stan! J x
MY HERO! OMDOG you are amazing Stan. I bow in your greatness. If only there was carpeting so a stain could have been made!!!
Uh Mrs Mumsie,A+A here.Don't be mad at Babystan(remember those lovely baby days when we called him that that little bundle of fur??)Of course he might have had some help......it would be a little hard to do that all by yourself.....but with 6 other legs...piece of cake...Archie go run to the kitchen for a minute and try this... be right back... Love A+A
oh my....I am so honored.
My scruffy butt in the place of honor. Oh, be still my heart!
pee esss...muzzer had a doggie that used to bring her um, used feminine protection items out of the bathrrrroom and present them to "young gentlemen callers." So see, Baby Stan is OK. Can we have pix of the visitor?
Trying to imagine the whole episode makes me laugh!
Kisses and hugs
That is one great pair of jaws. Good job on that dishwasher tray. I can see that you were just trying to unload it. No matter they weren't washed.
hey guys....great job on ruining the kitchen and increasing ur mussie blood pressure...
i will definately hide myself for good until all the fire from anger is stop
How did you do that?
BabyStan is trying to help in dishwashing huh?
Licks along,
Rudolf + Goofy
Oh dear. I dont think BabyStan meant to do that. He's probably just trying to help with the dishes
~ Girl girl
Bravo Stan...we thought we were good at licking out the dishwasher but you take the cake matie. That is one thorough job. We are in awe of you.....picture us bowing at the computer.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Yikes! Stan, your Mum sounds pretty pissed off. Quick, put on those puppy eyes!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Well, Mumsie, I think you have a handful there. I can tell you that we NEVER did anything like that. We love to lick the spoons and dishes but to lick the dishwasher rack....unheard of. What sort of punishment is BabyStan getting? I say take all the racks out of the dishwasher, put him in and close the door...that'll teach him!
Asta Marie, WFT
Ahh, GREAT job Stan. What else can I say? Hoomans never do clean their plates properly, aite?
Bad black and tan! Bad bad bad. Tell mumsie, she doesn't have a dog, she has an airedale... whole nother proposition. Hey, at least nothing got ger-broken.
P.S. Momma has been very slow posting the pictures of me and Hector nursing Stuffy Stan. He'll be like totally healed by the time she gets around to it. Grrr...
Stan, you are my hero! I, Poppy have been trying to do that for ages! Now, Patches is joining in so maybe the two of us will succeed one day! It's a good thing Mumsie laughed or we might see your name show up as an available 'dale on the Airedale Rescue website!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hey you guys! Check out my bloggy. I got some pics with stuffie stan.
Oh hahaha that is so something Peanut would do.
Wow Stan! I'm SO in awe, how did you manage the whole rack? I manage a swift lick or two now n then but ..gee... you are my hero of the week but don't tell your Mumsie or my 2 leggeded... hope the naughty corner was worth it for the eggy spatula... doesn't seem like a good pay off really...
Wags of respect. Eric
Hi, Baby Stan -
And we thought we did a good job when we ate that dictionary trying to help Mama with her homework....
Mama told us that she does not want us to learn that trick. Too bad this wasn't in a video. This is pretty funny.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
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