I call this pic..."Scruffy With His Tongue Out...."
Here's a pic for sale of Lacie...all donations can go to the "Scruffy Tennis Ball/Frisbee Fund"....yes, Lac has a cute tummy....
BUT LOOK AT THOSE CHOPPERS......and she knows how to use 'em!!!!
Respectfully Submitted,
She doesn't skhare me!
I know the shriek is WAY worse than the bite!
Trust us, Lacie scares us too!
Very nice.
Lots of treats,
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker
Lacie does indeed have a splendid set of gnashers, all sparkly white and gleaming. Umm Scruffy is the picture on ebay?
Molly, Taffy and Monty
We love the Scruff picture and demand more.
gussie d
ALL THWEE OF YOU AWE LOOKING VEWY VEWY BOOTIFUL, UMMMMM, I ,MEAM HANDSOME AND LACIE IS THE BOOTIFUL ONE..I'm Lacie's BFF and I'm suwe she would give me that pictoowe fow nothin, plus awen't I you'we Mom/dogtew,cousin aunt ow something???you can't chawge welatives you ninny.
smoochie kisses
Hi, You Guys...
Great pictures...
Hey, Lacie: My Mom says she will call the Vet & see if the wooden BT is allowed to date...We'll let you know...
And, my Mom says that she doesn't even know why I stay sooo white...She just gives me a bath when she thinks I need it & I do have my standing 6-8 week Spa Day...
Abby xxxooo
Relaxing on a beautiful summer day - how are the bids going on that shot of Lacie?
woo, the OP Pack
Great pictures guys, but my absolute favorite is the one of my dear Scruffy. Will you please send me an autographed copy.
How about this weather? I don't know if it's good or bad. It's been cool here, but at least it's stopped raining.
Love and Koobuss Kisses (especially for Scruffy),
The more pictures of lacie I see the more she scares me to death.
How come when I see that last photo that song MANEATER starts running through my head?? Looks like a nice summer day to me, here, our brains are melting!!
Ha! We were just telling somebody how my Grandpa Angus had chompers as big as mine even though he only weighed 65 pounds. You terriers are killing machines.
Scruf....ahhhmmm you look really cute smiling like that....love aggie
PS Arch fainted seeing lacie like that.Lvoe A+A
Dog, you all look so darn handsome in the warm siummer sunshine. Except Lacie, who's looking pretty. Yes pretty.....scary....
Wiry wags n kissies, Eric xxxx
I look like what????????
Geowge Washington in a paiw of wed boxews..
I want you to go immediately to youw encyclo pawdia and look up July fouwteenth..honestly didn't you get a decent edoocation???
Haven't you evew heawd of the Sans-coulotte????
I'm beside myself wif howwow of the cuwwent state of edoocation
smoochie kisses
Hey Lacie! Are you working as some sort of plus sized model now? I got some google hits on your self. See my bloggy.
Your mom takes great pictures of you fur-children. You all look fabulous!
it was fabulous that day! you are right!
We went back in time to review Lacies butt story.. where, exactly, is that swimming place? I am going to steal moms car and go there. e-mail me. Morgan
a private pmail for lacie: lacie i have been watching from afar and i hope my latest emerald post shows mango just is'nt in our league... i think you have super pawers worth defending... if you wanna send me your demands of a woofing great date RSVP to doyledog@me.com... i am strong enough to put up with your shrieking demands and i do love your mo[jo] woofhoo respectively doyle ;D
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