Monday, October 22, 2012

Summer Flashback!!!

Summer flashback...we never posted these, but thought you'd like to meet our rubber chickens....note my best side is facing the camera....
Miss the pool....sadly it's been put away for the winter.....
There is nothing more delectable than fresh bird.....especially with a squeaker!!
The Beastie's makeup seems to have slipped....
Now Stan loves the chickens....but, boy, was he ever thirsty.....
See how the Beard of the Dale drips? Now move that into the house....EWWWWWWWWWWW....

Happy kid....

Action photo of foxie running with chicken....


I'm starting to smell him.....

 Off kilter study of fox terrier with a bird in mouth.....summer's over....and the chickens are living on the shelf in our laundry room....they come out when Mumsie sez least she hasn't cooked them yet!!! XXOO Lacie Beast


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Wow -

It took THAT long to upload the furst pikh it khouldn't post 'til NOW?


Jake of Florida said...

We have house chickens that are all season..except they squeak so loud we aren't allowed to play with them for more than ten seconds.

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Ruby said...

OMD! OMD! Grandpa got me that flamingo....I bit a hole in it's throat!!! Yup. Deaded it. Can I borrow yours?....



pees: What's wrong with the 'Dale beard' drippies?? Ma has like 4 'beard towels' just for this purpose. Otherwise....puddles. LOTS of puddles....

WFT Nobby said...

I want one of those chickens. Please please please! I don't care if Gail has to go all the way across the Pond to buy me one.

Unknown said...

Loving the chickens. Cool! Have a great Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We have a couple of chickens. They're behind our toy basket smushed up against the wall and sorta wedged there. Molly hasn't discovered them yet or they'd probably be history!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Dexter said...

Knowing your mumsi, you might want to put a "do not cook" sign on those chickens. I think that Scruffer might have a little lab in him. Excellent retrieve with no punctures.


Gus said...

We have killed several of those chicken things, and they are delicious when stewed with dumplings. (gotta cook them a while because the rubber i a bit tough)

But we have never had a flamingo. Muzzer has a choice. Find a flamingo or we call the ASPCA.

gussie n teka

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD So much WONDERFUL summer FUN all packed on one post. Love the whole thingy.. BUTT I don't understand WHY you can't have your BIRDS.. ALL the time.

Asta said...

Well, Laciekins
, I can see that you used one of Mumsie's wecipes and mawinated that chicken in Cat Chup fow weeks, it does look tastiew than the gwey embalmed one(not one of yoow bettew wecipes)
I think you should be able to eat them yeaw wound..aftew all a tewwiew needs hew pwo teen
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

Hi Laciekins
how's the yawd in scotland? bet you gots lots of phone numbews fwom those Bond type guys..wemembew, they like theiw pawtinis shaken, not stiwwed, hehehe
yes, Mommi knitted me that sweatew..she coold make one fow you, but hasn't found any puwple goats yet
smoochie kissses

Amber-Mae said...

Hey guys!!! Remember me? And wow nice pictures! And it looks like that rubber ducky is screaming for its life to be spared lol!

Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

Thank dog, we managed a few moments of Peace I love all of you
smoochie kisses

Jenny Watson Blogs said...

WOW! It is really an awesome post especially the last picture is looking so cool thanks for sharing.

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Willis Peyton said...

All the pics are looking gorgeous thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.
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The Black and Tans. said...

Happy New Year we hope you have a brilliant 2013

Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

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Unknown said...

It is really an awesome post especially the last picture is looking so cool thanks for sharing.
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Panharith said...

Grandpa got me that flamingo....

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World of Animals, Inc said...

What great summer flashback photos. You are all having so much fun with your chickens. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals