Sunday, November 11, 2007

This Is One Wacky House...

Good Day...Seymour here, Jackson's Wheeled Bud from the UK. Scruffy and Lacie are dressing for the party in Disneyworld but seem to be having some issues.

I took the lovely Lola out to dinner last night here in Pittsburgh. We went to a fab fish restaurant with an amazing view as you can see. I ordered was amazing. Perfectly seasoned and grilled. Somehow, I squirted catsup all over our waiter's face. Um, Lola decided to give him a good cleaning. The last we saw of him was when he leaped through the plate glass window. We thought we heard a faint splash as he hit the river. That Lola' s quite the licker.


One happily kielbassi stuffed Seymour.....

Scruffy and Lacie still seem a bit fatigued from their visit to New York City to see Asta. They ran in here to grab their suits for Disneyworld. you see an issue here?????????

Scruff, that bikini is WAYYYYYY to small.....

Lacie, I just don't know what to say. You don't have a top on....your trunks are huge.

I think I hear Aire Ruby.....Toodles!


Duke said...

I think maybe the two of you better switch bathing suits! That bikini is just a wee bit revealing on Scruffy! YIKES!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

oh boy those two dogs sure are silly, but we love reading about them so thanks for the update. Your dinner with Lola sounds fabulous!

Gus said...

Um, seymour, if you are in charge, you gotta straighten the suits out yourself. I would get in trouble with miss Snickers

Stanley said...

I vote that you two switch back your swimsuits too! I can't bear to see Scruffy in that bikini!

Seymour, has the fair Lola told you whether or not you are now her main squeeze? Inquiring minds want to know!

Goober love,

Lorenza said...

Sure those two made me (and my mom too!) laugh a lot with your outfits!
Sounds like you had a great time with Lola!
Have a good night

Headgirl said...

You do make me laugh!
A great way to start a Monday morning...

Pats & pets

Mojo, Digger and family said...

Scruffy! Forget the Village People! Please!!!!

Tell me when I can take my paws from over my eyes.

I've never heard of Kielbassi, but it sure looks good. I managed to steal some raw fish the other night when mum was cooking, but it was only boring old cod.

Keep on living it up, you lot. I'm loving hearing about your adventures.

hairy hugs

Harry said...

Yikes, that bikini is quite frightening! I think I need a lie down after that.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Patience-please said...

Scruffy might get arrested for indecent proposure!!! Besides, that is way ouch squishy on your boy parts, Scruff...

squeamishly yours-
Very Old Dog, Fat Charlie, Luciano, and Sam I Am (the boys of the whippet waggle.Swede William is too young to have a clue, and we did NOT let the girls see this.)

Agatha and Archie said...

SCRUFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!isn't that a little um....PAINFULL??????We couldnt' goo to Disney because Agatha is a little under the weather.Hope you got someone to do the teacups with you!! Love A+A

Asta said...

Oh Seymour
You'we cewtainly going to have a vewy intewesting stay..I don't see what the waitew' spwoblem was with getting Lola to clean him?
Did you tell Lacie that she should weaw hew own bikini???ummmScwuffy looks like one of those Oowopean Gigolos in that bikini,hehehe
glad you'we having fun..I miss evewyone!
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

Revealing indeed on Scruffy! My goodness, I'd put a warning on before that post (just joking)! Have fun! I'd just go skinny dippin' if I were you Scruffy!
