Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is Springing!!!

So we all headed out in the yardie today...Scruffy and his infernal eternal frisbee...if it's not that, it's his ball....
Here's Stan and I practicing our posing...Royal Wedding is coming up...have to get in shape for the Pupperazzi!!
If you bigify this you can see Stan's's really creepy....
He's giving me the eye....
And I'm givin' it right back....
Since when are Foxie Wires, Retrievers?????
Standin' here with his mouth open...that's Scruffy.
Ahh....the first Roach of Spring....


Miss Lacie Cakes


Duke said...

The first roach of spring feels the best, doesn't it, Lacie?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Wyatt said...

Yay, nothing like grass under yer paws and all over your back!!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Roaching is grrrreat anytime.. butt you are RIGHT.. the furst one of the spring is the very bestest. Grass and mud and NO SNOW!

You three surely had a good day.

Dexter said...

Lacie! Have you been working on your highlights again? Your furs seem so sparkly in the roaching photo.

Don't tell me you are going to the wedding with your brother? LOSER!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are all enjoying the feel of the grass under our paws too. We bigified that picture, we see Stan's eye - very odd, Lacie - what exactly was he looking at?


Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The Easter Bunny said woo don't need any kharob eggs or jelly beans -

Something about not enough khotton fur your tail -


Asta said...

That fiwst Woach of Spwing looks delicious..i can feel the gwass giving me scwitchies..ahhhh, dweams

Anyway, Laciekins, umm, I don't think that pose of youw dewwiew (wif baby Stan looking whewe no bwovvew should )is a flattewing one to pwactice fow the woyals .
btw, I can not deny it..Scwuffy and I DO come fwom a most attwactive stock, but awe you insinooating that I look mascooline?
smoochie kisses

Two French Bulldogs said...

yippE spring is in the air
Benny & Lily

Gus said...

Lacie et al:

Your grasses are lovely!

And poor Scruffman, I will try talking to him about that retrieving thing.


WFT Nobby said...

If I were the paparazzi I know who I would be photographing on 29th April...
Toodle pip!

Maxmom said...

Its wonderful to see you celebrating spring while we wait for our winter. Thankfully our pooches are also still roaching. Oh yes, BTW - you guys look pretty
and 'in-shape' for that royal event.
Sending lotsaluv

Oskar said...

I was just roaching in something I found left over in the yard. I smell great!

Nubbin wiggles,

TwoSpecialWires said...

We've gotta learn to roach. We can tell we're really missin' out on SomethingSpecial. Can we come back and you can teach us?

Jake and Fergs

George The Lad said...

Lacie cakes are you sure they will let you in to the UK for the wedding!! Oh I forgot you have your own plane ;)
Don't forget to pick me up on the way I live about 139 miles from London and mom and dads not thinking of going ;(
I think we have spring here its been the hotest three days of the year more live summer.
have a good weekend
See Yea George xxx

George The Lad said...

More live summer!! I ment to say more like summer, blow it I'm off for a beer

Asta said...

Calm down Lacie you'we supposed to be a pwofeesional Nuwse sheeesh..You know if she goes into labow all you have to do is call me and I'll be wight thewe sheeesh..I had this invitatipn way befowe she gots pwegnant. HAve Scwuffy go wif you meantime, since you think he looks like me anyway, he can just take my shift, hehehe
smoochie kisses
nuwse on leaveAsta

Mayank said...

Spring is the most lovely season. Nice pics. Keep the good work going.

Amber-Mae said...

Bet it felt SO good roaching on that fresh green grass!

Web Design Company said...

I would love to roll on that green grass. Spring, the most pleasant season.

Asta said...

LAcie Beeochikins
I'm pawsitive those awe not demewits in hew pocket..didn't you see whewe Aggie confessed that she was the BIGGEST in hew litte..Pssst, don't tell anyone, but I think those awe just hew hips..nothing in hew pockets
smoochie kisses