If ya stand him up, all four paws slide outward...he's so um drugged. I don't think he even needs one of my Sore Paw Smoothies? Mumsie had to carry him in from the car and put him on his bed. He growled at Scruffy rather nastily for getting in his face. Scruffy seems content to leave him alone...
Koobie, Asta and Agatha are on their way to take shifts for nursing the big guy. We have to soak his paw in Epsom Salts...
Poor Stan...Mumsie just shakes her head in disgrace 'bout the shower door debacle...
Sheesch...I just hope this doesn't interfere with hatchin' those eggs for Butchy and going on my Gillie DATE....
Please send some zen to the poor boy...he feels rotten....
This is all so sad about Stan! I can't stand to see his sweet Dale face looking so sad.
Tell Mumsie not to be so hard on herself. We have ALL stepped on/sat on/etc. our dogs. The shower door incident could have happened to anyone- and handling three umm... headstrong terriers in the shower is quite the feat! She should forgive herself.
Stanny will be back to good in no time!! I just know that the nursing team will have him back in action.
Stan Man! Those drugs seem rather heavenly to me. Maybe I should start limpin too. I would soak it up as long as you can and make your mom feel bad, then you will get more snackies and stuff. Really dude, I am so sorry you are hurting and you look so so sad.
We are sending LOTS of AireZen your way, Stan! We hope your paw feels better very soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Stanley we do hope your poor paw feels much better very soon and tell Mumsie not to feel so bad, accidents do happen, especially with lots of terriers around!
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Oh I hope Stanley is feeling better and his cut is healing okay. He does look very sad.
How are the eggs.
Lacie Teacakes (mmmm yummy with lashings of butter and strawberry jam)
Aww. Poor Stanley. I'm tail tuckering too seeing him all hurting. Thank dog the nurses are on the way. Need more Epsom salts sent over? Epsom's a town not so far from Square Dog House. I'll collect a truck load for you Nursies.Then have a little flutter with Stanley over a card game of Red Dog. Golly. Was that named after the handsome Gillie? Do you play that game over the big one? T'was Mom's most favourite card game when she was a little legged.Yonks ago.
In the meantime I'm sending super strength square terrier zen for Stanley. Along with Special square love for Mumsie. Nope. Not her fault.
Ooodles of kisses Eric xxx
Aw we are behind so we weren't sending the purrs - but we are here now sending lots of Purrs for Stan to get better quickly!
And tell your mom that we have all done it - it is one of the perils of being a pet mom! We know it was an accident, and we are sure Stan doesn't hold it against her.
I still hold to my original theory...
BUT we'll khross our paws here in the central part of the state -
AND send some GoldenSibe Vibes!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Stanny, We're so sorry your paw is so sore!! Add a huge dose of wirey zen to that epsom salts soaking 'cause we're sending you lots and lots of it.
And mumsie, remember what we said --- our mom has squashed us, stepped on us, bonked us -- so don't be upset with yourself.
Wire love,
Jake and Just Harry
Hi, You Guys...
I'm sending lots of Good Lhasa Vibes to Stan...Sore feet are no fun....
I hope he feels better soon...
Abby xxxooo
Poor Stan, I sure hope your paw feels better soon. Don't go gettin too grumpy at Scruffy or Lacie, they are just tryin to help.
wags, wiggles & feel-better-slobbers
So sorry about Stan's feety feet!! We furries have delicate feets! At least I do! Sending Siberian kisses!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Ah, poor Stanley, he looks so sad and forlorn with that hurt paw. So glad it wasn't his nose in the door when it got shut, bad enough that his toes got bruised up. Hopefully with all that excellent nursing care, he'll be back dancing in no time.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Aw, Stan.
I'm sorry to hear about your sore footie. You are on the right track though. You've got to stay off your feet (all of them) and let us pretty nurses fuss over you. With Asta, Agatha, and me taking care of you, you can't help but get better!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Dear Lacie,
I just know that Stanley will get better with you on duty. If you need any help taking a nursing shift, I have experience taking care of Mack.
