Sunday, April 29, 2012

For the Love of Purple and Yes, We've Been Gone Forever!

 Okay, we've been gone so long, blogger has gone and changed everything and now we load our pix forwards instead of backwards??? Wow...progress!!! So this is the newest pic of the Little Kitten on her one month birthday....she's just under 7 lbs and is not nearly as cute as I am seems to prefer purple. Well, one of those details like the purple preference pertains to MOI, Lacie....Isn't she a cutie...I had just cracked a joke here.....laughing her diaper off.....(love this strikethrough font too...very convenient!!)
 Now we have Scruffy looking like his usual idiot self and Stan looking regal. Or something.
 The Lacie's Best Side...sometimes those horizontal stripes should just go vertical.
I have teeth...little Kitten Baby doesn't know how to grow those yet. The Lacie is advanced for her age. Not old...just advanced. 

Lookie at how SYM MET RIC OWL I am. My mother taught me that...prance with straight legs and sit properly.
As for licking my the Baby can't do this yet. Not only am I cuter than she is, I am far more talented.

Nuff Said.

                             Miss Lacie Cakes


Dexter said...

Lacie Cakes! I forced momma to break our blogging fast and let me review your new outfit. I admit that the constant exposure to the lurid purple walls of the dog cave have curiously rewired my mentals to feel happy when I see that color. So, I felt rather calm looking at what I suspect is your new swimsuit.

I see that in your mature wisdom you are now going for the full skirt edition instead of the bikini. It's only right. You aren't getting any younger and the skirt is quit flattering for full sized gals.


Sally Ann and Andy said...

You look great! I think that both you and the baby are very talented. You have to come to my wedding.
Sally Ann and Andy

Two French Bulldogs said...

we say you are looking terrific!
Benny & Lily

Asta said...

Yipeeeeee, finally I have a new pictoowe of you fow my collection
, oh , yes, the baby kitteh, well of couwse she's adowbull. Aftew all she has youw geens and I'm happy to see she has yoow sense of hoomow and taste in puwple
, now back to you..i just love youw new sundwess..obviously Mango is not up on the latest styles and thinks you've given up bee kee knees. Sheeesh i think you should send him a subscwiption to the latest fashion magazines

Bwing this dwees when you come, I'll have my dwessmakew copy it (it's fwightfully hot hewe all of a sudden. Didn't weelize I had moved to the twopics)

Pleez give my love to ,y gwama Scwuffy and that weegal Stan

Smoochie kisses
Yoow BFF

gusdaggerwft said...

Miss Lacie Cakes...muzzer says "old age and cunning beat out young and cute all the time."

nuff said.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Lacie!
The little baby is adorable!
I am happy to see you all!
Kisses and hugs

WFT Nobby said...

Lacie, are we catching a wee whiff of jealousy emanating from this post?
I hope not.
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

Little Kitten is just too precious and you are looking stunning as always, Lacie!

Love ya lots,

Fred said...

Lacie, I think we might be soul mates on this New Girl/Kitten thing. Bless their's hard to compete with everything we can do (not to mention our fluff advantage). ;P

Koobuss said...

And you are a lot older than she is, too! Ooops... Sorry, Lacy.

Hi Scruffy...

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What Mango so WISEly pawed!

Just Sayin'


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Would you like to be a bridesmaid in my Wedding? You are very fashion foward, and I just know you would be a perfect bridesmaid.
Sally Ann

Asta said...


ummm, do you happen to have someone who could die that lovely sun dwess a nice shade of owange and lend it to me?

just askin'

smoochie kisses youw nekkid giwlfwiend

Winston said...

My Sweet Lacie,
How in da Wowld did I miss dis postie? I must apallOhgise fow my lateness!

Fiwst , dat baby kitten is adowabull..Mom wants to know if dat is hew Chwistening dwess?

As fow you, my sweetness, you wook loveelwee as always!
You furiend,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That hooman kiddo is very cute, Lacie. Hootie is over here saying you are cuter too...You sure have him bamboozled. bol.

Nice bumm! he he. Don't you dare tell my finace I said that.
An Anonymous Terrier

Martha said...

Oh my, a human baby!!! What fun - but you are right of course nowhere near as cute as you Lacie!
You wear it well........!
We too found blogger somewhat confusing - well our humans are getting even older and take a while to pick up anything new these days.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx

Willow the Black Dale said...

Lacie....I have been gone forever and I come back and you go and have a human on me!!! Wow what a cutie!

As always you are the true beauty but your human baby is the true "cutie" can't compare can we? ;)

Ruby said...

That hooman pup is sooo cute!
Not as cute as you, Lacie, but still adorable!
Hey, when you guys get back, I gave you a bloggie award. Drop on over and check it out!



Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratz to ur new family addition.

lacie, i'm sure ur are more talented and cuter. maybe u can help in training her to be as talented as u r

Unknown said...

Your baby is really cute, and I'm sure that you have a great playtime :D

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Tucker said...

Mango said you weren't feeling well. I just wanted to hop over and say I hope you are feeling better sooners.

crossed paws.

Nancy at the Farm said...

Lacie Beast,

Mango sent us over and we came the minute we heard you were having a hard time. Please take care of yourself and get lots of rest. You are a very important dog here in the blog-o-sphere. And Mango said HE LOVES YOU on his blog!! Can you believe it? We can barely assimilate this new facet of the Mangomeister!

Keeping you in our prayers,

Love, Dozer and Cooper

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Lacie! We heard rumors from the RH that the evil Seize-her Monster had paid you a most unwelcome visit! We will keep our paws crossed that he got the wrong house and won't ever come back your way again!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

ScrapsofMe said...

Lacie, we are sending woofie kisses and special purple healing smoothies to you.
Bonnie the wee Scottie and her sissie Kenzie

WFT Nobby said...

We heard from Mango that Lacie had suffered a seizure, and are just stopping by to wish her well.
Believe it or not, Lacie, we actually miss you...
Toodle pip!

Duke said...

We just came from Mango's blog, Lacie! How dare the seizure monster even think of messin' with you!
Our paws are crossed that he NEVER even thinks of visiting you EVER again!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Babycakes, let me unleash the cracker on the seizure monster for you. No monster messes with my crumb cake!
You just sream the word, and i will release the cracker!

Winston said...

Oh Miss Lacie,
I have come bearing gifts, two stuffies and a box of yummy treats to help make you feel better. Also, I have brought my Trusty Sword to slay the Evil Seizure Monster! How Dare He Visit our Lacie!!

Please tell me you are feeling better. Chloe and Cecil are sending purrs, Mom is praying real hard for your recovery and I'm sending Wirey hugs to you!
Tell you Mom we are thinking about her too!

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World of Animals, Inc said...

Laci, you look so wonderful in the photos. The color purple really looks great on you. Thanks for sharing. We hope you are having a wonderful start to your week.
World of Animals