Monday, October 25, 2010

How to Have a Trim Backside, Lacie Style!!!

Now George, the Lad asked me this morning if my mom WAS HOLDING ME UP IN THE AIR for the pic I submitted for Twinkie's Show Me Your Bum Contest...

As if....

Now I've given interviews before on how I keep my derriere so trim...and I so emulate Miss Sunshade with her strong Muscular Backside....

In one sentence...YOU GOTTA WORK IT....

Sit back for a viewing of the Lacie doin' just that...

Gettin' some aire in the fab to bounce off the door!

Dryin' my fur post shower....back view...lookit my reflection in the mirror!

Fur dryin', side strings, photoshop or ladders...just one muscle butt!

Other ways to afternoon aerobic class....terrier style....


Sheesch, he's slow....gonna give you a bit of a bite on the butt, Scruffy!

Lookit the Dale...some King of the Terriers...we know which breed rules the Terriers.....

All four paws in the also studying ballet in Paris...on the side...

A terrier's KEEN OF EYE....I'm keen alright...on chasin' my brothers...

HAHAHAHAHAAAA...another example of the graceless Dale.

I'm closin' in Scruffy! Lookit at how tight his paws are together...amazing he doesn't trip and fall flat on his foxy face....

WHAT? You are giving ME lip???? You will pay.....oh...and for the alert readers this is a classic example of how we Lakies run stiff's a mom made me practice with empty paper towel rolls as a pup....

Move it, AIRE BREATH!!!!

A lady never sweats...just a bit of dew on my fur.....
Beastie Muscled Derriere Girlie


Two French Bulldogs said...

You sure know how to work it! BOL. You look like my Lily always with her gushy jumping somewhere
Benny & Lily

George The Lad said...

Lol Bol!! OK OK, I take it back you sure are a good mover, did you have training from a Kangaroo lol!!!
The records straight, I can see from the evidence you are truly capable of jumping that high, and scaring the heck out of Scruffy and!!
You are one cute, bum busting, spring jumping dog, and I loves yea ;)
George xxx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, you really do know how to work it, Lacie. Do you and your brothers ever stop? We all need to go take another nap after chasing you around all those photos.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Gus said... have a great photographer. Makes you look wonderful.


Sally Ann and Andy said...

You sure can run fast! Can you climb out of a crate?
Sally Ann

Inky and Molly said...

That's quite impressive young lady. No wonder you have buns of steel. We have seen our friend Eric employ a similar technique but have never tried it ourselves.

Agatha and Archie said...

Whoa ..... Scruffy is running almost flattened GEESSH WHO KNEW YOU HAD SUCH a vigorous work out!!!! The boys almost look nervous he hee hee her Ya know what else?? Scruffy. WICKED looked like Archie in those pics .... Hmmmmmmmm love. A and za

Wyatt said...

Holly smokes, you are a force to be reckoned with! You keep the brothers on their toes!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Just think how toned woo khould be if woo had a real tail khomplete with FLOOOOOOF!

As fur Wilson, wasn't he a dream? Mom lost khount of how many times she told him he was handsome!

Thanks fur sending your rain - it has just recently made it akhross the Pawsylvania Pyrenees WITH a vengeance -

The Doggy Nanny, Fred, and Mom went to dinner earlier and on the way home Mom pawmitted those khrazy deer to decide if they wanted to khross now or wait until they passed -

As fur the govie race, Mom is sadly voting against one so I guess that means fur the other ;-)

Hope your furs aren't TOOOOOO frizzed - I bet they'll dry furry nicely on the Purple Mango LOVE Bed!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins
PeeEssWoo: Still in mourning about Saturday's game ;-(

Noah the Airedale said...

STANLEY MATE what are you doing. You're a big strong dale.... Blimey !!!! Laciecakes be nice to the boys will ya!

Noah x

Stanley said...

Lacie, Lacie, Lacie Girl!

You are one formidable sissy, not to mention that majorly muscled butt you're sporting. You make your workouts look effortless, but don't let Stella know your secrets. She already thinks she fiercer than FIERCE!

I'm prayin for your bros.

Goob love,

Stanley said...


You are the best possible spokespup for us Lakie girls! You've got it and you're more than willing to flaunt it. I like your attitude and your style.

Would that I could catch the kind of aire you do on a regular basis. I DID happen to get over the kiddie gate my girl put up one day to keep me in the bathroom. hehehe. She's still trying to figure out how I did that.


Goobery love and itty bitty lakie kissies,
Stella Bean Latifah

Fred said...

What a workout! I wish I could jump like that! (And we're not fat...just fluffy.)

WFT Nobby said...

Ooh Lacie, I'm just getting to that age when a young lad starts to experience all sorts of, you know, new 'feelings'. Like the urge to cock my leg. And, well, looking at all those pictures of your splendid muscular rear end, I'm quite beside myself...
Toodle pip!

Eric said...

Lacie devilsfoodcak...I mean angelcake. Mumsie took some smashing photo's of you being exerorcised I mean exercising...whatever it seems to be working. You look aaaaaallllmost fabulous n foxy for a flakie Lacie Lakie.

Wiry love Eric xxxxx

julee said...

Lacie this was a great exercise video of sorts. Thanks for the tips!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Lacie. You are my role model. I hope you know that. You fool others into thinking you're ... shall I say ... a spitfire, when really you are gentle, polite and oh-so-charming. (Remember? I saw nothing but those qualities in you.) And such a svelte figure you sport. I"m trying my best to follow your model ... you saw me working my glutes, jumping up on the BigBed. Didn't you?

Trying my best,
Fergi (with Jake's encouragment)

Joe Stains said...

Oh how I have missed you guys. Tanner too, yours is the only butt that makes his look small!

The Thuglets said...

Way to go girl!

Brillo paws piccies..not just a mover but wha a jumper!!

Looks as mad as our place!

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Orlando Web Design said...

I think Katie also want's to be educated. That's why, reading the books :)
Great collection of pics..

doyle and mollie said...

you truely are the scariest one of them all lacie... we thinks you are a one of a kind fur sure loves and licks xxx

Dexter said...

Well, I have never seen so many funballs action shots of your wee self in one post. I must say that is quite the workout you have.

Given all that exercise, it is a wonder how your butt still manages to be huge. Particularly after the liposuction. You must be big boned.


P.S. Momma just LOVED this photo series. She kind of missed the point I think because she was just SQUEEE'ing the whole time.

Huskee and Hershey said...

We are going to print out your post and let our mom read it cos we think her bum needs some work. Thanks for sharing your booty (no pun intended) secrets with us!

Hollie and Janie said...

You never fail to entertain me! You are such a feisty girl! love it!