Here we terriers are in fine beggin' postion....Stanny and Lacie are a lot more serious 'bout it...lookit their tails compared to mine.....
But I digress...don't we look attractive sharin' those cookies with Daddy???
Thank you again for all your well wishes and prayers!!!....Mumsie respectfully suggests you point them toward makin' him take it easy....that's gonna be the toughest thing!!!
Just as long as he keeps those cookies comin' in our direction!!!
Pee's sooooooooooooo hot here I put a coolin' refreshin' header photo up. Lacie sez she could use some of that snow for her blender right about now!!!
Of khourse, I lokhked onto the new header pikh STRAIGHTAWAY!
Do woo have any idea what this stuff is doing to my tail?
ANYWAY, how khool to see woo taking such great khare of your daddy!
I'm sure that is just what he need -
although I would imagine he'd preskhribe a bit less SHRIEKIN'!!!
PeeEssWoo: Please make sure woo give Mumsie some love too!
Oh, snow - how do we get some here please???
So good to see your Dad up and about and looking so good - but tell him to take it slow and easy.
Have a good weekend and try to stay cool.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're not gonna tell you what fabulous weather we've been having here in farrr N.Idaho 'cuz we don't want the whole east coast to join us!! (You can send Lacie here if you want though.x-H.) Your dadsy is lookin' good and it's cool that he gives you treats at your whim. You must have him trained well. As far as rest goes, aren't docs the worst when it comes to following those orders?!
Keep cool.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
July 23, 2010 8:07 PM
Yeah, we agree. Takin' care of daddy patients is a bitch. No offense to Lacie and Teka intended.
We wish you all the best. Here is a trick.
When he lays down on the sofa to do a crossword doggie lays down along his side and pushes in tight against him. Then another doggie lays down across his knees. You guys have an extra, so maybe that one could bark at him when he tries to get up.
kisses to all
I can see, that you terriers are taking real good care of your dad!
Keep up the good work!
that's so nice that you are Taking such good care of the dad bean!
you have no idea how happy I am to see Dadsie looking so cheewie and stwong.
I think you should all sit on him,(pwovided that you have sevewal boxes of those and othew cookies neaw his hands)
this way, the tweats will keep coming and he will have to stay put, hehehe
tell Nuwse Lacie, I knew that Baylee was an imp awstow
thank you fow the snow..I suwe could use some to pouw ovew mommi , who is melting hewe
smoochie kisses
Glad to see that you guys are taking such good care of your dad! And when Mom saw your header picture, she just smiled - she likes hot weather, but she knows that we'll be bounding through the white stuff in No Time!
Keep up the good nursing work!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
Sure your Dad is generous!
I hope you all have a nice and relaxing weekend taking good care of him!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Scruff, Lacie & Stan - glad to see/hear you daddy is doing well. Your pals, Morgan & Maisie
Scruffers. Yep. Wagging good begging from Daddy. Though gotta bark they are sort of easy peasy targets. But getting Daddy's to take it easy...huh.. good luck with that one!! Hate to bark it but better get bossy Nurse Lacie on the case.
Wiry love and kisses Eric xxx
Lacie you make sure your daddy doesnt over do it giving you all those treatables.
Noah x
We moticed your header photo immediately! Wouldn't snow be a blessing right about now?!
Nilla Wafers are on my kidney-sparing diet so we know they're safe! We hope you get to eat plenty of them!
Tell your daddy to take it slow and easy, guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi you three, just catching up on your blog as I've been away,so glad your dads on the mend, its not nice when peeps get poorly. love the cooling header. But that piccey of you Lacie in your nurse's outfit Bow Wow, had me head spinning. Can I have it for my side bar, I'll put a linky to your blog from it, just let me know.
Hug and Kisses, to you Lacie George xxx
There couldn't be a happier picture.
Beastie better watch out. Daddsies are notorious for being free handed with the foodables. I think you are doing a fine job protecting the floor from wayward crumbs.
Yuh, it cooled off here yesterday but now it is like the jungle again. Stay cool my wirey pals.
You know we liked the header picture. We have kept snow in our header all summer long.
What a refreshing header picture! We know all about trying to keep daddys from doing too much! Good luck with that! It's great to see your daddy up and moving around! Now, you might have to sit on him! Get Stan to do other 2 would be too easy for him get out from under!
Penny & Patches
maybe if Lacie made some of her special smoothies for your daddy, he will get well extremely fast. but then you wouldn't get so many treats... we're glad you're home to watch over your daddy. keep those treats coming!
We are so pleased your dad is feeling so much better, tell him the most exersise he can do is throwing cookies.
I love nilla wafers!! we terriers have excellent begging skills!!! I'm glad you are getting some fun time with your daddy!!!
Love, Janie
I love nilla wafers!! we terriers have excellent begging skills!!! I'm glad you are getting some fun time with your daddy!!!
Love, Janie
Hey Scruffy, Lacie, & Stan,
Boy, it's great to see Daddy home. It's also great to see that he is so good at handing out the foodables. If you play your cards right (and you know how to do that, Scruffy) you guys should get lots of treats. All you have to do is shower him with love, attention, and kisses and you will be swimming in treats. I know. It works for me with Grandpaw. Hehe...
Love and Extra Koobuss Kisses for Everybody,
Brilliant to see your dad up and about.Make sure you take good care of him.
Treatables all day sounds pretty good!
Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
Wow....glad ta see yer Dad is up and about.....hope he learns ta mind his "Ps" and "Qs" and ta take it easy too......sometimes it just takes one scare ta get ya back on track....and Lacie....try ta be NICE, will ya ?
Dewey Dewster here....
we think the biggest treat of all is having your daddi home... loves and licks
Daddy is looking good thanks to all of your help!
WAIT A MINUTE HERE...I KNOW I AM A LITTLE BEHIND IN MY READING BUT SCRUFFY AND STANLEY ARE NOT I REPEAT NOT ASSISTANTS AND YOU ARE CORRECT SHE DOES NOT HAVE HER LICENSE YET..I have to sit down a minute.. being a head nurse is really too much pressure.. I would rather stay at the bedside.. and now with all the budget cuts and stuff... hoo boy Well we think Daddy is looking pretty fine( despite the fact he was being cared for by unlicensed individuals.. (she is smart though that one..) Keep those cookies rolling... How is the Spanish going?? Love A+A
Soooooooo glad that your daddy is home. I prayed really hard that he would make a recovery and soon be back with all of you at home. I know with all of you there you are taking great care of him. It is nice that he is staying home during the day for awhile to make sure all of you have plenty of treats.
Congratulations on your photo contest win! I hope your certificate arrived at your place. Your prize will soon be coming in the mail for you. The mom here hasn't shopped for me yet. Before she can go you need to email me with some of your favorite things you might like to have.
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