So um there might have been a little incident at Bark in the Park last week. Mumsie and I went by ourselves for some Mumsie/Lacie Quality time. And she had a new collar on me....and to say I didn't like it would be an understatement.
This hoooooooooooooooooooge Golden gets right up in my, not this puppy, but a full grown creature who musta whispered somethin' bout my mother. Besides, she had some lovely highlights, that I wanted.
Evidently, I didn't respond "in an appropriate fashion," cuz Mumsie and I went to a one on one training class this week. (And yes, the Golden squealed like a big cry baby...tattle tale....)
Mumsie here....I'm pretty sure there is a WANTED poster up at the park with Lacie's face on it. She seems to have removed more than a bit of fur from the Golden. I wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it.
I wasn't happy. Till I saw what I had to do....
Amy, the trainer, brought out this hooooooooge carob Lab who was so fat he looked stuffed. All I had to do was LOOK at the Lab, and make eye contact with Amy. And not REACT.
I decided then and there to de-fur every Golden I see from now on if it means class and ROAST BEEF.
Life is good. And never dull around here!!
Lacie Beef er Beastie!!!