Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dingos in the AM...

Hi Everybody...Lacie here...thought you might like to see some pix of Dingo of our favorite parts of the's in the mornin' while Mumsie reads the paper...somethin' bout keepin' us outta her hair???

Lookie at Scruffy...I sorta chopped his head off here.....
Have ya ever seen a dog pin his ears back this far????

Look at him...mouth stuffed with Dingo...and earless....a rare specimen, that's for sure....

Stanny's done with his he's washin' his face on my lifeguard chair...he loves to scratch his chin on it....his leggie seems more limpin'....we're keepin' our paws crossed it stays that way!!!!!

Oh I coffee....I like to hoard my Dingo and G R O W L at the boyz when they come NEAR the family room...notice I didn't say IN the family room....
Scruffy sez I look like a weasel here....sheesch...I mean it's mornin'...whatdoya expect????
Love and kisses...Laciegirlie

Monday, July 27, 2009

Stanley Update!!!

Scruffy here!!!

Mumsie was on her cell this mornin' when she heard us bark to go out...she opened the door without lookin'...(HER MISTAKE) and we took off...this is what she these aren't the exact deer...the twins were a little bigger and the mama deer was way meaner lookin' than this one...

The twins took off into the brush, but Psycho Mama turned and faced us down... she started stompin' her hooves and snortin'...we were all of 10 feet from her on our side of the invisible fence....

Mumsie freaked out completely cuz Mama Deer looked like Mother Bear by that point...she went racin' and screechin' at the Mama...member the time she tossed the half loaf of whole wheat bread????...well, this time she upped her was either to toss her cell phone....naaaaaaaaaaa...or this.....
Yeppers...she tossed her DEARFOAM SLIPPER...right at Psycho Mama...landed 'bout two feet from her nose...she looked disgusted and turned and fled...probably the odor of the slipper...PEEEEEEEEUUUUUUUUU!

The nurses arrived en force to help Lacie nurse's Asta zoomin' in on her Vespa (IN HIGH HEELS!) with some kind of dinosaur soup...can't remember the name of it...but boy, was it tasty...Stan loved havin' the girls; Asta, Koobie, Aggie and well Lacie spoon feed him....he was feelin' WAY better till this evening when he and Lacie were out playin' and he musta hurt his leggie again...he came in limpin' really badly.
He didn't want to rest till I found this for him....EAT UR HEART OUT, JOE STAINS!!!!!

It's a Burger Bed.....have ya ever seen anything so COOL?????????

We are very grateful for all the healin' wishes and zen comin' Stan's way....we hope this leggie heals once and for all!!!!!
Reportin' barks...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Zen and Nurses Needed For Babystan!

Poooooooor Babystanny....look at him...not a happy Dale........
Can ya see the way he's holdin' his back leggie? He went to daycare yesterday and when he got in the car he couldn't put any weight on it...Mumsie took him to the vettie...they took x-rays, but don't know if it's a hip issue or his knee....

Poor Guy...we had to help him up the stairs last night with a towel under his end section.....totally pathetic....Vettie put him on Rimadyl for a couple of days.....we hate givin' him medicine, but we want him to feel better soonest.

I got immediately into nurse tail coverin' scrubs...(that Agatha is so strict bout how much of ur tail can show....) Yes, I know my name tag says RN...she's makin' me write "IN TRAININ' " after it...nursing school takes forever!

Here's a closeup of my tag...Agatha sez "proper ID must always be displayed prominently..."

I'm gettin' tired....these 24 hour shifts are too much...any nurses out there wantin' to come and help with some Dale orthopaedics????? Asta? Aggie? Sunny? Koobie? Miss Fergie? Toffee???

I told Stanny he can lean on me to walk...but sometimes he just squashes me....we're gonna go over crutchwalkin' this afternoon...two or four crutches???

BTW, if ya bigafy this you can see when I wear blue scrubs, I HAVE BLUE EYES!!!
Love and kisses...especially to my good pal Petey. (Lacie coughs a little bit...hopefully she's not comin' down with somethin' after being up all night....)
Nurse Lacie

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miss Understood Laciegirlie.....

Hi Everybody!! Lacie here...I'm smilin' in this pic cuz the sun finally came out for like two seconds....and then it poured again. We did have a rainbow today...we was sunnin' and pourin' at the same time!!!

We're exhausted from the wedding Petey has his kilt in a knot cuz he said I was too loud at the weddin' ceremony...screechin'....and my blender was too loud....and I was rude tryin' to catch the BOO KAY of flowers...(I was merely tryin' to bump it with my pop it in ANY direction away from ME....)

As for the ceremony??? Petey and Rosie had this uninvited guest....I had to make noise and racket to distract everybody......that's my middle name...DISTRACTION...

Can ya see why? Can you just imagine what woulda happened if any dog or cat had seen THIS guest?????
Misunderstood Barks....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Seventh Barkday, Miss Snickers!!!!!!!

Lookie, lookie!!!! Can ya guess who this old photo is????? It's the lovely Miss Snickers taken when she was a years ago....look at her old crib! I do hafta admit, there are few puppies cuter than you foxy's all about the way your fur fluffs up like that or somethin'......
Gussie planned a surprise pawty on Miss Snicker's deck in Iowa!!!! Um, well, Scruffy was givin' her a Barkday kissie...this just happened to be right after he dragged a dead bird into the kitchen and he HADN'T YET BRUSHED HIS TOOFERS.... I'm laughin' cuz it's just so vintage Scruffy and Stanley can't even watch...he hates conflict....either that or he's afraid Scruff's gonna slurp his face too??!!

Did you have any idea THAT MISS SNICKERS IS AN EXPERIENCED BELLY DANCER???? Look at her dance...she even has one of those I Dream of Jeannie Bottles to add to the flavor....Gussie is always showin' us his best side for the camera....

Snickers showed me some basic moves....heh heh heh....Butcho seems to like 'em....
The only thing I can't figure out in this pic is I look so tall and slim in this shot, but my SHADOW....still looks exactly like a short, squatty and square Lakeland??? Anybody know why?????
Scruffy, Lacie and Stan

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mango's Worst Nightmare!!!

Lacie here...if you go to Mango's blog you will read some unflattering comments about...what else...the size of my butt...he had the nerve to ask me if I had become a plus size model....

I tried to comment on his blog, but it wouldn't let I peemailed him...this is what I wrote:

OK, MANGO...IS ANYONE ELSE HAVIN' TROUBLE COMMENTIN' ON UR STOOPID POSTIE...I've tried all day...and blogger won't let me....did ya block me??? I've had it...and I've figured out my revenge... You and I, Darling, are getting married at Petey's wedding...YOU DESERVE ME.....well, actually you don't but just imagine me SHRIEKING IN UR EAR ALL THE TIME... No more time for MANGO MEDITATION... Nope...I'll have a HONEY DO list a mile long....after a day or'd be happy to go to obedience with Peewee..... Your loving wife to be... THE BEAST
He replied that he wasn't marryin' me....we'll see about that........actually, I really don't WANT to marry him....but it would be poetic justice!


Pee ess...the Relentlessly Hooge is so dimwitted that if we all just pretended that I actually got him up the aisle, he'd probably believe with me, People......

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer in Da Burgh!

Scruff here...what a bootiful day....breezy, warm...not rainin'.....Summer at it's BEST!
Lacie is a total camera hoggie....

Here's a less formal portrait...we can see Stan's best side....

Um...Lacie and I got into a bit of a confrontation 'bout how close we were can see the Big Dale hates conflict...he wouldn't even look at the camera...

I call this pic..."Scruffy With His Tongue Out...."

Here's a pic for sale of Lacie...all donations can go to the "Scruffy Tennis Ball/Frisbee Fund"....yes, Lac has a cute tummy....
BUT LOOK AT THOSE CHOPPERS......and she knows how to use 'em!!!!
Respectfully Submitted,

Friday, July 10, 2009

More of Lace and Brides.........

Oh my....Lacie here...Mumsie and I are in Charlotte, helping Cat Woman plan her wedding...first off was a trip to the Bridal Salon to look for an appropriate gown...I, of course, modeled them with Cat Woman giving a discreet nod of approval or not as to what should be placed in the dressing room for her perusal.....This dress was one my brothers picked out...I can't see the back of it, but they said it fits perfectly and even had room for Sissy to carry a kitty on the butt...

The bridal consultant said this dress is difficult to get some one with the correct figure to um fill it out pawfectly, but that it looked fantabulous on me....

Stanny, Scruff and I did get into a bit of tug of war with the train, but that cat Colby put an end to that, jumpin' on the dress and using it as a scratchin' postie with me in it...shehheeesch.

Gotta run...more dresses to admire!!!!!


Stan and Scruff here....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....have ya ever seen anything so LARGE, like when Lacie's south end is travelin' north???? Three or four SUBSTANTIAL wires could hide under that dress and she'd never find em...or a scrawny wire and an Airedale who might be in a bit of trouble???????

Monday, July 6, 2009


Scruffy here.......our postie is on this LINK.....come back here to comment...sorry bout the setup...we're hidin' it from Lacie......ssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Recycled Felt or Lacie Goes Green.....

Some dogs just never learn....OK...obviously the above pic is of those attractive MALES, Jake and Just Harry. They have these two SCRAPS OF FELT, er I mean Wheelies named Maigreet and Clouseau are from France or someplace that does the whole parley the fran-ceez......
Now it came to my knowledge that these two did NOT WANT TO GO ON A DATE WITH THE LACIE. I assumed they were just shy....HA! I offered to cook them some Cocoa Vin...substituting Carob for the cocoa...but no dice....NO DATES...and they said NEVER in about 12 different languages....
And THEN....this morning in my chattie box...they (oh, this is just so disturbing....) called me a grandmother. And alluded to the fact that they think my sweet BROTHER Gilbert Wheelie....might be my SON. Based on their lousy investigative skills,I'm sure....
This is SLANDER or LIBEL... um...can never remember which....
(Lacie begins to develop a headache....) I thought about goin' shoppin' to feel better, but then I had an IDEA.....

I'm openin' up a new that brown, black and white handbag.....????????? Made from recycled SCRAPS OF FELT Felt??? No, I didn't make this...just found a pic of it....

How's this was originally made from
Airedale Heaven in Georgia....I've just changed it a bit......
Like the new handle.....taped to the mouth?????

How bout this...taped to the butt??? Very helpful if the Wheelie isn't housebroken....or has HEM Or ROIDS....

I'm thinkin' bout payin' a visit to Florida to pick up some more SCRAPS OF FELT. (Those sturdy RED handles could give it a whole new look......)

This purse is so easy to grab in a hurry.....

Can be used as an Over Your Nose Bag....scads of room for your nosecara etc.....

Or as a MANPURSE....and as Scruffy is demonstrating...A Clutchbag.......he was clutchin' it so hard, Mumsie had to toss a whole handful of Gummibears at him to drop it......

(No wheelies IN THIS HOUSE were harmed in the making of this post.)
That might NOT BE THE CASE IN FLORIDA.....well...I won't harm them...just bring them here to Da Burgh and have them schlep all my makeup around......heh heh heh!