Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jackson Day

Our blog today is devoted to Jackson. His parents got a bad report from his latest round of tests and we are saddened and very worried about this. We are thinking about him and his family and flooding heaven with our prayers. Jackson has been our wise wiry leader for a long time and now we need to offer him and his family our support.
We're posting this picture of these prayer flags on Mt. Everest to represent the seemingly insurmountable troubles that Jackson has already overcome and to remind us that hope is always present and prayers that his current problems can be healed.
Today, tomorrow and the days to come are Jackson Day. We are thinking of him with love.
Scruffy, Lacie, Stan and Mumsie


Asta said...

Scruffy Lacie and babyStan
That is bootifully put..I hope those pwayews help..I'm devestated..
smoochie kisses

Eric said...

Scruffy Lacie and Baby Stan,Bless you, that was very moving, made me start crying again ...I'm praying so very hard for my special wirey hero.... Eric x x x x x

Deetz said...

The flags are flying high at my place

Unknown said...

Our healing thoughts are abounding as well. Sad coondog eyes ...

Koobuss said...

Scruffy, Lacie, BabyStan, and Munsie,

Please add our prayer flag to those already flying for dear, poor sweet Jackson. We are just devastated.

We pray that his tumor is operable and that he makes a complete recovery. We know that he is a survivor. Poor dear sweet Jackson has done it before. Now he will have to do it again. We are with him. We send him all the strength and support that we have!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Heartbroken Koobie and Family

Harry said...

It seems so unfair that dear Jackson has had so many health problems to deal with. We feel so, so sad, and worried.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Lacy said...

Very Sad woof's, me and mama iz heartbroken rite now. me keeps askin her iffin me friend Jackson will b ok...she keeps tellin me she not nos, but we has to keep our paws crossed and pray really hard..mama keeps makin water in her eyes...

very sad,
angel lacylulu
and mama..

Moco said...

We will be doing a special circle of healing vibes dedicated to Jackson.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Dear pals, thank you for this lovely post. It means the world to me to know that all my pals are rooting for me. J x

Duke said...

We're sending all the AireZen and healing thoughts that we can for our buddy! He just HAS to be okay!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Deetz said...

I have spread the word everywhere I can....I am already seeing flags flying...This was a great idea. Jackson was one of the first ones to welcome me and I hug and love him for that.

Peanut said...

we are sending jackson good thoughts

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, everyone -

This is such a good idea. We have just met Jackson and found out about his health problems and feel so bad. So unfair!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I heard about the prayer flags for Jackson from my good friend Deetz. I will post them and purray for Jackson too.

Unknown said...

I think those beautiful flags also represent all the many colors that Jackson has brought into our lives. I know he can feel the outpouring of love we are sending and every day.

Love to all my fuzzy-faced friends,


the many Bs said...

we are sending our most positive poodle vibes to Jackson. he is a tough guy. he will come through this.


Joe Stains said...

We are sad about Jackson too :( poor dude!

Kyanite said...

That is so touching - am in tears again!
Did my own post re the Jax earlier; should now be thinking of going to bed but can't.
He is so special to all of us.


Noah the Airedale said...

You've said it all in this post. It really is heartbreaking. We're sending Jackson all the positive thoughts we can muster and more.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Abby said...


I'm so sorry to hear Jackson's sad news...

Me & my Mom are praying for him & his family...

I am going to post the Prayer Flag on my Blog, too...

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

Amen..Love and kisses A+A

Snowball said...

I am having my paws crossed for Jackson.


Lorenza said...

Scruffy, Lacie and Stan.
I am so sad to hear about the news on Jackson health.
My mom is praying and i have my paws crossed for him.
Kisses and hugs

Princess Patches said...

This is a really great post for Jackson! Mom is making a mini Jackson wheelie, right now, and she's havin' trouble seein' it because her eyes keep leaking! We are praying as hard as we possibly can and sending all the Aire-zen we have!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Scruffy! Laci! BabyStan!!!! Nooooo this can't be happening! My Uncle Frisco has had the same problem, and he has made it thus far! Thank you for posting this!

I am totally on my way over to go sniff him out and send some terrier love. Right now I'm resting up my ESP powers!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan!
This is a beautiful post fur Jackson.
We're praying very hard fur him.
Lots of licks,
Maya and Kena

Kirby said...

I just love the prayer flags. They are just perfect for Jackson. I think if we all pray really hard we can help Jackson get better! Thank you for posting them, I think it will remind people of how much positive thinking and praying could help our pal.

Your pal,

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Guys...

Love the prayer's hopin' they stretch all the way across the ocean 'n right inta Jackson's house...we all want him to get better 'n soon.......

Dewey Dewster here......

Urban Smoothie Read said...

our prayers goes to beloved jackson

Dexter said...

That chicken story was disturbing... laid a Mango sized egg and lived to tell the tale? I think it might have been a fake because the egg they showed only looked about as big as my gajingles.


Anonymous said...

So nice of you all! I went over earlier and gave my thoughts...I sent lots of Aire-Zen...Everyone is good about sending it to me in my times of need (yucky blood tests for my liver)...I've got lots to share!

Love, Hercules