Nurse Well,
Sally Ann
THIS is what happens when we don't check in on our friends! They go and get hurt paws and their people get hurt feelings! And we don't like either of those things. We're glad you're in the care of some good nurses, Stanley (we have utmost confidence in them .. and will call them in a heartbeat if the need ever arises). Tell the girls to mix in some of our wirey love when they whip up whatever concoction seems right. For you and for Mumsie. We'll be thinking about you (we have lots of time to think,now) and hoping everydoggie and doggie mom is feeling back up to snuff soon. Really soon. (There isn't much time to waste.) Next time we visit (which better hadn't be so late, next time) we want to see sparkly eyes and happy feet.
We love ya
Jake and Fergi
thank you for the compassionate and caring update on poor stannie! We hope he feels betterer soonest.
teka toy
Oh no, we leave you guys alne for two seconds, and look what happens!
The pooooooor Stanmeister, what a poor baby. Oh gosh and mumsie, Mumsie, please don't feel so bad. These things just happen.
Lucky you have the best nurse in the universe in the house.
Molly is free to head over and dish out some healing sloppy ones if you need her...
Be safe!
Stan, my friend, be careful with those happy pills. You sound a little woogy. Gosh, I sure hope your tootsies get better soon. I hate to see the only sane one in the house dorked out.
Poor Stannie! Do you want my cone of humiliation? It works wonders on the desire to lick yer foot in pub-lick! Makes you wanna slink off to closets n such to do all the necessary lickin'.
Better still, want me to come up and lick on yer footie a while?
So. Just how many blogs? How many comments? How much time is it going to take for us to figure things out? We still have questions about those purple eggs (but are feeling a bit more wise). But we just NOW figured out that it's Scruffy with the peepeeproblem, not you, LacieGirlie. Zheesh! We don't want to seem insensitive. Or worse yet, ignorant. But if Moma doesn't shape up, we're gonna get a bad reputation.
Your friends who are really really trying their best to make up for lost time. Again.
Jake and Fergs
oh we hope stan is ok we are worried too especially since lacie is playing nurse...
We are sending LOTS of healing vibes. Tell him to use this opportunity to lobby for NO MORE BATHS. Seriously, you are sitting on a gold mine here! Well, Stan is...Lacie, don't sit on it or you will be um well.. just don't
Thanks for the pupdate. Poor Stan, we hope the meds will help him feel better. At least the vet found something, that is better than not knowing what is wrong. Sibe vibes and paws crossed for tomorrow to be a better day for him.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Poor Stan, we are send paw healie thoughts his way!
Poor Stan! Somebody better keep an eye on his med schedule - I know when Mom last had surgery Dad had to keep an eye on the clock so Mom didn't get super, uh, loopy! Keep soon fast, Stan!
*kissey face*
Glad to know his leg is not broken!
I hope he will be like new in no time!
Kisses and hugs
We're so sad our furiend isn't well. He looks so pitiful. Kisses to the paw! Mwah!!!
Me Lacienursiecakes!!!
I KNEW there was a reason that I couldn't sleep besides me Barkday and all!!! Stanley, me lad, is hurt!
Poor, poor Stanley!!! Now, you take care of him!!! We can go on our date any time!!
Me Lass, you've had your nursie pawsful with Scruff first, and THEN Stan!!! Sheesch!!! You keep yourself healthy... drink your smoothies!
I cannot bear to look at him, and his tail was down, awww, poor fella!
Irish Love,
Pee ess... Me muffur, McJules, was put on anti-inflammatory meds for her fracture and now she has bloody diarrhea. Me mom can't get a break with the GI stuff!!!
pee pee ess... you look A-O-K in your nurse outfit!
I hpe you finally got some west doowing my shift..I now am on my way wif Butchy to help hatch the puwple eggs, and Aggie and Koobie have awwived to spell me hewewif youw dawling bwofuw (poow sweetheawt)
anyway, this means the way is cleaw fow you to go on youw date wif Gillie, just,,,umm, what exackly did you put into that last batch of smoofies fow babyStan???I got the most intewesting text fwom him,hmmmm..gotta wun and jump on the plane..it's aweady moving(Butchy is in a bit of a huwwy)
smoochie kisses
Hey there Laciegal'
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's sore paw. I'm just popping by to send some warm, South African, get well wishes to Babystan as well as to your Momma! I hope all goes well with the pain meds too.
hello lacie its dennis the vizsla dog hay we wil send lots of tail wags stanleys way!!! ok bye
Sending much zen...
feel better.
you look just pitiful in that picture! i'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better!!
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