What Stan??? I WAS SUPPOSED TO PUT WATER IN THE BOWLS???? But Lacie had her BLENDER right next to all the bowls....I filled them right up to the brim!!! I wasn't supposed to have done that???? Oh. My bad......(Scruffy gets his tennis ball and tosses it a bit....major stress reliever....)
Hoooo boy....THEY ARE BLOTTO......
Squirrels ! No wonder there's mayhem ... and a blender.
Omd!SQUIWWELS and all the cwa kews awe com a toss? Sheeesh what was in that blendew Lacie? Now you've done it
You'd bettew come hide out hewe and bwing youw mops. We have slushy floows
Smoochie kisses
I hope I can type the words without a secret decoder ring...
Oh squirrels, what joy! We love show ring mayhem.
Sheesch....we can't READ THE STOOPID WORD VERIES...maybe we are robots.....
BOL!!!!!! We definitely need one or two of those MOPs!!! BOL
Hmmmmm....we loves the mopsies, but wonder if they don't leave as many messes as they pick up?
gussie and teka
Oh Beastie! Shame on you. I don't have enough alka seltzer at the estate for all those dizzy cracker critters. Maybe you should focus on trying to get a date with Bad Sport Allred.
Hi Guys,
I hear those mops are pretty good. They have feet, I think, and that helps them to go pretty fast.
As for the squirrels, now I know where they all went to. I haven't seen any for a while. Here I thought I got rid of them all. Oh well.
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Hmmm ... Allred also crossed Abby's mind. Perhaps he has relapsed and placed Lacie and Scruffy under an Imperious Curse? Although why Allred would be bothered to curse the Cracker contestants is a question. Perhaps Lacie is pretending to be under the influence of an Imperious Curse from Allred? Wheels within wheels. Either way, poor Scruffy is likely to need a case of tennis balls to relieve his stress before this is over. We assume the Beastie has already offered the Mango sanctuary on her estate.
Jed & Abby
Awwweee Sweetcheeks, it's like you and I were born cracker-mates. That is my kind of killer-diller fun. And a perfect present for all my hard work.
You're aces with me, Dollface! Now lets you and me go nibble one...
Never caught a squirrelie before, but I have caught a couple of rats...so I think I can help ya clear the ring!
There isn't a spec of dust on your floors! You're hired!
Love ya lots,
Yep, We thinks that Lacie should be entering Bad Sports next year! She can be all cracker and bad at the same time... not that would be any different than usual!
Lacie, my love, you know I'm the greatest squirrel hunter this side of heaven. Remember, just a few months ago, I nailed one of those critters! Yep, I took him down in one fast sweep of the paw.
Dad wanted to mount the head, Mom said NO!
I see the Dingo man is trying to Wooooooooo you! Hmmmmmmm
Anywho, I would love to come over and share your blender drink...was that a Pink Squirrel mixture, hope so cuz it's one of my favorites!
I'm good at clearing rats, I am sure I could clear squirrels(I can't spell), but I don't do clean up. I shake and leave. Maybe some of the cats could do the clean up?
Sally Ann
I think my FLOOOOOOFY tail is bigger than those so khalled 'dogs' -
PeeEssWoo: It was SO windy on my walk I think some of ME is now residing in Master Chew Sits!
PeePeeEssWoo: Please make the nasty nasty word thingie go away - comptroller etedcki with an ink blob on the etedcki??? WTF!?!
Crikey..squirrels and tree rats?
We're concussed!
Happy Sunday
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Lacie, baby, a voodoo doll? how come you do me like you do? Let's face it: you're clean out of the cracker category, BIS in a category ALL your own! You're untouchable sweetcheeks. Now go blast yourself whacky with that pink blender of yours and serve yourself up a Squirrel Martini with an olive. I'll send a crew of chip-n-dales to entertain you. Oh wait... maybe that's not such a good idea...
Wow, you guys are good in household choirs! Help your lovely Mom cleaning your home. thumbs up for that guys Woof!
It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence
Miss Ricecakes,
You know it gives me a large charge anytime you shine me your chompers. Shine 'em Miss Hotcakes, shine 'em wide and bright!
I'm glad you're making yourself right at home. It's nice to know what you'd like, such as a Grande hot carob. I'd like one of those too. When you find out where to get one, can you order me up one too? Or since you're already offering to shake the cow for the milk, you may as well whip up two hot carobs for us. And as long as you're up making your light breakfast, you wouldn't mind throwing on a few more eggs and bacon in the pan for me, I'm sure. So knock yourself out in the kitchen Cupcake!
As far as the tea, well, ain't no Lipton here unfortunately. My old lady said somethin’ about Lipton being for the “half-hipped.” She’s a bit of a tea nut herself and uses that strainer thing. And sure, sometimes the strainer can send her to the headshrinker, so she also has plenty of the real good stuff from China where the leaves are wrapped up in tiny little green balls. You just throw the balls of green tea in the hot water and they open up like pretty flowers and settle on the bottom of the cup. I guarantee, it will pull you dead to the curb.
As far as your accommodations: While we don’t have window boxes with purple flowers, this ain’t exactly a hole in the wall joint. We have plenty of puffy things you can lay on here. Some may “moo.” Some may “bah.” Take your pick, Babycakes!
You can call my mom Auntie CrackerMom, or "ImmaGonnaLoseIt" or "INeedMedication"... seems like that's all she says these days. Or you can call her Wild Dingo.
Now about that kiss... I wouldn't think of it. You just enjoy that bubble bath and rest your weary eyes and chompers. Afterall, this isn’t a Flordia Honeymoon. You catch my drift?
Lookin' forward to you getting’ your kicks here in Kicksville with us. Hope your mumsie gave you some dollars to walk and wake up with. You’re gonna need it in this country Miss Shortcakes!
Ps. You can tell your mumsie, not only is that view from the office window, but the office is a 30-foot commute from the bedroom and has a miniature kitchenette in it so she doesn’t have to go all the way downstairs (50 feet) to make her “tasse de thé de Chine.”
We just looooove your new dustmops! Those are some pretty HUGE skwerrels!
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