What ever you guys are all doing is WORKING....I'll turn this over to Mumsie so I can go give Scruff a deserved nip and pack my nursing kit.
Marilyn here...KEEP IT UP...prayers, zen, pawsitive thoughts....it is SO working....he's actually cracking jokes....his sarcastic sense of humor is back...he's up walking around and wanted to shower, but wasn't allowed because of the moniter leads. He suggested that he stick them on me and no one would be the wiser while he showered. Ah NOOOOOO.... He also won't listen to me about sitting on the side of the bed to dress, etc...I told him my patients always listen to me...his comment..."what's your point???"
As for Lacie going to the hospital to visit....well, we may sneak Baylee in there tonight wearing a homemade "therapy cock a poo" vest....
I sneaked a fox terrier into that hospital one other time...um never again....
Love to all!
Oh Nuwse Lacie
UYou look soo pwofessional..i just know what youw Daddy needs is youw expawt cawe..smoochie kisses, Smoofies galowe and youw jokes and sawcastic take on all the hospital pawsonel, hehehe
don't fowget to give Mumsie the same tweatment..hew stwess level is thwoo the woof and I'm suwe she is in need of a good massage(tell youw stwong bwofuws to do that)
we awe keeping the wishes on the dogstaw, the pwayews, and the excellent vibes flowing nonstop to youw Daddy and whole family
smoochie kisses
ASTA and mommi
pee ess NO youw but did not look big at the DWB pawty
pee ess ess
my wowd vewyfication is eysore(hope it's not talking about me)
oh lacie you are a trooper, how could your daddy not hurry and get better with a character like you to keep him entertained... make sure you guys give your momma a big slobber cos she will be feeling tired and will need some energies... and lacie dont forget to tuck your tail under your scrubs if you do sneak a visit.... loves and licks
We absolutely think you should be snucked into the hospital to see your daddy, Lacie!
Our paws remain crossed and the AireZen continues to flow!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Whew! We are so glad your pops is feeling well enough to be a pain in the rear! We will keep our paws crossed for his continued recovery.
Sheps w/pep and Otis
Oh Lacie......I think ya need ta stay outta the hospital so ya don't scare yer Dad inta remission....
And Marilyn, Gram wants me ta tell ya that she hopes John makes a complete recovery. She was really sorry to hear that he had to be flown back ta "da burg" fer medical purposes.....lots of good doctors around "da burg".....they will know how to fix 'em up good as new. We will keep our paws crossed and channel a ton of zen yer way......Gram 'n Pap too....
Dewey Dewster here.....
When our Dogdad was in the horse piddle at first, they had him tethered to a monitor with about a four-foot lead -- so he couldn't go too far. Maybe your dad needs shorter leads!!!
We're so glad he's doing better. But perhaps the relentless huge one needs to come by and sit on him to keep him in control.
Or Lacie girl -- you have your ways too.
Mumsie, we're thinking about you and sending you tons of wirey love!!! Plus gazillions of wirey zen.
Jake and Just Harry and Mom
So glad to check in and see good news. Keep up the good work and we will keep up the paw crossing.
Awesome report - keep it coming. We are sure that Nurse Lacie will deliver lots of TLC to her Daddy.
Continued good thoughts and prayers.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hmmm, Lacie? Maybe there are some bedpans that need scrubbing to keep you out of trouble at the hospital. Don't want you biting anyone - those gowns don't have backs you know!
Slip Mumsie a soothing Coke smoothie and give her some reassuring kisses from your favorite Cairn terrier...you know, ME!
Your pal,
So glad to hear that your dad is feelin' better! I think Scruff, Stan and Lacie should put on a service dog vest and all go see Daddy. That would cheer him up for sure!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Oh Lacie,
That is such good news about your Daddi. Looks like your nursing skills are working wonders. But if you need any help, I can be there in a few hours with my nurse's cap.
We send lots of love, Koobuss kisses, zen, best wishes, and prayers to your Daddi so that he continues to make progress towards a speedy and complete recovery. And to Mumsie we send loads of hugs, Koobuss kisses, love, good luck, and patience as she tends to her patient.
Love and Lots of Extra Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family
Hi new friends...we are sending good thoughts your way
Benny & Lily
Maybe Lacie khan Skype some woofs and yaps and shrieks and SKHREAMS fur him -
Oh wait, if she just goes in the bakhkyard, he khan't help but hear her!
We are still sending lots of vibes your way - of khourse, we are having to REALLY let 'em rip so they khan khrakhk all the freakin' humidity out there!
Please take khare of each other too!
Khyra, Khousin Merdie, and Khyra's Mom
PeeEssWoo: Does he run on Khoke Zero too?
LACIEEEEEE what do you mean you are not going to the hospital????? GET IN THERE!!! You need to lick his face and give him kisses and stuff( this is advanced I know we haven't gone over it yet..but it is WICKED easy.... Tell Mumsie that all of us medical people MAKE THE WORST WORST PATIENTS she knows that,,But if I were Daddy I would listen to her.......BIG TIME BIG TIME....Call me if you need any help with the kisses part( tee hee Your brother is quite good at it...DID I SAY THAT OUTLOUD??) love and a million kisses A+A
With Lacie in all her nursey getup how will they know she's not a real nurse???
