Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mango's Momma!!!

Oh my....I can't believe that the Relentlessly Hooge and his bro Peewee actually pulled this one off....lookie at the pawty they are throwing for their Momma!!! And look at the size of that CAKE!!!
Mango is actually practicing his agility moves by JUMPIN' over it....IT'S HOOOOOOOGE!!!
Peewee looks like he's finally learned to meditate...or perhaps he's thinkin' bout what happens when Mango lands in the cake....
And check out the icing on the cake....Mango and Dexter have never been this SWEET...(um, get it??? Lacie is used to 'splainin' things to Scruffy....)
Stop on by Mango's and Dexter's bloggie and give ur best wishies to the MOMMA!!!!
Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan
Pee ess...if there is any icing left over, could ya please send it this way????????


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Sorry Sweetie!

The icing has to get past ME furst!

PeeEssWoo: I bet your blender is a-whirlin and a-twirlin in celebration fur Mango's Momma!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

What a wonderful birthday card. I don't think all that icing will get eaten.

Asta said...

You awe the cawdmakewpawexcellence!!
Isn't MangoMoma coo?
I'd like to leawn how to twain lawge beasties fwom hew, hehehe
That cke was delish!!!1
I had no idea that mango and the Peewee wewe such excellent bakews..was that icing so floofy cause it had just a soop son of suds???
Deawest Scwuffy..twy not to dwink to much of that fujismoofie..I heaw it tuwns into caf a does aftew being blended..vewy powewful.

Umm, babyStan I'd love to go fow a walk..can we go to that lovely leafy pawk of youws? I bet it's glowious wif the fall leaves

smoochie kisses

ScrapsofMe said...

Cute card! Mango looks pawsitively friskie! Happy birthday Mango Momma!

Maxmom said...

Hey there guys
That's a beautiful card you guys made for the Mango-momma! THank you for your 'birdie speak' and letting us all know about the great event. We've been there alread to wish her, but if it wasn't for you and Lacy, we wouldn't have known. Big thanks.

Dexter said...

Oh thank you my little niece (hey, that rhymes with beast). There is some icing left, but it seems to be tinged with just a wee bit of slobber. Not sure how that would go down with you.

Auntie Mango Momma

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh I hope we aren't too late in wishing Mango's momma a Happy Birthday!! Dashing over right after this...

Hollie and Janie said...

Happy Birthday to Mango's Mommy! What a precious card! I love it!!

Noah the Airedale said...

Thanks for the tip. We're heading over there now.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy x

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great card!!! We will go wish Mango's mom a happy birthday and see if we can snag a piece of that cake too.

Please try to stop by our blog today and see Thunder in his costume. If you like it, then you can click on the link and leave a comment at Hansel's Halloween Spooktacular.

Woos, the OP Pack

Duke said...

What a cute birthday card! We had no idea that it was Mango's mom's birthday! Thanks for letting us know, Lacie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch