Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our New Snack Dispenser.......

Stanley here. Lacie let me post....lookie at our sickle pear tree....ripe and bursting with fruit.
It's the ultimate in snack-dispensing....we just watch and predators....
waitin' for those pear rhodents to fall...
Here's Scruff with a mouthful....he's out there ALL THE TIME....let's just say that he recycles them well....
And that you don't wanna be in the same room with him in the evening....
Look at Foxy Breath with a hooge mouthful of pears.....
He brought one in the kitchen today and tried to bury it. the technique of a pear hungry Lakeland.....first the snatch....

Then the GRAB.
Delicately RIPPING and GNASHING off the SKIN.....

NOM NOM NOM as the Mango would say.....

Observin' it to see if it's gonna try and escape....

Not a chance with these jaws......

Lacie looks surprisingly good with a belly full of pears.....

Scruffy looks like he has issues.....

My tummy feels a tad ill...maybe a nap?
Very full reporting barks...


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh Stanny Baby, How I've missed you!!! *bats lashes* Mom is finally getting back in the groove. We have missed everyone and all kinds of fun. Especially with YOU, you handsome hunka Airedale....*flicks long wavy ears back*
Uh, well, sometimes I get kinda nervous. Kinda like butterflies in my tummy. Mom says I may just be being a bit too forward with, uh, well, tell Lacie girl hi for me I sooo wish I could have come to the spa weekend. All the beauty tips I missed out on. Visit our place. We're back!
You look great in your pic!
hayhay lacie!!! ok anok jus hadda say HOWDEE gurl scoots

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom says YUM...sekhkel pears are tasty!

Akhtually, she loves all pears!

I'm sure your deer pals will love 'em too!

Better make sure Mumsie has plenty of bread to heave at 'em!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Don't eat to many, it might make your tummies upset. Try just one, maybe two. Otherwise, you might have to go to the VET, and you might only get to eat white rice and boiled chicken.

ScrapsofMe said...

Doesn't all that ripe fruit make rumblies in the tummies? I wouldn't be allowed to sleep in the big bed if I ate a whole pear. SHE'd lock my butt in my crate overnite 'just in case of gas'. Anyways, I love your attack plan for killing the pears and slurping em down. They do look soooo nummie.


Lorenza said...

I need one of those here!
Happy long weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Ochh ohhhhh.....the only think that arrived was the card and fur. We sure hope that the other thing isn't sitting in customs. Did it have food in it? Were they sent at the same time?? Crikey.......
Usually if they confiscate something they write to us. We often get letters hehehe.
We haven't received a letter from them yet. We will let you know the minute it arrives.

As for the pear munching. You all look very satisfied with pear belly.
Lacie, of course you look beautiful.


Koobuss said...

Oh, this looks very bad. Do you think that you'll be needing the nurses? My red kar is gassed up and ready to go.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess Hi Scruffy.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Hey Stanny, I wrote to you in your c box. Let me know *lowers eyes demurely*

Faya said...

Fruits are goooooood for us. We eat fruits every day ( great)... I don't like pears but Dyos do ! I prefer kiwis....and peaches....
Your pears look miam miam says Dyos !
Kisses, Faya

The Black and Tans. said...

We are sure we can hear the gurgling of those tummies here in the UK! Shame Scruffy has problems in the evening.............. can you sit down wind of him?

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Dexter said...

Ha! I stole all the apples off our apple tree and didn't even need to wait for them to fall off. They re-appeared most hurridly and in their original form.


tula monstah said...

fun under a pear tree! any boink you on the head?? they sure look deeeelicious! & hours of funballs!

kiss kisses,

Gus said...

Wow...we had tangerine and orange and some other stuff trees in Azrizona, but no WAY did I want to eat those. A pear tree? MMMMM, with a little brie and some arugula, I like those just fine.


Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Lacie, you look fabulous here! And your estate is like terrier heaven. Mmm, pears.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, if you think of the shape of a pear....and then imagine Lacie's figure....well, I guess it's true! You ARE what you eat!!!!

(Rolling on the floor in fits of sassy Cairn terrier laughter!)

Good one, huh Scruff?

Your pal,


Asta said...

What teck.nick..You could do a food netwowk show ow something..the many ways to eat t apeaw..all of you look soo happy and then sowt of passed out, hehehe
Wish I lived thew in the land of plenty
I hope Sunny's lettew cheewed dawluing Stanny up.
I hate to see him so bweaks my heawt and makes me cwy uncotwollably..makes me think of anothew Stanny..snifff sniffff
smoochie , gulp, hick, kisses

Duke said...

Mitch would be joining you snaggin' all of those pears! Yup, we know all about chunky poo! You wish for windy days every day, right?!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We sure hope you 3 don't end up with tummy aches! Sometimes we eat pears, but ours come from a CAN. We like your way much better!

Happy Labor Day!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Hollie and Janie said...

What a great way to snack! Now, if only we had a biscuit dispensing tree.....

Joe Stains said...

woah, talk about lucky! we have a pomegranate tree but those suckers are impossible to get into. I sure hope you guys don't over do it and get the pear-screamers, that would stink. literally. :)

Duffy said...

Hey Lacie, you have made an art of eating a pear. Wow! Most I get is a bite of melon or something. Not much technique needed.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We can only imagine how you feel if those pears lie on the ground in the heat for too long. It's a good thing you eat 'em right up as soon as they fall.

If you have any left over... we'd be happy to come help ya eat 'em.

Love you guys,
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Bae Bae said...

Those pears looks really yummy

~ Bae

Maxmom said...

Hey there Lacie (and Co)
I believe that you guys are going along with the Mango Dude (&co) for a visit to our continent. Just wanted to wish you a happy journey and extend the hope that we will become friends.
Lots of licks

William Tell said...

Ah, we have a pear tree but the piggies always beat us to them!

Happy Tails,
William Tell