We got chew covered hew in Michigan.
Bobo and Meja and Mommy
Lacie, Scruffy, Stan and Mumsie. You have our strongest prayers, terrier tenacity, and good thoughts coming your way. We want to tell you that it is perhaps a given that all males are terrible patience(hehe, a pun) because Dad was (and still is) a bismal (whatever?) Muzzer HOLLERED at him in HBO language when she caught him lifting boxes...but we know he did it more than once.
Tell Mumsie that this is one time that spousal battery is allowed.
OH, actually, muzzer says she thinks Uncle George probably is a good patient.
Glad to know he is feeling much better now!
I still have my paws crossed!
Maybe Lacie can make one of her smoothies for him so he will be more relaxed!
Kisses and hugs
w00-fs, sooo glad daddy john is doing better..and mama says she knows about the heart monitor leads...heehee she says hers always use to come undone..and scare the peoples..mayb mumsie needs a lacie smoothie...and the prayers and crossed paws never stop..
b safe,
Ciao miei amici and dearest Mumsie!
I've been keeping my four paws crossed so tightly that my leggies are now all twisted up like a furry pretzel! La mia ragazza and I will continue to send lots of aire-zen and good thoughts your way, we promise!
Tanti baci!
Tanner is sending so many vibes I think he might pass out! But it is well worth it and we hope your dad is home with you soon!!
Sending you and your family the most positive thoughts there are!!
Glad to hear the sense of humour is back. Phew what a bloody fright. Lacie, keep up the good work nursing your dad. We're still sending airezen, loads of it.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy & D xxx
Lacie cakes, we hope they let you take care of daddy real soon, because, lets face it, you are clearly the best nurse around. When's he coming home?
Big hugs to Mama!
Silly human. I can't blame him not listening to the doctor's orders when he is feeling so much better. Just don't hook those heart monitors up to the beastie or you will send off all kinds of alarms.
Hey there Marilyn
I'm really sorry to hear about your hubby...please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and we hope he has a speedy and quick recovery.
Sending lotsaluv
YAY! Daddy's getting better!!
We are keeping those good thoughts coming your way!!
What wonderful news - just a fright for guys - We'll hold tight in our prayers and thoughts - Sending LOTS of AIREZEN....
You should ask Bogart's Mum LuLu how she got Bogart in to see his Dad...
Give Daddsie BIG Hugs and kisses and tell him - we're WOOOing for him...
Marilyn, so happy to hear that your hubby is on the mend. What a scare!!
Lots of love,
Daniella and Axel
I think you have ALL of the skills (and then some!) to get your Daddy back in tip top shape. I hope your blender blades are sharpened.
On second thought, I think Mumsie might need a smoothie more than Daddy right now. Momma says something about women being natural caregivers and worriers and trying to wear too many hats, not taking care of themselves, etc. Whatever momma.
We are still praying and praying. Thanks for the update, dear girl. If we did not live all the way in Okie-homa, we would bring ya over some dinners and maybe some smoothie additives.
Hooray! Thanks for the update! BTW, Lacie is sooo pretty in the nurse's cap. {blush}
Yay! I'm still sending the zen over the big one Lacie. Thank dog your Dadsie is on the mend. Sheese. Mom keeps interrupting. Something bout men cocking a deaf 'un when it suits. And how she agrees with Muzzer. Oh and how we are taking you and BFF Asta on a little holiday which Miss Enid arranged for you. As a treat after your nursing duties.
Keep making Mumsie some seriously strong smoothies. And give her licks of love from me...Eric xxxxMake
So glad that you are now on duty Lacie. I bet that helped to make your daddy better too. Sending my super WelshiePawPower to the eastcoast. XXX- Hootie
We love you and your hoomans & gotcha covered here in farrr N.Idaho. AireZen on it's way!
Dear Marilyn,Keeping you all in prayer.x-cassie
Hi Lacie!
Good to hear that your daddy is doing alright. Keep up your good work of staying by your mommy's side.
We continue to keep our paws crossed for your daddy and the rest of your family.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Woohoo! We caught word through the grapevine that your daddy is doing better. That was the news we were waiting for! It sounds like he's in good hands, including Mumsie's hands. Lacie, we're thinking you might want to whip up some of your smoothies for Mumsie ... and maybe she can slip THOSE into the hospital. Seems less risky than chasing a terrier down the halls.
Our prayers and best wishes and crossed paws and zen are still headed your way. We've just directed it slight west of north now. And we're counting on you to direct it to all the right spots.
Oh. One last thing. You look so qualified and professional, Lacie. Jake still has a hunkering to be a nurse. (Don't tell him I said so.)
Love you bunches,
Fergi (and Jake)
It's so good to hear that your Daddy is getting better Lacie. When he'll be home then you can give him licks and kissies :)
In the meantime we'll keep the Airezen flowing his way.
Lots o' Luv
Nelly & Finn xx
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